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RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2021

Publication date:
19 May 2020
PDF (90.4 KB)


Further to the outcome of the voting results of the General Meeting held in May 2019 on different fee models, the Executive Board concluded that the existing model still provides the most suitable offer to our members in terms of equality, best matches the RIPE NCC’s governance model and is the simplest model.

The Charging Scheme model is based on the principle that members pay an annual contribution (service fee) per Local Internet Registry (LIR). Members also pay additional fees for independent and legacy Internet resources. New members or additional LIR account registrations also pay an additional one-time sign-up fee alongside their annual contribution.

The Executive Board proposes to continue with this model in 2021.

RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2021

In the current environment, the membership development is difficult to forecast due to the growth in the membership in recent years. Therefore, for 2021, the annual contribution (service fee) per LIR account will remain at EUR 1,400.

Every year, members can decide to vote at the General Meeting to return excess paid fees via a redistribution to the membership.

The separate charge of EUR 50 per Independent Internet Number resource assignment will be continued. Resources falling under this charge are: IPv4 and IPv6 PI assignments; Anycast assignments; IPv4 and IPv6 IXP assignments; and Legacy IPv4 resource registrations through a sponsoring LIR. AS Numbers are excluded from this charge.

Charge basis: per LIR account
Annual fee: EUR 1,400 per LIR account + (EUR 50 per Independent number resource assignment - see definition above)
Sign-up fee: EUR 2,000

Billing and Invoicing

The Independent Internet number resource information for members will be determined based on data gathered on 31 December 2020. Invoices will be sent in the first quarter of 2021.

Legacy Internet Resource Holder Fees

The fee for Legacy Internet Resource Holders that engage in a direct agreement with the RIPE NCC is identical to the annual fee per LIR account for this year. There is no sign-up fee for Legacy Internet Resource Holders that conclude a separate direct agreement with the RIPE NCC. There is no sign-up fee for Legacy Internet Resource Holders that become members and do not request any additional Internet number resources from the RIPE NCC. If a Legacy Internet Resource Holder requests additional Internet number resources after becoming a member, the sign-up fee will be charged at this later stage, and in a way identical to that in which the membership sign-up fee is charged.