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Policy for Inter-RIR Transfers of Internet Resources

Publication date:
09 Apr 2015
  • RIPE
Working Group
Address Policy Working Group
Update reason
PDF (44.8 KB)
 The transfer of Internet number resources is governed by the RIPE Document, "RIPE Resource Transfer Policies".


This policy describes the transfer of Internet number resources between a resource holder within the RIPE NCC service region and a resource holder within the region of another another Regional Internet Registry (RIR).


1.0 Introduction

1.1 Scope

2. Transferring Internet Resources to the RIPE NCC Service Region

3. Transferring Internet Resources from the RIPE NCC Service Region

1.0 Introduction

This policy outlines the rules for Internet number resource transfers between the RIPE NCC and other RIR service regions.

1.1 Scope

The policy for transferring Internet number resources to or from the RIPE NCC service region will apply to any type of Internet number resources for which there is a transfer policy within the RIPE NCC service region. With this policy, legacy resources can be transferred to or from the RIPE NCC service region, in spite of the fact there is no specific transfer policy for them.

While the transfer is in process, during the time the internet number resources are registered in the RIPE NCC service region, then RIPE policies will apply. 

2.0 Transferring Internet Resources to the RIPE NCC Service Region

The RIPE NCC shall accept all transfers of Internet number resources to its service region, provided that they comply with the policies relating to transfers within its service region.

For transfers from RIR regions that require the receiving region to have needs-based policies, recipients must provide a plan to the RIPE NCC for the use of at least 50% of the transferred resources within 5 years.

3.0 Transferring Internet Resources from the RIPE NCC Service Region

When transferring Internet number resources to another RIR, the RIPE NCC will follow the transfer policies that apply within its own service region. The RIPE NCC will also comply with the commitments imposed by the receiving RIR in order to facilitate the transfer.