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Supporting Notes for Temporary Internet Number Assignment Request Form

Publication date:
22 Apr 2013
PDF (77.2 KB)

Please note: all email-based request forms have been archived on the website and are available through the LIR Portal. You can find an announcement about this here.

To request resources from the RIPE NCC, members should now use the request forms in the LIR Portal.

The Resource Request API and accompanying documentation is available for members with workflows that prevent them from using the LIR Portal request forms.



This document contains instructions for LIRs on how to complete the "Temporary Internet Number Assignment request form".

The instructions are based on the following policy documents:

  1. IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy for the RIPE NCC Service Region
  2. IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy
  3. Autonomous System (AS) Number Assignment Policies
  4. Temporary Internet Number Assignment Policies
  5. Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region


General Information

% Please add your RegID.
request-type: temp-assign
form-version: 1.1
x-ncc-regid: nl.bluelight

Please do not change the value of the "request-type:" and "form-version:" fields.

Enter your Registry Identifier (RegID) in the "x-ncc-regid:" field. RegIDs have the following format: <country code>.<name>. If you do not know your RegID, please contact [email protected].

Assignment User

% Who will use the requested address space?
legal-organisation-name: North SantaBank
organisation-location: Santa City, NN
website-if-available: http://www.nsb.nn
% Is this request being sent by a sponsoring LIR on behalf of 
% an End User? (yes/no)

end-user-of-sponsoring-lir: Yes

% If yes, please confirm that the "Temporary Independent Assignment Request and
% Maintenance Agreement" contains all of the elements listed in paragraph 2.0 of
% "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the % RIPE NCC Service Region".(yes/no) % Please also attach a copy of the signed agreement and the company registration
% papers of the End User
. confirmation:Yes

Enter the legal name and primary location of the organisation that will use this PI address space in the "legal-organisation-name" and "organisation-location" fields. If this End User has a website, enter the URL in the "website-if-available" field. Otherwise, enter "none" in this field.

If you are an LIR sending this request on behalf of an End User, you should answer "Yes" in the "end-user-of-sponsoring-lir" field.

If you answered "Yes" you should also confirm that all of the elements of paragraph 2.0 of "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region" are listed in the “End User Assignment Agreement” that is signed by the End User and the sponsoring LIR. For all temporary assignments that are requested through a sponsoring LIR for an End User, we need to receive a copy of "Temporary Independent Assignment Request and Maintenance Agreement" and the company registration papers of the End User.

You can find an example agreement at:

You can send us an agreement in your local language or use the English version.

If the request is for an LIR, you should also answer with "No".

Initial Information


% Which type of assignment is the End User requesting? (IPv4/IPv6/ASN)

type-of-assignment: IPv4/IPv6/ASN

% Why do you need this temporary Assignment? 
why: Assignment is needed for our annual banking conference and exhibition that will take place end of this month in Geneva. The conference and exhibition will take place simultaneously at the same location.

% The End User should be aware that this resource will be for a specific time
% limit. It will be automatically de registered at the end of the approved
% assignment period. % Please add more information on the purpose(Event/Research) and duration of this
% request. purpose: Event website-if-available: http://www.nsb.nn/conference/2012 % The date should be in the following format: yyyymmdd start-date: 20120325 end-date: 20120329

In the type of assignment field, you should indicate all the different resources you are requesting for your End User with this request.

In the "Why:" field, you need to tell us why you are requesting this temporary assignment as well as explain the detailed technical requirements of the requested resources/size.

You should also indicate the purpose of the assignment, including the website of the mentioned event/research and the start and end dates of the event/research.

IPv4 section

#[IPv4 section]#
% Why is PI address space required rather than PA address space? 

why-pi-v4: North Santa will be multihomed. We cannot use PA address space because our uplinks do not allow their address space to be announced by other Autonomous Systems.

% Is the End User requesting extra address space for routing and/or 
% administrative reasons? If yes, explain why?


% Please confirm if the End User is aware of the consequences and disadvantages 
% of PI address space? (yes/no)
% For details, you can refer to section 8.0 “PA vs. PI Address Space” of the IPv4
% Address Allocation and Assignment Policies. confirmation-v4: Yes

In the "why-pi:" field, explain why PA address space cannot be used for this assignment. Remember that you should encourage the use of PA address space where possible.

If the End User is requesting extra address space for routing and/or administrative reasons, then you need to explain how much address space is being requested due to this and explain the reasons behind it.

You must ensure that the End User understands and accepts that PI address space may be more difficult or more expensive to route than PA address space and then confirm this in the "confirmation:" field. You can find more details on the consequences and disadvantages of PI address space in the document "IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy for the RIPE NCC Service Region" under section 8.0 “PA vs. PI Address Space”.

% How will the End User use this IPv4 address space?
%       Subnet      Immediate    Intermediate  Entire      Purpose
%       size (/nn)  Requirement  Requirement   Period
subnet: /24,/25,/26 /24,/25,/26  /24,/25,/26  /24,/25,/26 Laptops/wifi-enabled devices
subnet: /26         /26          /26           /26         Servers, Routers, Switches, firewalls and Workstations
totals: /23         /23          /23           /23 

number-of-subnets: 2

The addressing plan shows how the End User will use the requested IPv4 address space. Please note that during peak periods, at least 50% of the total address space applied for must be used at the same time.

You can repeat the "subnet" row as many times as needed. Delete any empty "subnet" fields before you send the request. In the "Subnet size (/nn)" column, enter a slash notation prefix for each subnet. Each entry should be large enough to contain the number of addresses needed for that subnet over the next time period. In order to demonstrate the predicted growth of the network, you must provide an estimate of the address space you will require over three distinct periods: Immediate, Intermediate and the Entire period.

Your estimates should include interfaces used for hosts, routers, gateways, terminal concentrators and any other machines requiring one or more network interfaces. These columns can either contain numbers (for example, 64) or slash notation prefixes (for example, /26). Multiple slash notation prefixes must be separated by comma(s) with no blank spaces (for example, /24,/25,/26). In the "Purpose" column, write a short description of each subnet. In the "totals" row, add the totals of each column. The total of the "Subnet size (/nn)" column should be the total amount of address space you are requesting for this assignment. In the "number-of-subnets" field, enter the total number of subnets listed in the addressing plan.

IPv6 section

#[IPv6 section]#
% Why is PI address space required rather than PA address space? 

why-pi-v6: North Santa will be multihomed. We cannot use PA address space because our uplinks do not allow their address space to be announced by other Autonomous Systems.

% Is the End User requesting extra address space for routing and/or 
% administrative reasons? If yes, explain why.


% Please confirm if the End User is aware of the consequences and disadvantages 
% of PI address space. (Yes/No)
% For details, you can refer to section 8.0 “PA vs. PI Address Space” of the IPv4
% Address Allocation and Assignment Policies. confirmation-v6: Yes

In the "why-pi:" field, explain why PA address space cannot be used for this assignment. Remember that you should encourage the use of PA address space where possible. If the End User is requesting extra address space for routing and/or administrative reasons, then you need to explain how much address space is being requested due to this and explain the reasons behind it. You must ensure that the End User understands and accepts that PI address space may be more difficult or more expensive to route than PA address space and then confirm this in the "confirmation:" field. You can find more details on the consequences and disadvantages of PI address space in the document "IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy for the RIPE NCC Service Region" under section 8.0 “PA vs. PI Address Space”.

% How will the End User use this IPv6 address space?
%       Subnet       Immediate    Intermediate  Entire   Purpose
%       size (/nn)   Requirement  Requirement   Period
subnet: /60          /60          /60           /60      Servers for Banking applications
totals: /60          /60          /60           /60

The addressing plan shows how the End User will use the requested address space. You can repeat the "subnet" row as many times as needed. Delete any empty "subnet" fields before you send the request. Enter the size of each subnet in the "Subnet size (/nn)" column using IPv6 slash notation (for example, /60). In the "Purpose" column, write a short description of each subnet. In the "totals" row, add the totals of each column.

The smallest IPv6 PI assignment size issued by the RIPE NCC is /48.

ASN section

#[ASN section]#

% If this ASN will originate other prefixes than are requested in this request,
% please list these below. prefix-asn:

If you are not requesting temporary address space for this End User in this ticket, please specify all address prefixes using slash notation (for example, x.x.x.x/xx ). The address space must be a valid assignment to the organisation that will use the AS number.

% If you require a 16-bit AS Number instead of a 32-bit AS Number 
% please indicate this below and tell us why. For more information,
% see

as-number-type: 16-bit 
why-16-bit: Our routers are not 32-bit enabled

As of 1 January 2009, all AS Numbers assigned by the RIPE NCC will be 32-bit by default. If you require a 16-bit AS Number, change the default entry "32-bit" to "16-bit" and explain why you require a 16-bit AS Number. If you require further clarification, please see: % PEERING CONTACTS % Please list the Autonomous System Numbers and email contact addresses of the
% peering partners. peering-asn: AS64532, [email protected] peering-asn: AS64518, [email protected]

You must list the email addresses and ASN of at least two peering partners in the "peering:" fields. You can repeat the "peering:" field as many times as needed.

Supporting Documentation

% Please add more information if you think it will help us understand this request.
% You can attach a network diagram or other relevant supporting documentation. % <add more information> There are already 350 participants that have registered for the conference and address space is needed for their laptops and other devices (ipads, smart phones etc). We also need addresses for network devices like switches, firewalls, routers, 10 servers (2 IPs each). There will also be an Internet cafe with 25 workstations in the exhibition area for exhibition attendees only. As IPv6 is the future of the Internet, we would like to use it for few servers where we will host certain banking/financial applications.

If you would like to include additional information on the technical requirements, deployment plan, detailed usage or total users/equipment count, you can use this section.
A network diagram (topology map) can help us to understand the set-up of the network and its addressing needs. For information on “Submission of topology maps”, refer to:

Database Template(s)

% If you are requesting IPv4, complete this IPv4 database template. If you are not
% requesting IPv4, please remove this IPv4 database template. 

inetnum:     <leave empty>
netname:     NSB-NET-v4
descr:       North SantaBank
country:     NN
org:         ORG-NS31-RIPE
admin-c:     ACM2-RIPE
tech-c:      HOHO1-RIPE
status:      ASSIGNED PI
remarks:     Temporary assignment
             Duration of assignment:
             Start date:
             End date:
mnt-by:      RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
mnt-lower:   RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
mnt-by:      SANTA-MNT
mnt-routes:  SANTA-MNT
mnt-domains: SANTA-MNT
changed:     [email protected]
source:      RIPE

#[DATABASE TEMPLATE IPv6]# % If you are requesting IPv6, complete this IPv6 database template. If you are not % requesting IPv6 please remove this IPv6 database template. inet6num: <leave empty> netname: NSB-NET-v6 descr: North SantaBank country: NN org: ORG-NS31-RIPE admin-c: ACM2-RIPE tech-c: HOHO1-RIPE status: ASSIGNED PI remarks: Temporary assignment ===================== Duration of assignment: ===================== Start date: End date: ===================== mnt-by: RIPE-NCC-END-MNT mnt-lower: RIPE-NCC-END-MNT mnt-by: SANTA-MNT mnt-routes: SANTA-MNT mnt-domains: SANTA-MNT changed: [email protected] source: RIPE

#[ DATABASE TEMPLATE ASN]# % If you are requesting ASN, complete this ASN database template. If you are not % requesting ASN, please remove this ASN database template. aut-num: ASNEW as-name: NSB-AS descr: North SantaBank org: ORG-NS31-RIPE import: from AS64532 accept ANY export: to AS64532 announce ASNEW import: from AS64518 accept ANY export: to AS64518 announce ASNEW remarks: Temporary assignment ===================== Duration of assignment: ===================== Start date: End date: ===================== admin-c: ACM2-RIPE tech-c: HOHO1-RIPE mnt-by: RIPE-NCC-END-MNT mnt-by: SANTA-MNT mnt-routes: SANTA-MNT changed: [email protected] source: RIPE

If the End User is requesting IPv4, IPv6 and an ASN, please complete all templates. If not, you should complete the relevant template(s) and delete the rest when sending the request.

Leave the "inetnum/inet6num/aut-num" field empty as we will choose the address range or the ASN.

The "netname/as-name:" should be a short and descriptive name for the network and should reflect the organisation name of the End User.

Enter the End User's legal organisation name in the "descr:" field.

Use the ISO country code of the End User's location in the "country:" field. If the End User is multi-national, repeat the "country" field as many times as needed.

Enter the org-ID of the End User's organisation object in the "org:" field.

If they don't have an organisation object, you can create one for them using the LIR Portal (

The nic-handle of the role or person object in the "admin-c:" field should reflect someone who is administratively responsible for the network.

The nic-handle of the role or person object in the "tech-c:" field should reflect someone who has technical knowledge of the network.

The "status:" field must be ASSIGNED PI.

The "import:" and "export:" fields should contain the complete routing policy. Both fields may be repeated as many times as needed.

Basic syntax entries are as follows:

import: from <peer1> accept <filter>
export: to <peer1> announce <filter>
import: from <peer2> accept <filter>
export: to <peer2> announce <filter> 

For further details of language specifications, please refer to RFC 2622.

The “remarks” fields will contain details of this temporary assignment and will be completed by the RIPE NCC.

The "mnt-by:" and "mnt-lower:" fields must contain RIPE-NCC-END-MNT.

The second "mnt-by: " field shows which maintainer authenticates object updates.

The "mnt-routes:" and "mnt-domains:" fields show which maintainers authenticate the creation of route and domain objects.

The RIPE Database must contain all of the objects that you use.

The "changed:" field must be [email protected].

The "source:" field must be RIPE.

End of Request

Best Regards,
Jan Janssen, Bluelight Admin

Please write your full name below the "#[END of REQUEST]#" header.