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Supporting Notes for the Anycast Assignment Request Form

Publication date:
01 Nov 2012
PDF (74.7 KB)

Please note: all email-based request forms have been archived on the website and are available through the LIR Portal. You can find an announcement about this here.

To request resources from the RIPE NCC, members should now use the request forms in the LIR Portal.

The Resource Request API and accompanying documentation is available for members with workflows that prevent them from using the LIR Portal request forms.



The RIPE NCC is now allocating IPv4 address space to its members (LIRs) from the last /8 (185/8) that was allocated to the RIPE NCC by IANA. IPv4 addresses from this /8 are allocated according to section 5.1 of  “IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region”. No more IPv4 Anycast can be assigned.

This document contains instructions for LIRs on how to complete the "Anycast Assignment Request Form". The instructions are based on the "IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy for the RIPE Region", the "IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy" and also "RFC 4786".




General Information

% Please add your RegID.

request-type: anycast-assignment
form-version: 1.0
x-ncc-regid: nl.bluelight

Please do not change the value of the "request-type:" and "form-version:" fields.

Enter your Registry Identifier (RegID) in the "x-ncc-regid:" field. RegIDs have the following format: <country code>.<name>. If you do not know your RegID, please contact [email protected].

Address Space User

% Is this request being sent by a sponsoring LIR on behalf of an
% End User? (Yes/No)

end-user-of-sponsoring-lir: Yes

% If yes, please confirm that the "End User Assignment Agreement"
% contains all of the elements listed in paragraph 2.0 of
% "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders
% in the RIPE NCC Service Region".(Yes/No)

confirmation: Yes

% Which TLD or ENUM operator will use the requested address space?

legal-organisation-name: North Santa NIC
tld(s) or ENUM delegation(s): com biz nn
organisation-location: Santa City, NN
website-if-available: http://www.ns-nic.nn

The End User should be a recognised TLD or ENUM Tier 1 operator, as listed in these documents:

Root Zone Database Approved ENUM Delegations

% Does this End User already have address space in use for
% anycast? (Yes/No)

space-available: No

% Will the End User return any address space?


If you are an LIR sending this request on behalf of an End User, you should answer 'Yes' in the "end-user-of-sponsoring-lir" field.

If you answered "Yes" you should also confirm that all of the elements of paragraph 2.0 of "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region" are listed in the 'End User Assignment Agreement' that is signed by the End User and the sponsoring LIR. Anycast assignments can only be made to End Users if there is a signed 'End User Assignment Agreement' between the sponsoring LIR and the End User.

You can find an example agreement at

You can send us an agreement in your local language or use the English version.

If the request is for an LIR, you should also answer with "No".

Enter the legal name of the organisation that will use the anycast assignment in the "legal-organisation-name:" field and list all of their TLDs (Top-Level Domains) in the "tld(s):" field.

Enter the primary location of the organisation in the "organisation-location:" field and, if they have a website, enter the URL in the "website-if-available:" field.

If the End User already has address space in use for anycast, list this in the "space-available:" field.

If there is any address space assigned to the End User that they will return, list each prefix in separate " address-space-returned: " fields.

The expected time for renumbering is three months. You can use the following syntax: <x.x.x.x/xx> to <which LIR/ISP> in <time period> for this field.


Initial Information

% Does the End User accept the policies on anycast assignments?
% (Yes/No)

confirmation: Yes

% Is the End User requesting an IPv4 assignment, an IPv6
% assignment, or both? (IPv4/IPv6/Both)

ip-version: Both

% If the End User is requesting an IPv4 assignment, will the TLD
% nameserver set apply anycasting as described in BCP126/RFC4786?
% (Yes/No)

rfc4786: Yes

The End User must read the IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies and/or the IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy, and in particular the sections that refer to anycast assignments. Enter 'yes' in the "confirmation:" field if the End User agrees to follow these policies.

We need to know whether the End User would like us (RIPE NCC) to make an IPv4 assignment or an IPv6 assignment. If they need both, enter 'Both' in the "ip-version:" field and make any additional comments in the "Network Description" section.

If the End User is requesting an IPv4 assignment, please check that their TLD nameserver set conforms to the practices outlined in RFC 4786.


Anycast Node Plan

% Which anycast nodes will be used?
% Node Name Peers Location

node: Z-root Santa see Network Descr. Santa City IX
node: Z-root Rudolf see Network Descr. Rudolf Town IX

number-of-nodes: 2

The Anycast Node Plan shows how the End User will use the requested address space.

You can repeat the "node:" row as many times as needed.

Delete any empty "node:" fields before you send the request.

In the "Node Name" column, enter the name of each node.

In the "Peers" column, enter the AS Numbers of the peers for each node.

In the "Location" column, enter the primary location of the node.

If needed, you can write more detailed descriptions of any of the fields in the "Network Description" section.

Network Description

% Please add more information if you think it will help us understand
% this request.

We plan to provide anycasting from Santa City and Rudolf Town. The peers at Santa City IX are listed at http://www.scix.nn/peers and the peers at Rudolf Town IX are listed at http://www.rtix.nn/peers.

You can use this space for additional information that you think will be helpful for us when we evaluate your request. A clearer understanding of the End User's addressing needs can help us to evaluate your request more quickly.

Supporting Documentation

% If this request being sent by a sponsoring LIR on behalf of an
% End User, please attach a copy of the signed "End User
% Assignment Agreement" and the company registration papers of the
% End User.
% You can also attach a network diagram or other supporting documentation.
% Have you attached any files/documents to this request? (Yes/No)
file-attached: Yes

For each anycast assignment that is requested through a sponsoring LIR for an End User, we need to receive a copy of 'End User Assignment Agreement' and the company registration papers of the End User.

If this request is for an LIR you do not have to attach a copy of 'End User Assignment Agreement' and company registration papers.

A network diagram (topology map) can help us to understand the set-up of the network and its addressing needs.

Database Template(s)


% IPv4
% Please complete all of the fields below.

netname: NS-NIC
descr: North Santa NIC
country: NN
org: ORG-NSN3000-RIPE
admin-c: HOHO1-RIPE
tech-c: HOHO1-RIPE
mnt-lower: RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
mnt-by: SANTA-MNT
mnt-routes: SANTA-MNT
mnt-domains: SANTA-MNT
changed: [email protected]
source: RIPE

% IPv6
% Please complete all of the fields below.

netname: NS-NIC
descr: North Santa NIC
country: NN
org: ORG-NSN3000-RIPE
admin-c: HOHO1-RIPE
tech-c: HOHO1-RIPE
mnt-lower: RIPE-NCC-END-MNT
mnt-by: SANTA-MNT
mnt-routes: SANTA-MNT
mnt-domains: SANTA-MNT
changed: [email protected]
source: RIPE

If the End User is requesting an IPv4 assignment and an IPv6 assignment, please complete both templates. You can repeat each template as many times as needed.

Leave the "inetnum:/inet6num:" field empty as we will choose the address range.

The "netname:" should be a short and descriptive name for the network and should reflect the organisation name of the End User.

Enter the End User's legal organisation name in the "descr:" field.

Use the ISO country code of the End User's location in the " country: " field. If the End User is multi-national, repeat the "country" field as many times as needed.

Enter the org-ID of the End User's organisation object in the "org:" field.

If they don't have an organisation object, you can create one for them using the LIR Portal (

The nic-handle of the role or person object in the "admin-c:" field should reflect someone who is administratively responsible for the network.

The nic-handle of the role or person object in the "tech-c:" field should reflect someone who has technical knowledge of the network.

The "status:" field must be ASSIGNED ANYCAST.

The "mnt-by:" and "mnt-lower:" fields must contain RIPE-NCC-END-MNT.

The second "mnt-by: " field shows which maintainer authenticates object updates.

The "mnt-routes:" and "mnt-domains:" fields show which maintainers authenticate the creation of route and domain objects.

The RIPE Database must contain all of the objects that you use.

The "changed:" field must be [email protected].

The "source:" field must be RIPE.

End of Request


Best Regards,
Jan Janssen, Bluelight Admin

Please write your full name below the "#[END of REQUEST]#" header.