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European Internet Registry:
Procedures for DNS Delegation
in the IN-ADDR.ARPA Domain
David Kessens
June 1994
Document-ID: ripe-105++
Obsoletes: ripe-105
This document describes the procedures for the
delegation of zones in European subdomains of
The domain tree below IN-ADDR.ARPA is used to facilitate "reverse"
mapping from IP addresses to domain names [RFC883, RFC1033]. RIPE community's current IPv4 address allocation and assignment policies. They were developed through a bottom-up, consensus driven, open policy development process in the RIPE Address Policy Working Group (AP WG). The RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) facilitates and supports this process. These policies apply to the RIPE NCC and the Local Internet Registries (LIRs) within the RIPE NCC service region.Information on the Address Policy WG is available at:
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/groups/wg/ap Link: /community/wg/active-wg/ap/
1.0 Introduction
The RIPE NCC is an independent association and serves as one of five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). Its service region incorporates Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. The RIPE NCC is responsible for the allocation and assignment of Internet Protocol (IP) address space, Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) and the management of reverse domain names within this region. The distribution of IP space follows the hierarchical scheme described in the document "Internet Registry System Link: http://www.ripe.net/info/resource-admin/rir-system.html ".
1.1 Scope
document describes the procedures for the delegation of zones in
European subdomains of IN-ADDR.ARPA.
Randomly Assigned Numbers
There are two groups of European network numbers: hierarchically assigned
numbers and randomly assigned ones. The hierarchically assigned numbers
are part of the 193.x.y.0 and 194.x.y.0 network blocks. All other
European network numbers, class A, class B and 192.x.y.0 class Cs are
randomly assigned.
Hierarchically Assigned Numbers
The subdomains of IN-ADDR.ARPA corresponding to the hierarchically
assigned network numbers are administered by the RIPE NCC. These
numbers are currently: -
The other addresses are administered by the other regional registries
that might have other procedures for requesting a reverse delegation.
For clarity we refer in the procedures and examples as described below to
the 193.x block of addresses, although we could have as well used the
other block(s) that RIPE administers.
With the assignment of class C network numbers following RFC1466,
large chunks of the address space are delegated to regional Internet
Registries. The regional registries delegate blocks of class C net-
work numbers to local Internet Registries. In this way a hierarchy
in policies for the responsible management of globally unique IPv4 Internet address space in the RIPE NCC service region. The policies documented here apply to all IPv4 address space allocated and assigned by the RIPE NCC. These policies must be implemented by all RIPE NCC member LIRs.This document does not describe policies related to AS Numbers, IPv6, Multicast, or private address space. Nor does it describe address distribution policies used by other RIRs. The RIPE community's policies for ASN assignment and IPv6 are published in the RIPE Document Store at:
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/policy Link: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/policy
2.0 IPv4 Address Space
For the purposes of this document, IP addresses are 32-bit binary numbers used as addresses in the IPv4 protocol. There are three main types of IPv4 addresses:
Public IP addresses are assigned to be globally unique according to the goals described in Section 3 of this document.Some address ranges are set aside for the operation of private IP networks. Anyone may use these addresses in their private networks without registration or co-ordination. Hosts using these addresses cannot directly be reached from the Internet. Such connectivity is enabled by using the technique known as Network Address Translation (NAT). Private addresses restrict a network so that its hosts only have partial Internet connectivity. Where full Internet connectivity is needed, unique, public addresses should be used.
For a detailed description of “Address Allocation for Private Internets” and the actual ranges of addresses set aside for that purpose, please refer to RFC 1918 found at: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/rfc/rfc1918.txt Link: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/rfc/rfc1918.txt
For information on the “Architectural Implications of NAT”, please refer to RFC 2993, found at: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/rfc/rfc2993.txt Link: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/rfc/rfc2993.txt Some address ranges are reserved for special use purposes. These are described in RFC 3330 and are beyond the scope of this document. RFC 3330 can be found at: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/rfc/rfc3330.txt Link: ftp://ftp.ripe.net/rfc/rfc3330.txt
3.0 Goals of the Internet Registry System
Public IPv4 address assignments should be made with the following goals in mind:
Uniqueness: Each public IPv4 address worldwide must be unique. This is an absolute requirement guaranteeing that every host on the Internet can be uniquely identified.Aggregation: Distributing IPv4 addresses in an hierarchical manner permits the aggregation of routing information. This helps to ensure proper operation of Internet routing.Conservation: Public IPv4 address space must be fairly distributed to the End Users operating networks. To maximise the lifetime of the public IPv4 address space, addresses must be distributed according to need, and stockpiling must be prevented.Registration: The provision of a public registry documenting address space allocations and assignments must exist. This is necessary to ensure uniqueness and to provide information for Internet troubleshooting at all levels.
3.1 Confidentiality
Internet Registries (IRs) have a duty of confidentiality to their registrants. Information passed to an IR must be securely stored and should not be distributed wider than necessary within the IR. When necessary, the information may be passed to a higher-level IR under the same conditions of confidentiality.
3.2 Language
Please note that all communication with the RIPE NCC must be in English.
4.0 Registration Requirements
All assignments and allocations must be registered in the RIPE Database. This is necessary to ensure uniqueness and to support network operations.
Only allocations and assignments registered in the RIPE Database are considered valid. Registration of objects in the database is the final step in making an allocation or assignment. Registration data (range, contact information, status etc.) must be correct at all times (i.e. they have to be maintained).
5.0 Policies and Guidelines for Allocations
An allocation is a block of IPv4 addresses from which assignments are taken.
The RIPE NCC allocates enough address space to LIRs to meet their needs for a period of up to 12 months.
Starting on 1 July 2010, a gradual reduction in the allocation period will be applied as follows:
As of 1 July 2010, the RIPE NCC will start allocating enough address space to LIRs to meet their needs for a period of up to nine months.
As of 1 January 2011, the RIPE NCC will start allocating enough address space to LIRs to meet their needs for a period of up to six months.
As of 1 July 2011, the RIPE NCC will start allocating enough address space to LIRs to meet their needs for a period of up to three months.
All LIRs receiving address space from the RIPE NCC must adopt a set of policies that are consistent with the policies formulated by the RIPE community and described in this document.
5.1 First Allocation
The RIPE NCC's minimum allocation size is /21.
Details of how to join the RIPE NCC can be found in the RIPE Document "Procedure for Becoming a Member of the RIPE NCC Link: http://www.ripe.net/lir-services/member-support/become-a-member/becoming-a-member-of-the-ripe-ncc "
Members can receive an initial IPv4 allocation when they have demonstrated a need for IPv4 address space.
5.2 Slow-start Mechanism
The slow-start mechanism was put into place to ensure a consistent and fair policy for all LIRs with respect to allocations.
Address space is allocated to LIRs at the rate that the addresses are sub-allocated and assigned by the LIRs. An allocation larger than the minimum size can be made if a need is demonstrated. The size of future allocations is based on the usage rate of previous allocation(s).
5.3 Additional Allocations
An LIR may receive an additional allocation when about eighty percent (80%) of all the address space currently allocated to it is used in valid assignments or sub-allocations. A new allocation can be made if a single assignment or sub-allocation requires a larger set of addresses than can be satisfied with the address space currently held by the LIR.
Reservations are not considered valid assignments or sub-allocations. It may be useful for internal aggregation to keep some address space free for future growth in addition to the actual assignment. However, the LIR must be aware that these internal reservations are not counted as valid usage. The space must be sub-allocated or assigned before the LIR can request another allocation.
To obtain a new allocation, an LIR should submit a request to the RIPE NCC using the "IPv4 Additional Allocation Request Form" available from the RIPE Document Store at:
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/add-allocation Link: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/add-allocation
Additional address space will only be allocated after the information supplied with the request has been verified and a new allocation deemed necessary.
The RIPE NCC will do its best to allocate contiguous address space in order to support aggregation. This cannot be guaranteed as it depends on factors outside the RIPE NCC's influence (e.g. the number of new LIRs and the time needed to utilise the allocation).
5.4 Sub-allocations
Sub-allocations are intended to aid the goal of routing aggregation and can only be made from allocations with a status of “ALLOCATED PA”. LIRs holding “ALLOCATED PI” or “ALLOCATED UNSPECIFIED” allocations may be able to convert them to PA allocations if there are no ASSIGNED PI networks within it. The meanings of the various “status:” attribute values are described in Section 9.0.
LIRs wishing to convert their allocations to PA status should contact the RIPE NCC by email at lir-help@ripe.net Link: mailto:lir-help@ripe.net .
The minimum size of a sub-allocation is /24. This is the smallest prefix length that can be reverse delegated and allows for a reasonable number of small assignments to be made by a downstream network operator.
An LIR may sub-allocate up to an IPv4 /20 (4096 addresses) to a downstream network operator every twelve months.
LIRs may make sub-allocations to multiple downstream network operators.
However, downstream network operators may receive sub-allocations totalling more than a /20 from more than one LIR.
The LIR is contractually responsible for ensuring the address space allocated to it is used in accordance with the RIPE community's policies. It is recommended that LIRs have contracts requiring downstream network operators to follow the RIPE community's policies when those operators have sub-allocations.
The RIPE NCC considers sub-allocated space as “used” when evaluating requests from the LIR for an additional IPv4 allocation. Where an LIR has made many sub-allocations with little assigned within them, the RIPE NCC will ask the LIR to justify the reasons for the sub-allocations.
LIRs should note that evaluating a request for an allocation is different from evaluating a request for an assignment. With assignments, the evaluator can see the network plans for a single organisation. With allocations, the evaluator is often presented with sales and marketing plans. The addressing requirements of individual organisations cannot be examined.
It is recommended that LIRs make use of a slow-start mechanism when making a sub-allocation for a downstream network operator. There are two main advantages to this: the LIR can ensure that the address space it sub-allocates is used efficiently; also the LIR can determine the ability of the downstream organisation to operate within the policies set by the RIPE community.
Sub-allocations form part of an LIR's aggregatable address space. As such, an LIR may want to ensure that the address space is created, which is similar to the hierarchy
in the domain name space. Due to this hierarchy the reverse DNS map-
ping can also be delegated in a similar model as used for the
normal Domain Name System.
For instance, the RIPE NCC has been delegated the complete class C
address space starting with 193. It is therefore possible to
delegate the 193.IN-ADDR.ARPA domain completely to the RIPE NCC,
instead of each and every reverse mapping in the 193.IN-ADDR.ARPA
domain to be registered with the InterNIC. This implies that all
193.IN-ADDR.ARPA delegations in turn will be done by the RIPE NCC.
Even better, since local registries usually receive blocks of 256 class C
networks from the RIPE NCC, the NCC can delegate the reverse
registrations for such complete blocks to these local registries. This
implies that customers of these service providers no longer have to
register their reverse domain mapping with the InterNIC or the NCC, but
the service providers have authority over that part of the reverse
mapping. This decreases the workload on the InterNIC and the RIPE NCC,
and at the same time improves the service a provider can offer its
customers by improving response times for reverse mapping changes.
not retained by a downstream network if the downstream network operator ceases to receive connectivity from the LIR's network. LIRs not wishing to lose address space in this way are responsible for ensuring that the status of the sub-allocation is clear in any contracts between the LIR and the downstream network operator.5.5 Transfers of Allocations
Any LIR is allowed to re-allocate complete or partial blocks of IPv4 address space that were previously allocated to them by either the RIPE NCC or the IANA. Such address space must not contain any block that is assigned to an End User.
Address space may only be re-allocated to another LIR that is also a member of the RIPE NCC. The block that is to be re-allocated must not be smaller than the minimum allocation block size at the time of re-allocation. An LIR may only receive a transferred allocation after their need is evaluated and approved by the RIPE NCC, following the policies set for receiving further allocations within RIPE region (see the Section 5.3 Additional Allocations of this document).
Re-allocation must be reflected in the RIPE Database. This re-allocation may be on either a permanent or non-permanent basis.
LIRs that receive a re-allocation from another LIR cannot re-allocate complete or partial blocks of the same address space to another LIR within 24 months of receiving the re-allocation.
The RIPE NCC will record the change of allocation after the transfer. Please note that the LIR always remains responsible for the entire allocation it receives from the RIPE NCC until the transfer of address space to another LIR is completed or the address space is returned. The LIR must ensure that all policies are applied.
Re-allocated blocks will be signed to establish the current allocation owner.
Re-allocated blocks are no different from the allocations made directly by the RIPE NCC and so they must be used by the receiving LIR according to the policies described in this document.
5.6 Use of last /8 for PA Allocations
The following policies come into effect as soon as RIPE NCC is required to make allocations from the final /8 it receives from the IANA. From then on the distribution of IPv4 address space will only be done as follows:
Allocations for LIRs from the last /8
On application for IPv4 resources LIRs will receive IPv4 addresses according to the following:LIRs may only receive one allocation from this /8. The size of the allocation made under this policy will be exactly one /22.LIRs receive only one /22, even if their needs justify a larger allocation.LIRs may apply for and receive this allocation once they meet the criteria to receive IPv4 address space according to the allocation policy in effect in the RIPE NCC service region at the time of application.Allocations will only be made to LIRs if they have already received an IPv6 allocation from an upstream LIR or the RIPE NCC.
Unforeseen circumstancesA /16 will be held in reserve for some future uses, as yet unforeseen. The Internet is a disruptive technology and we cannot predict what might happen. Therefore it is prudent to keep a /16 in reserve, just in case some future requirement makes a demand of it. In the event that this /16 remains unused at the time the remaining /8 covered by this policy has been distributed, it returns to the pool to be distributed as per clause 1.
6.0 Policies and Guidelines for Assignments
Conservation and aggregation are often conflicting goals. When the Internet Registry System goals are in conflict with the interests of individual End Users or service providers, careful analysis and judgement is necessary to find an appropriate compromise. The rules and guidelines in this document are intended to help LIRs and End Users in their search for equitable compromises.
The End Users must be assigned with enough address space to meet their needs for a period of up to 12 months.
Starting on 1 July 2010, a gradual reduction in the assignment period will be applied as follows:
As of 1 July 2010, the RIPE NCC or the LIRs will start assigning enough address space to End Users to meet their needs for a period of up to nine months.
As of 1 January 2011, the RIPE NCC or the LIRs will start assigning enough address space to End Users to meet their needs for a period of up to six months.
As of 1 July 2011, the RIPE NCC or the LIRs will start assigning enough address space to End Users to meet their needs for a period of up to three months.
Please note that LIRs must request approval from the RIPE NCC for assignments that are larger than the LIR's AW (Section 7.0). LIRs are always welcome to approach the RIPE NCC for a second opinion on requests even if they fall within the LIR's AW.
6.1 Documentation for Assignments
In order to provide a reliable service some procedures have been agreed
and must be followed in order to avoid confusion and inconsistencies.
These procedures are covered in the procedure section.
The registration of the reverse zones for individual class C net-
works will usually be done by the registry administering the
class C block this determine the address space requirements for a network, relevant information must be gathered. The details needed for justification of each End User organisation's assignments include the addressing requirements, network infrastructure and future plans. The current address space usage of the organisation should also be determined to ensure that an existing assignment is not duplicated.This information is essential in making the appropriate assignment decisions. Balancing the overall goals of the Internet Registry System (Section 3.0) with the requirements of the network in question is needed for every network. The level of detail is dependent on the complexity of the network. The LIR must ensure that the necessary information is complete before making an assignment.
The RIPE NCC provides forms for gathering the required information. The information requested in the forms must be collected by the LIR. LIRs may use these forms for their customers' requests or develop their own forms. Local forms can be used if they record all the required data. This is very important when an LIR makes assignments using its AW.
If a request needs to be approved by the RIPE NCC or if information is required in the event of an audit, the information must be submitted on the version of the request form in place at the time of the assignment. The current versions of all request forms can be found at:
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/request-forms-supporting-notes Link: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/request-forms-supporting-notes
6.2 Network Infrastructure and End User Networks
IP addresses used solely for the connection of an End User to a service provider (e.g. point-to-point links) are considered part of the service provider's infrastructure. These addresses do not have to be registered with the End User's contact details but can be registered as part of the service provider's internal infrastructure. When an End User has a network using public address space this must be registered separately with the contact details of the End User. Where the End User is an individual rather than an organisation, the contact information of the service provider may be substituted for the End Users.
An explanation of how to register objects in the database can be found in the “RIPE Database User Manual: Getting Started” found at:
http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/getting-started Link: http://www.ripe.net/data-tools/support/documentation/getting-started
6.3 Utilisation Rates
The utilisation rate of an assignment must be such that at least 50% of the total space shall have been utilised halfway through the assignment period applied at the time of the assignment.
Assignments may only be based on realistic expectations recorded in the documentation.
6.4 Reservations Not Supported
End Users are not permitted to reserve address space based on long-term plans. This violates the goal of conservation and fragments the address space when initial forecasts are not met. Evaluation of IP address space requests must be based on a demonstrated need. Unused, or inefficiently used address space assigned in the past should be used to meet the current request, or returned. Once an organisation has used its assigned address space, it can request additional address space based on an updated estimate of growth in its network.
6.5 Administrative Ease
The current rate of consumption of the remaining unassigned IPv4 address space does not permit the assignment of addresses for administrative ease. Examples of this include, but are not limited to, ease of billing administration and network management.
6.6 Validity of an Assignment
All assignments are valid as long as the original criteria on which the assignment was based are still valid and the assignment is properly registered in the RIPE Database. If an assignment is made for a specific purpose and that purpose no longer exists, the assignment is no longer valid. If an assignment is based on information that turns out to be invalid, the assignment is no longer valid.
For these reasons it is important that LIRs make sure that assignments approved by the RIPE NCC are properly registered in the database. The inetnum object or objects for approved assignments must use the netname(s) approved by the RIPE NCC and not be larger than the approved size. Additionally, the date in the first “changed:” attribute must not be earlier than the date of the approval message from the RIPE NCC.
The RIPE NCC reviews assignments made by LIRs when evaluating requests for additional allocations (see 5.3). It also runs consistency checks as part of the auditing activity requested by the community as described in the RIPE Document “RIPE NCC Audit Activity” found at:
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/audit Link: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/audit
6.7 Efficiency
Where large amounts of address space are assigned for a purpose that is often satisfied with smaller amounts (e.g. transient connections or virtual server hosting), the RIPE NCC may verify the existing usage before approving additional assignments.
6.8 Renumbering
In general, addresses can be replaced on a one-to-one basis. Valid assignments can be replaced with the same number of addresses if the original assignment criteria are still met. The addresses to be replaced must still be in use. End Users are required to submit a new request if more than half the original assignment is not in use. When the renumbering request exceeds the new LIR's AW (see Section 7.0) the request needs to be sent to the RIPE NCC for approval.
The RIPE community generally accepts that a period of three months is enough time to migrate a network to new address space. Where the End User wants to keep both assignments for more than three months, an agreement should be obtained from the RIPE NCC for the proposed time frame.
Once a network has been assigned from.
If the subdomain has not yet been delegated to the registry con-
cerned the RIPE NCC will register the individual networks. However
this service is only provided at a "best-effort" level and no ser-
vice guarantees are given. The local registries should whenever
possible provide this service locally.
Responsibilities for the DNS administrator of a reverse block delegation:
As with all domain name space, running the reverse server for class C
blocks does not imply that one controls that part of the reverse domain.
It only implies that one administers that part of the reverse domain. If
after repeated complaints the delegated name space is still not
administered properly the RIPE NCC has to revoke the delegation.
Before adding individual nets, the administrator of a reverse domain must
check whether all servers to be added for these nets are indeed set up
There are some serious implications when a customer that uses
address space out of the service provider class C blocks, moves
to another service provider. The renumbered, the old assignment must be removed from the RIPE Database.6.9 Anycasting TLD and Tier 0/1 ENUM Nameservers
The organisations applicable under this policy are TLD managers, as recorded in the IANA's Root Zone Database and ENUM administrators, as assigned by the ITU. The organisation may receive up to four /24 prefixes per TLD and four /24 prefixes per ENUM. These prefixes must be used for the sole purpose of anycasting authoritative DNS servers for the stated TLD/ENUM, as described in BCP126/RFC 4786 (http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4786.txt Link: http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc4786.txt ).
Assignments for authoritative TLD or ENUM Tier 0/1 DNS lookup services are subject to the policies described in the RIPE Document entitled "Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region Link: https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/contract-req ".
Anycasting assignments are registered with a status of 'ASSIGNED ANYCAST' in the RIPE Database and must be returned to the RIPE NCC if not in use for authoritative TLD or ENUM Tier 0/1 DNS lookup services via anycast any longer.
7.0 Assignment Window
An AW refers to the maximum number of addresses that can be assigned by the LIR without prior approval from the RIPE NCC, either to their own network or to an End User's network. The size of the AW is expressed in CIDR notation.
The AW policy was developed to achieve various levels of support based on the level of experience of the LIR. The RIPE NCC may review assignments made with the LIR's AW to ensure that the LIR is assigning address space according to the RIPE community's policies. This is important to assure the fair distribution of address space and to meet the
goals of aggregation, conservation and registration. Documentation for assignments made with an AW need to contain the same information as in a completed request form found at:
http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/request-forms-supporting-notes Link: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/request-forms-supporting-notes
All new LIRs start with an AW of zero (0). Their AW will automatically be set to a /21 (2048 addresses) six months after receiving their first allocation. This means that all new LIRs need to request approval before making each assignment until their AW has been raised.
The AW is applied differently depending on whether the assignment is for an End User or for the LIR's infrastructure.
There is no constraint on how often the LIR uses its AW for its own infrastructure. These assignments may not exceed the LIR's AW. This means that an LIR with a /25 AW can make numerous individual /25 assignments to its own network infrastructure without having to send each request to the RIPE NCC. However, where a single assignment would exceed a /25 the LIR would need to request approval for that assignment from the RIPE NCC.
LIRs must specify which assignments to their own infrastructure have used the AW. Such assignments must have a "remarks:" attribute with the value <INFRA-AW> in the inetnum object registered in the RIPE Database. It is important that a separate "remarks:" attribute is used solely for this purpose.
An AW can be applied to an End User network once per 12-month period. This means an LIR or a downstream network operator as the user of a sub-allocation can make more than one assignment to an End User in any 12-month period but the total amount of address space cannot be larger than the LIR's AW. An LIR's AW is refreshed on the anniversary of an assignment. When an LIR has made several assignments to an organisation over the period of a year their AW for that organisation will be fully restored on the anniversary of the last assignment.
The LIR may only assign additional addresses to the same End User after approval from the RIPE NCC.
AWs are regularly reviewed by RIPE NCC staff. LIRs may approach the RIPE NCC for an evaluation of their AW six months after receiving their first allocation and at any time after that. Please note that LIRs are always welcome to approach the RIPE NCC for a second opinion on requests even if they fall within the LIR's AW.
As the proficiency of the LIR contacts increases, the size of their AW may be raised. This is determined based on:
correctly completed documentation presented to the RIPE NCCgood judgment shown in the evaluation of address space requestspast assignments have been properly registered
An established LIR is responsible for training its new LIR contacts to handle address space assignments according to the policies described in this document and their procedures. Less experienced LIR contacts may make errors both in judgment and procedure. If errors happen repeatedly, the AW of the LIR may be decreased to prevent the LIR from making invalid assignments. The AW may again be increased based on the criteria stated above.
The AW may also be lowered after or during an audit if invalid assignments are noted.
8.0 PA vs. PI Address Space
LIRs are allocated PA address space. They sub-allocate and assign this to downstream networks. If a downstream network or End User changes its service provider, the address space assigned or sub-allocated by the previous service provider
cannot force its ex-customer to change network addresses, and
will have to continue to provide the appropriate delegation
records for reverse mapping of these addresses, even though
they are no longer belonging to a customer.
The registration of the reverse zones for individual class C
networks will usually be done by the registry administering
the class C block this network must be returned and the network renumbered.In contrast, Provider Independent (PI) address space is assigned to End Users directly from the address pools managed directly by the RIPE NCC. PI space cannot be re-assigned or further assigned to other parties. PI address space can only remain assigned to a network as long as the criteria for the original assignment are maintained. Additionally, all new PI address space assignments are subject to the policies described in the RIPE NCC document entitled “Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resources Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region Link: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/contract-req ”.
As PI addresses are not assigned from LIR-allocated PA address blocks, they cannot be aggregated on the public Internet. Consequently, they are expensive to route, and therefore may not be globally routable. The use of PA address space should always be recommended.
LIRs must make it clear to End Users which type of address space is assigned. Clear contractual arrangements are recommended and are mandatory for PA space.
In the past, some LIRs assigned address space that was de facto aggregated but not formally PA because there were no clear contractual arrangements for termination of the assignment. LIRs must ask leaving customers to voluntarily release this address space upon termination of service. Where possible, LIRs should work to make contractual arrangements to convert PI addresses into PA addresses.
End Users requesting PA space should be given this or a similar warning:
Assignment of this IP space is valid as long as the criteria for the original assignment are met and only for the duration of the service agreement between yourself and us. We have the right to reassign the address space to another user upon termination of this agreement or an agreed period thereafter. This means that you will have to re-configure the addresses of all equipment using this IP space if you continue to require global uniqueness of those addresses.
End Users requesting PI space should be given this or a similar warning:
Assignment of this IP space is valid as long as the criteria for the original assignment are still met and is also subject to the policies described in the RIPE NCC document entitled “Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resources Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region Link: http://www.ripe.net/ripe/docs/contract-req ”.
Assignment of address space does NOT imply that this address space will be ROUTABLE ON ANY PART OF THE INTERNET. It is expected that users will have to pay a premium for actual routing of PI addresses as opposed to PA addresses. It may eventually become impossible to get relatively small amounts of PI space routed on most of the Internet. We strongly suggest you contact any prospective service provider for information about issues related to service when using PI addresses.
LIRs will register the type of any assigned address space using the “status:” attribute of the inetnum object in the RIPE Database. The possible values of this attribute are:
ALLOCATED PA: This address space has been allocated to an LIR and no assignments or sub-allocations made from it are portable. Assignments and sub-allocations cannot be kept when moving to another provider.ALLOCATED PI: This address space has been allocated to an LIR or RIR and all assignments made from it are portable. Assignments can be kept as long as the criteria for the original assignment are met. Sub-allocations cannot be made from this type of address space.ALLOCATED UNSPECIFIED: This address space has been allocated to an LIR or RIR. Assignments may be PA or PI. This status is intended to document past allocations where assignments of both types exist. It is avoided for new allocations. Sub-allocations cannot be made from this type of address space.SUB-ALLOCATED PA: This address space has been sub-allocated by an LIR to a downstream network operator that will make assignments from it. All assignments made from it are PA. They cannot be kept when moving to a service provided by another provider.LIR-PARTITIONED PA: This allows an LIR to document distribution and delegate management of allocated space within their organisation. Address space with a status of LIR-PARTITIONED is not considered used. When the addresses are used, a more specific inetnum should be registered.LIR-PARTITIONED PI: This allows an LIR to document distribution and delegate management of allocated space within their organisation. Address space with a status of LIR-PARTITIONED is not considered used. When the addresses are used, a more specific inetnum should be registered.EARLY-REGISTRATION: This is used by the RIPE Database administration when transferring pre-RIR registrations from the ARIN Database. The value can be changed by database users (except for ALLOCATED PA). Only the RIPE Database administrators can create objects with this value.NOT-SET: This indicates that the registration was made before the “status:” attributes became mandatory for inetnum objects. The object has not been updated since then. New objects cannot be created with this value. The value can be changed by database users.ASSIGNED PA: This address space has been assigned from. The
registry will make the necessary changes to the zone files.
The registry will also make sure that the network objects in
the RIPE database for these networks are updated with the
correct "rev-srv" attributes.
In case the RIPE NCC receives a request for the reverse zone of
an individual class C network out of a block that has been
delegated, the request will be forwarded to the mailbox speci-
field in the SOA RR for the zone concerned and to the zone-
contact registered in the RIPE database for that zone.
The NCC also suggests that similar procedures are set up for the
delegation of reverse zones for individual class C networks from
the registries to individual organisations.
The procedure for asking the reverse delegation of a block (256 C's) of
addresses or network (1 or more C's) addresses is quite similar but there
are some differences. Therefor they are described as one procedure with
clear remarks when something only applies for block or network delegations.
Note that we will be a little bit more stringent on the rules for block
delegations since we need to be sure that other people can rely on you
for proper operation of the DNS system.
Above procedures are defined to ensure the necessary high availabil- ity
for the reverse domains, and to minimise confusion. The NCC will ensure
fast response times for addition requests, and will in principle update
the 193.IN-ADDR.ARPA domain at least once per working day, if needed. Any
problems regarding the reverse zones in 193.IN-ADDR.ARPA should be
reported to <inaddr@ripe.net>.
1. We only reverse delegate when all addresses are assigned to you.
2. Your nameservers should be configured and running and should have
good reachability on the internet. Nameservers for block delegations
must meet similar connectivity requirements as top-level domain
The NCC recommends to use the following timers and counters (as
advised by RFC1537):
28800 ;refresh period (8 hours)
7200 ;retry interval (2 hours)
604800 ;expire time (1 week)
86400 ;default ttl (1 day)
It is mandatory for network (C) reverse delegations:
- ns.ripe.net is NOT one of the secondary/primary nameservers
- at least two nameservers should be used
- We need a RIPE database 'inetnum' object with 'rev-srv:'
attributes for the name (not IP address) of each nameserver.
It is mandatory for block reverse delegations:
- ns.ripe.net is one the secondary (never primary) nameservers
- at least two other nameservers that don't reside on the same
ethernet are required
- Operators of the primary nameservers should be familiar with
RFC1537 and this document
- We need a RIPE database 'domain' object for each delegation
with 'nserver:' attributes for the name (not IP address) of each
3. Send an E-mail request to <auto-inaddr@ripe.net> with:
- In the header (or body if not possible) of your E-mail message:
X-NCC-RegID: Country.RegistryName
This is not required, though easy for keeping track of the
requests. Of course, we don't need your local registry ID if you
are not from a RIPE local registry.
For network (C) reverse delegations:
- We need a RIPE database 'inetnum' object with 'rev-srv:'
attributes for the name (not IP address) of each nameserver
For block reverse delegations:
- State in your request that you know about RFC1537 & this document
- A RIPE database 'domain' object for each delegation
with 'nserver:' attributes for the name (not IP address) of each
4. Your request will first go through to an automatic checking program.
The program will check your zone files and report you about errors
(that should be fixed), warnings (that you might want to change), or
that no errors have been found. If errors are found, you will be
asked to fix them and resubmit your request and the automatic checks
will be done again.
If no errors (warnings are allowed, but we strongly suggest that you
at least take a look at them) are found your request will be
acknowledged and your request will be forwarded to the person in
charge of the reverse delegation requests. He/she processes the
request further. If no additional problems are found the object will
included in the database and the block/network reverse delegated.
You will always receive an acknowledgment when the delegation has
been done or an explanation why not.
Example of a network delegation request:
From: "Anne X. Ample" <anne.x.ample@ample.nl>
To: RIPE Hostmaster <auto-inaddr@ripe.net>
Subject: LONGACK 2.1.193.in-addr.arpa delegation please
Please delegate 2.1.193.in-addr.arpa as specified below.
Thank you!
For the AMPLE Corporation
Anne X. Ample
inetnum: -
netname: AMPLE
descr: AMPLE Corporation
descr: Amsterdam, Netherlands
country: NL
admin-c: Anne X. Ample
tech-c: G. E. K. Ample
aut-sys: 4711
rev-srv: ns.ample.nl
rev-srv: ns.elpma.ln
changed: anne.x.ample@ample.nl 930101
source: RIPE
Example of a block (256 C's) reverse delegation:
From: Marten Terpstra <marten@in.ter.net>
To: RIPE Hostmaster <auto-inaddr@ripe.net>
Subject: LONGACK 202.193.in-addr.arpa delegation please
Dear NCC people,
I have read and understood ripe-105++ and RFC1537.
Could you please delegate 202.193.in-addr.arpa as specified below.
Thank you!
Marten Terpstra
domain: 202.193.in-addr.arpa
descr: Pan European Organisations class C block
admin-c: Daniel Karrenberg
tech-c: Marten Terpstra
zone-c: Marten Terpstra
nserver: ns.eu.net
nserver: sunic.sunet.se
nserver: ns.ripe.net
changed: marten@ripe.net 930319
source: RIPE
Some notes on the automatic checking program:
You can use some keywords in the 'Subject:' line of your E-mail to
control the checking process. The use of the LONGACK keyword is very
recommended. For changing an existing delegation put the keyword CHANGE
in the 'Subject:' line of your E-mail message.
HELP - will send you this document
CHANGE - is needed if you want to change an existing reverse delegation
LONGACK - will give you the most verbose output as possible
TEST - will only test your zone files without actually doing
the request
When you want to to a request for a block delegation and you want to know
if there are already reverse zones registered within the zone of the
requested block delegation, just send in your request and you will
receive an error report that includes a copy of our zone file regarding
this zone!
The creation of an inetnum object with a status of “ASSIGNED PA” or “ASSIGNED PI” is only possible if there is no less specific or more specific inetnum object with an “ASSIGNED” status.
Address space without an explicit type in the “status:” attribute is assumed to be PI. LIRs must clearly mark all new assignments in the RIPE Database with either “PA” or “PI” as appropriate.
The RIPE NCC no longer allocates PI address space. Consequently, many LIRs do not have PI allocations from which to make PI assignments. If an LIR has an End User that requires PI address space they are able to support them by sending these requests to the RIPE NCC on behalf of the End User. This support includes helping End Users prepare a properly documented request. The RIPE NCC will make PI assignments when justified.
9.0 Record Keeping
All documentation related to an IP address request and sub-allocation or assignment must be maintained by the LIR for future reference. This data is needed for the evaluation of subsequent requests for the same organisation, for audits by the RIR, and for the resolution of any questions that may arise regarding assignments. The records must include:
The original requestAll supporting documentationAll related correspondence between the LIR and the End UserThe assignment decision, including the reasons behind any unusual decisionThe details of the person responsible for making the decision
The history of events and the people responsible should be clearly recorded. In order to help the exchange of information, it is strongly recommended that documents are kept electronically and are readily accessible. If requested, any of this information should be made available to the RIPE NCC in English.
10.0 LIR Audit
The RIPE community asked the RIPE NCC to audit LIR operations and ensure consistent and fair implementation of the community's policies. Details of this activity are described in the RIPE Document "RIPE NCC Audit Activity" found at:
https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/audit/ Link: https://www.ripe.net/publications/docs/audit/
11.0 Closing an LIR by the RIPE NCC
The RIPE NCC may close an LIR for any of the following reasons:
the LIR does not pay money owed to the RIPE NCCthe LIR cannot be contacted by the RIPE NCC for a significant period of timethe LIR consistently violates the RIPE community's policies
The RIPE NCC takes on responsibility for address space held by closing LIRs.