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Supporting Notes for the IPv6 End User Site Assignment Request Form

Publication date:
04 Apr 2006
PDF (17.3 KB)

Please note: all email-based request forms have been archived on the website and are available through the LIR Portal. You can find an announcement about this here.

To request resources from the RIPE NCC, members should now use the request forms in the LIR Portal.

The Resource Request API and accompanying documentation is available for members with workflows that prevent them from using the LIR Portal request forms.


This document contains instructions for LIRs on how to complete the “IPv6 End User Site Assignment Request Form

The instructions are based on the “IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy


General Information

% Please add your RegID.
request-type: ipv6-enduser-assignment
form-version: 1.1
x-ncc-regid: nl.bluelight

Please do not change the value of the “request-type:” and “form-version:” fields.

Enter your Registry Identifier (RegID) in the “x-ncc-regid:” field. RegIDs have the following format: <country code>.<name>. If you do not know your RegID, please contact <[email protected]>.

Required Information

% Do you and the End User accept the IPv6 Address
% Allocation and Assignment Policy? (Yes/No)
confirmation: yes
% Why does the End User site need more than a /48?
reason: Ruria Inc. consists of four divisions, 
which are technically independent,
and therefore require separate /48 assignments.

You and the End User must read the IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy. Enter ‘yes' in the “confirmation:” field if you both agree to follow this policy.

In the “reason:” field, please explain why the End User needs a large IPv6 assignment.

Overview of Organisation Template

% Who will use the requested address space?
organisation-name:      Ruria Inc.
organisation-location: Ruritania, NN
org-description: Ruria Inc. is a well-known company in NN.
Its main activities include digital imaging, music, travel agency
and producing home appliances.
Ruria Inc. will make its network IPv6-enabled soon.
website-if-available: http://www.ruria.nn
% Will the whole organisation use this assignment? If 
% another part of the organisation will request separate
% IPv6 address space, please inform us below. (Whole/Part)
for-whole-or-part-of-the-organisation: whole

Enter the legal name and primary location of the organisation that will use this IPv6 address space in the “organisation-name:” and “organisation-location:” fields.

In the “org-description:” field, write a short description of the organisation. Include information about its IPv6 services and customers.

If this End User has a website, enter the URL in the “website-if-available:” field.

Enter ‘part' in the “for-whole-or-part-of-the-organisation:” field if the End User's organisation will request separate IPv6 address space. Otherwise, enter ‘whole'.

User Template

% Who is the contact person for this organisation?
name:    Hannu Olofsson
phone: +123 45 678910
fax-no: +123 45 678911
email: [email protected]
nic-hdl: HOHO1-RIPE

Please use international dialling codes (for example, +31 for the Netherlands,) in the “phone:” and “fax-no:” fields.

Enter the contact person's NIC handle, if they have one, in the “nic-hdl:” field.

IPv6 Assignment Usage Plan

% When will the End User use this IPv6 assignment?
% Subnet Within Within Within
% size (/nn) 3 months 1 year 2 years Purpose
subnet:    /48            x          -          -         Digital Imaging
subnet: /48 - x - Ruria Travel
subnet: /48 - x - Ruria Music
subnet: /48 - - x Home Applicances
% Which netname will you use for this assignment?
netname: RURIA

Enter the size of each subnet in the “Subnet size (/nn)” column. Please specify the size using IPv6 slash notation (for example, /48). You can repeat the “subnet:” field as many times as needed.

In the “Purpose” column, write a short description of each subnet. If needed, you can write a more detailed description in the “Insert Supplemental Comments” section at the end of the form.

Complete the remaining columns with a cross (x) or a dash (-). For example, if the End User will use a subnet within three months, enter a cross in the “Within 3 months” column and a dash in both the “Within 1 year” and “Within 2 years” columns.

The “netname:” should be a short, descriptive name for the network and should reflect the End User's organisation name.

Insert Supplemental Comments

% Please add more information if you think it will help us
% understand this request.
Ruria Inc. is already installing equipment to run their network 
with dual-stack IPv4/IPv6.

You can use this space for additional information that you think will be helpful for us when we evaluate your request.

End of Request

Best Regards,
Jan Janssen, Bluelight Admin

Please write your full name below the “#[END of REQUEST]#” header.