START at Thu Nov 28 10:10:51 MET 1991
Counting : al at be bg ch cs de dk es fi fr gr hu ie is it il nl no pl pt ro se su tn uk yu
Domain Subdomains Hosts
al 0 0
cs 1 0
Hostcount once more.
Again a nice increase of almost 10,000, to 221951.
The only one country going down a bit is Hungary, due to unreachable
We welcome Great-Brittain (.gb) in the European networking scene ;-)
Unfortunately due to a mistake, the files with all zone output are
unavailable this time. They will return next month.
Some people have suggested that parts of this hostcount could be done
distributed, to get more accurate figures, and keep network load as low as
possible. I am happy to discuss a scheme for this at the next RIPE meeting.
Some people have requested to have the history of the hostcounts distributed
with the hostcount every month, to keep track of what has passed over the
months/years. You can find the previous hostcounts below the hostcount for
August. Unfortunately, some of the counts are missing, mainly in the period
when I did this still at NIKHEF. Also some of the earliest counts may not be
as reliable as the last year or so. Much has changed to the program.
RIPE DNS Hostcount
Previous Count : Mon Aug 3 1992
This Count : Mon Aug 31 1992
al 1 0 0 0 0
at 161 6831 26 6805 + 277
be 17 1512 55 1457 + 20
bg 1 0
dk 56 1676
be 9 274
at 60 2568
ch 44 15097
de 582 27063
fi 89 11396
gr 26 324
es 23 1688
ie 9 349
hu 3 25
fr 189 12031
il 18 1909
it 84 2413
is 5 205
0 0 0
by 0 0 0 0 0
ch 58 17888 106 17782 + 762
cs 10 686 62 624 + 624
de 855 48533 917 47616 + 1788
dk 72 3117 43 3074 + 295
dz 0 0 0 0 0
ee 1 37 0 37 + 37
es 149 3891 57 3834 + 115
fi 131 17018 150 16868 + 1005
fr 293 19343 180 19163 + 390
gb 1 1 0 1 + 1
gr 41 612 135 477 + 113
hr 0 0 0 0 0
hu 3 33 0 33 - 66
ie 22 667 4 663 + 37
is 8 447 1 446 + 46
it 176 5166 192 4974 + 122
il 40 2897 51 2846 + 65
lt 1 0 0 0 0
lu 5 79 1 78 0
lv 1 0 0 0 0
nl 260 21567 369 21198 + 937
no 299 15041 172 14869 + 625
pl 49 676 11 665 + 271
pt 47 1407 22 1385 + 60
ro 0 0
yu 1 9
su 1 0
tn 0 0
pt 23 774
pl 8 104
no 203 9945
nl 198 11073
se 191 17113
uk 98 13616
1922 129652
END at Thu Nov 28 20:17:47 MET 1991 0 0 0
se 318 21912 175 21737 + 878
si 1 0 0 0 0
su 125 26 0 26 + 10
tn 2 9 0 9 + 1
ua 0 0 0 0 0
uk 306 39764 4493 35271 + 1316
va 0 0 0 0 0
yu 2 13 0 13 0
3456 229173 7222 221951 + 9729