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RIPE Documents by Number

  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Autonomous System (AS) Number Assignment Policies

    ripe-496: This document describes the policies for the assignment of globally unique Autonomous System (AS) Numbers within the RIPE NCC service region. These policies are developed by the RIPE Community following the RIPE Policy Development Process.

    RipeDocument as numbers address policy
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Principles for Number Resource Registration Policies

    ripe-495: This document sets out the principles for IPv4 address registration after the unallocated pool of addresses has run out. The purpose of this document is to expose the thinking of the authors, and encourage a discussion in the community.

    RipeDocument ipv4 ipv4 depletion
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Annual Report 2009

    ripe-494: This is the RIPE NCC 2009 Annual Report.

    RipeDocument annual report
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Address Space Managed by the RIPE NCC

    ripe-493: This obsolete document details the address space managed by the RIPE NCC and the longest prefixes allocated or assigned from different address ranges.

    RipeDocument ipv4 ipv6
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region

    ripe-492: This obsolete document describes the RIPE community’s current IPv4 address allocation and assignment policies. They were developed through a bottom-up, consensus driven, open policy development process in the RIPE Address Policy Working Group (AP WG). The RIPE Network Coordination Centre (RIPE NCC) facilitates and supports this process. These policies apply to the RIPE NCC and the Local Internet Registries (LIRs) within the RIPE NCC service region.

    RipeDocument ipv4 address policy
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Supporting Notes for Provider Independent (PI) Assignment Request Form

    ripe-491: This document contains instructions for LIRs on how to complete the "Provider Independent (PI) Assignment Request Form".

    RipeDocument ipv4 request forms resource management
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Provider Independent (PI) Assignment Request Form

    ripe-490: This form should be used when requesting IPv4 PA address space.

    RipeDocument ipv4 request forms resource management
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Supporting Notes For Provider Aggregatable (PA) Assignment Request Form

    ripe-489: This document contains instructions for LIRs on how to complete the “Provider Aggregatable (PA) Assignment Request Form”.

    RipeDocument ipv4 resource management
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    Provider Aggregatable (PA) Assignment Request Form

    ripe-488: Form to request IPv4 PA address space.

    RipeDocument ipv4
  • Publications / RIPE Document Store
    RIPE NCC Articles of Association (2009)

    ripe-487: The Articles of Association govern the rules under which the RIPE NCC Association operates.

    RipeDocument ripe ncc