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The global adoption of IPv6 is one of the key challenges in the Internet industry today, and how successfully we meet that challenge will effect Internet users throughout the world.
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RIPE Document Store
RIPE Documents include policies, reports or recommendations from RIPE Working Groups and Task Forces, as well as procedures or organisational documents relating to the RIPE NCC.
RIPE NCC Organisational Documents
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Latest news 
Members can now register to attend and vote at the RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) taking place over 14-16 May 2025.
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- general meeting
Gabor de Wit will take on the role of Chief Registry Operations Officer from 1 May 2025 onwards.
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- ripe ncc
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On 7 March 2025, the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) signed a Joint Declaration with the RIPE NCC on ‘Promoting and Developing Internet Infrastructure, IPv6 Deployment and Capacity Building’. The ceremony took place at the Regional Development Forum for the Arab States in Amman, Jordan on 3 February 2025.
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- ripe ncc
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After months of development and beta testing, we are excited to announce the launch of the revamped RIPE Atlas probe detail pages.
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- ripe atlas
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We launched a new version of the RIPEstat user interface (UI) and welcome your feedback.
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- ripestat
Read the monthly RIPE NCC Member Update for February 2025.
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- member update
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