Member Update: November 2024
1. Registry
LIR Stats
Number of LIRs: 21,308 (-15)
Number of members: 20,167 (+22)
LIRs with IPv6: 15,787 (-6)
IPv4 addresses transferred in October: 2,012,160 (+380,928)
LIRs on IPv4 Waiting List: 1,050
Days that first LIR in queue has been waiting: 514
% of IPv4 address space covered by ROAs: 71%
% of IPv6 address space covered by ROAs: 40%
ARCs completed in October: 206
RIPE NCC Members: Review Your Information Before the End of the Year
Ensure your billing information is up to date before we send invoices in early 2025. Please verify your details in the LIR portal to avoid reminders or closure warnings.
If you are planning to close any LIR accounts, you can avoid getting an invoice for 2025 by submitting a valid request to close your LIR account before the end of the year (no later than 31 December 2024).
The request for closure of an LIR account due to making a policy transfer or change in business structure must be made with all the necessary information and documentation, and you must confirm your intent to close the account in the request.
- Resources should be transferable at the time of the request.
- For transfer requests involving IPv6 allocations, please expect additional evaluation time, as the receiving party may need to justify the need for the allocation. If there is no real need, you might consider excluding the IPv6 resource from the transfer and returning it to the free pool.
For closure requests or further assistance, contact
Review Independent Resources and ASNs in Your LIR Account
The RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2025 introduces changes to fees for independent resources held or sponsored by members. In addition to the service fee covering all IPv4 and IPv6 allocations, there will be a EUR 25 increase to EUR 75 for Internet number resource assignments, such as IPv4 and IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) assignments, and a new annual fee of EUR 50 for each Autonomous System (AS) number.
To ensure you will not be charged for resources that you or your end users no longer need, or for resources where the contractual relationship with your customers has changed or ceased, we invite you to review all independent resources currently registered to or sponsored through your LIR account. If you identify any resources that need updating, please submit an update request through the LIR Portal as soon as possible. Members’ independent resources and ASNs will be determined based on data gathered on 31 December 2024.
War Story: RPKI is Working as Intended
On RIPE Labs, Job Snijders and contributors share the story of a recent BGP hijack at Fastly and what it tells us about the success of RPKI.
Graphic of the Month

2. Information Services
Does the Internet Route Around Damage? Baltic Sea Cuts
On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Emile Aben looks at RIPE Atlas to provide a preliminary analysis of the recent Internet cable cuts in the Baltic Sea and explores to what extent the Internet in the region has been resilient to them.
The DNS Server That Lagged Behind
On RIPE Labs, Stéphane Bortzmeyer tells the story of an authoritative name server serving stale data to 26 African TLDs.
3. Community and Engagement
ICP-2 Questionnaire Deadline Extended to 6 December 2024
The Number Resource Organization (NRO) has extended the deadline to submit responses to the questionnaire on the proposed principles to update ICP-2. The new deadline is Friday, 6 December 2024. The questionnaire takes approximately 15 minutes to fill out.
Volunteer for the RIPE NomCom 2025
We invite members of the RIPE community who have attended at least three out of the last five RIPE Meetings to volunteer to serve on the nominations committee that will select the next RIPE Chair team (NomCom).
Green Tech
The RIPE NCC will host a hackathon on Green Tech on 10-11 December 2024, in Amsterdam, online and in several local hubs. Applications are open to participate.
Netnod, DNS-OARC and the RIPE NCC will co-host a DNS Hackathon in Stockholm from 15-16 March 2025. Apply by 1 December to be considered in the first round of applicants.
MENOG 24 will take place from 4-5 December in Muscat, Oman. Ahead of the plenary days, there will be workshops from 1-3 December and a peering and interconnection day zero on 3 December. Registration is open for these events.
On RIPE Labs, ahead of MENOG 24, the RIPE NCC’s Qasim Lone and colleagues have published an analysis of the development of Internet technologies in the Arabic-speaking countries of the region that have the potential to become major players in the global digital revolution.
Call for Hosts
We are launching a call for hosts for:
- RIPE NCC Days Moldova, which will take place on 18-19 June 2025
- MENOG 25, which will take place during the week of 23-28 November or 7-11 December 2025
If you are interested, please email for RIPE NCC Days Moldova by 20 December 2024 and for MENOG 25 by 30 January 2025.
ASO AC: Call for Nominations for ICANN Board of Directors
The Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) has issued a call for nominations to fill Seat 10 on the ICANN Board of Directors. Nominations can be submitted until 16 December 2024 at 23:59 UTC.
RIPE 90 Call for Presentations
The RIPE Programme Committee (PC) is seeking proposals for plenary presentations, lightning talks, tutorials and BoFs at RIPE 90. This meeting will take place in Lisbon, Portugal from 12-16 May 2025.
The deadline to submit a presentation proposal is Monday, 3 March 2025.
The RIPE Chair Team Reports - November 2024
The RIPE Chair Team’s latest report is out, featuring highlights from RIPE 89 and other recent industry events, such as IETF 121, ICANN 81, DENOG 16 and DD-IX.
Distinguishing the Internet’s Core From What Is Built on Top
On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Chief Community Officer Hisham Ibrahim explains the specifics of what the Internet really is and distinguishes it from related aspects such as the World Wide Web.
RIPE 89 took place from 28 October to 1 November in Prague, Czechia. You can read the Daily Meeting Blog to hear all about what happened. You can also check out the stenography and presentation archive on the meeting website, or watch videos of the event on our YouTube channel.
NRO NC Elections
An election to fill one seat on the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) took place during RIPE 89. Andrei Robachevsky was elected to fill this seat for a three-year term.
Policy Update
Policy Proposal 2024-01 "Revised IPv6 PI Assignment Policy"
The discussion period for RIPE Policy Proposal 2024-01, "Revised IPv6 PI Assignment Policy," ended on 22 November 2024. This proposal aims to define End Sites and requirements for “IPv6 PI Assignments” and “Assignments from IPv6 Allocations,” clarify permitted use cases and introduce IPv6 PI issuance at the Nibble boundary and new principles for aggregation and registration. The proposer is working on a new version considering the feedback received.
Policy Proposal 2024-02 "IPv6 Initial Allocations /28”
The discussion period for RIPE Policy Proposal 2024-02, "IPv6 Initial Allocations /28,” ended on 12 November 2024. This proposal aims to change the initial IPv6 allocation size from /29 to /28. The proposers are working on a new version considering the feedback received.
Programme Committee Elections
The RIPE Programme Committee (PC) is responsible for recruiting and selecting presentations for the RIPE Meeting Plenary sessions. There were two seats up for election to the RIPE PC. Antonio Prado and Babak Farrokhi were selected to fill these seats.
Internet Measurement Day: Türkiye
We held an Internet Measurement Day in Istanbul, Türkiye on 6 November. The event report is available.
RIPE NCC Government Roundtable in the Middle East
We held the eighth RIPE NCC Government Roundtable for Arab Countries in the Middle East Region, this time in Amman, Jordan. The press release about the event is available.
RIPE NCC Upcoming Courses and Webinars
In December, we have planned:
Sun 1 Dec 2024 IPv6 Fundamentals Training Course (Muscat)
Mon 2 Dec 2024 RIPE Database Training Course (Muscat)
Wed 4 Dec 2024 LIR Training Course (Lisbon)
Thurs 5 Dec 2024 IPv6 Fundamentals Training Course (Lisbon)
Fri 6 Dec 2024 RIPE Database Training Course (Lisbon)
Tues 10 Dec 2024 IPv6 Security Training Course (Dublin)
Wed 11 Dec 2024 BGP Routing Security Training Course (Dublin)
Tue 17 Dec 2024 Exploring the RIPE Atlas UI
We also invite members to fill out our BGP needs assessment survey. We'd like to know which level of content and which topics you’d be interested in learning about.
RIPE NCC Certified Professionals Vouchers
Each LIR is entitled to three free Certified Professionals exam vouchers per year. This year’s vouchers will expire on 31 December 2024, so remember to claim your vouchers from the dashboard in the RIPE NCC Academy by then.
4. Organisational Update
RIPE NCC Billing Procedure 2025 Published
If you want to see how your annual contribution will be calculated or find payment information, please refer to the RIPE NCC Billing Procedure 2025, which is now published.
We are currently preparing our members’ invoices and expect to send them to all members at the beginning of 2025.
RIPE NCC General Meeting October 2024
The voting report from the October 2024 General Meeting is available. RIPE NCC members voted to approve one resolution relating to the redistribution of the excess contribution/deficit paid in the financial year 2024.