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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

Time Program

08:30 - 09:00

Registration and Welcome Coffee

09:00 - 10:30

Tutorial Part I (Lavender Ballroom)

Basic RIPE NCC Tools for Network Diagnostics and Monitoring
Vesna Manojlovic & Massimo Candela, RIPE NCC

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30

Tutorial Part II (Lavender Ballroom)

Advanced RIPE NCC Tools for Network Diagnostics and Monitoring
Vesna Manojlovic & Massimo Candela, RIPE NCC

Plenary (Ivo Andrić A Ballroom)

Panel on Internet Governance

Moderator: Paul Rendek, RIPE NCC
- Vladimir Radunović, DiploFoundation
- Désirée Miloshevic, Internet Society (ISOC)

12:30 - 14:00

Lunch (Ivo Andrić B Ballroom)

14:00 - 16:00

Opening Plenary (Ivo Andrić A Ballroom)

- Serge Radovcic, RIPE NCC
- Zoran Perović, Serbian Open eXchange (SOX)
- Dušan Stojičević, Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS)
- Jan Žorž, Programme Committee Chair

RIPE vs RIPE NCC: From the Beginning to After the NTIA Transition
Hans Petter Holen, RIPE Chair

PDP: Time to Join
Marco Schmidt, RIPE NCC

RIPE NCC Academy
Rumy Spratley-Kanis, RIPE NCC

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:30

IPv6 Plenary (Ivo Andrić A Ballroom)

IPv6 Troubleshooting for Helpdesks Using
Jan Žorž, Internet Society (ISOC)

IPv6 at Home
Nathalie Kunneke-Trenaman, RIPE NCC

IPv6 RIPEness: From Four to Five Stars
Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC

Lightning Talks

  • Possibilities of using RIPE Atlas for improvement of the electronic health
    system in Republic of Macedonia
    Vladislav Bidikov, Faculty of Computer Science and Engineering
  • Keep Calm and Apply BCP38
    Berislav Todorovic, Liberty Global
  • IXP-Jedi
    Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC

18:30 - 18:45


18:45 - 19:30

BoF (Ivo Andrić A Ballroom)

Organizing Network Operators' Groups (NOGs) in the Region
Slobodan Markovic, Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS)


Dinner at Kalemegdanska Terasa

Wednesday, 22 April 2015

Time Program

08:30 - 09:00

Registration and Welcome Coffee

09:00 - 10:30

Infrastructure Plenary (Ivo Andrić A Ballroom)

Waltzing on That Gentle Trade‐off Between Internet Routes and FIB Space: An SDN Story
- David Barroso, Spotify
- Paolo Lucente, pmacct

DDoS Mitigation at CloudFlare
Martin Levy, CloudFlare

Open Cloud eXchange (OCX)
Damir Regvart, CARNet

10:30 - 11:00

Coffee Break

11:00 - 12:30

IXP Plenary (Ivo Andrić A Ballroom)

IXP Panel: Keeping Local Content Local
Moderator: Bijal Sanghani, Euro-IX
- Zoran Perovic, SOX
- Franck Simon, France-IX
- Martin Semrad,
- Mario Klobucar, CIX

12:30 - 13:30


13:30 - 16:00

Policy and Governance Plenary (Ivo Andrić A Ballroom)

ENISA Efforts for Securing European Internet Infrastructure
Rossella Mattioli, European Union Agency for Network and Information Security (ENISA)

Croatian National CERT
Darko Perhoc, CARNet, National CERT

Finnish Cyber Defense Model - Guided Tour
Sindri Bjarnason, Codenomicon

Legal Framework on Information Security and CERT/CSIRT Issues
Nebojša Vasiljević, Ministry of Trade and Telecommunications

Development of e-Government Services
Dušan Stojanović, Directorate for e-Government, Ministry of Public Administration
and Local Self-Government

16:00 - 16:30

Coffee Break

16:30 - 18:30

Measurements Plenary (Ivo Andrić A Ballroom)

Internet Quality Measurements
Vladica Tintor, Regulatory Agency for Electronic Communications (RATEL)

Measuring the Health of the Internet: Even in Real Time
Massimo Candela, RIPE NCC

If You Can't Measure It, How Do You Know If It Works?
Matija Grabnar, NetTV Plus

Performance Gains With Ansible in CDN Environment
Sibin Arsenijevic, NetTV Plus

Closing Plenary
Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC

18:30 - 20:30

Closing Reception at Metropol Palace Hotel