Charging Scheme Task Force 2024 Meeting Minutes (29 October 2024)
29 October 2024
Attendees: Victor Bolaños Guerra, Sebastian Brossier, Alex de Joode, Carlos Friaças, Raymond Jetten, Ulf Kieber, Pavel Odintsov, Cynthia Revström, Piotr Strzyżewski, Clara Wade
Apologies: Alexandru Doszlop, Ivaylo Josifov, Alptekin Sünnetci
Chairs: Ondřej Filip, Peter Hessler
RIPE NCC staff: Daniella Coutinho, Fergal Cunningham, Athina Fragkouli, Simon-Jan Haytink, Karla Liddle-White
1. Welcome
RIPE NCC Executive Board Chair, Ondřej Filip, began the meeting by welcoming the group, noting the agenda items and thanking RIPE NCC staff for their support of the Task Force.
2. Approval of minutes from meeting #3
Ondřej noted that there were no objections to the minutes and that all submitted comments had been incorporated. The group approved the minutes from the third meeting held on 22 October and added an action item to publish them after the meeting.
3. Finalising presentation for GM on Wednesday
Co-Chair Peter Hessler led a review of the presentation planned for the General Meeting on 30 October, inviting questions and comments from the group. The discussion began with a focus on the best contact information to include for members to send feedback to the Task Force. It was recommended that the CSTF email address be added to the email accompanying the minutes sent to the Members-discuss list, ensuring members had a clear way to share their input. The group then reviewed the presentation content, making formatting changes and deciding to include additional information on Legacy space. They also discussed the next steps for the Task Force’s work moving forward.
The group discussed whether additional slides were needed. It was noted that the current slides adequately covered the Task Force's objectives and status, and provided a platform for feedback without delving into specifics.
It was also decided to clarify the Task Force’s role which was to ensure fairness and create an equitable charging model while safeguarding the RIPE NCC’s sustainability and long-term stability.
In closing, the group was asked if other Task Force members were willing to help answer questions apart from Peter. The group confirmed that they would be available to go to the mic at the General Meeting.
4. AOB
Executive Assistant, Daniella Coutinho, said that Doodle polls with possible dates would soon be shared for the rest of the year’s meetings.
Chief Financial Officer, Simon-Jan said that he could ask the other RIR Chief Financial Officers present at RIPE 89 questions from the group and report back at the next meeting. The group provided questions they would like him to ask.
Peter thanked both in person and online members of the Task Force and adjourned the meeting.