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Charging Scheme Task Force 2024


In 2023 and 2024, the RIPE NCC Management and Executive Board worked on developing charging schemes to support the organisation and meet member needs.

In 2023, a category model was rejected by members, and simpler options in 2024 also faced objections. Multiple alternative proposals were discussed via the members-discuss mailing list. In June 2024, the Executive Board agreed to form a task force to define the principles of a future Charging Scheme.


The Executive Board established the task force in August 2024 with an aim to improve the Charging Scheme process.

The task force follows RIPE 782, RIPE Task Forces: Definition and Guidelines, and consists of 12 RIPE NCC members, three board members, and two RIPE NCC staff members.


  • Define the principles of a future Charging Scheme
  • Propose an improved process for the annual Charging Scheme discussions and adoption.


The first meeting took place in August 2024 and the minutes are now available:

Members can comment on the minutes via the members-discuss mailing list.

Task Force Members

RIPE NCC Members

Peter Hessler (Co-Chair), Alptekin Sunnetci, Carlos Miguel Queiros Friacas, Ivaylo Josifov, Alex de Joode, Cynthia Revström, Alexandru Doszlop, Pavel Odintsov, Ulf Kieber, Clara Wade, Victor Bolaños Guerra, Sébastien Brossier

RIPE NCC Executive Board

  • Ondřej Filip (Co-Chair), Raymond Jetten, Piotr Strzyżewski


  • Athina Fragkouli, Simon-Jan Haytink

RIPE NCC Staff Support

  • Fergal Cunningham, Daniella Coutinho, Karla Liddle-White


  • August 2024: Task force formed
  • August-October 2024: Meetings held
  • October 2024: Progress report at the General Meeting
  • November - May 2025: Meetings to be held
  • February-May 2025: Recommendations sent to the Executive Board
  • May 2025: Findings presented at the Spring General Meeting

Participate in discussions

The easiest way to comment is on the members-discuss mailing list when the minutes are published.

The task force will present a report at the October General Meeting (GM) on 30 October 2024 where members will also be able to ask questions. Registration for the GM is now open.

Members Discuss Mailing List

Members can comment on the minutes via the members-discuss mailing list.

View the list

Register for the General Meeting

Registration for the GM is now open.

Register now

General Meeting October 2024

A report will be presented at the October General Meeting (GM) alongside RIPE 89 on 30 October 2024.

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