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How the GM works

The RIPE NCC General Meeting (GM) is a crucial event where members come together to discuss, influence and make decisions about the future of the RIPE NCC.

Understanding how the General Meeting works and how you can get involved is key to making the most of your membership.

Why does the RIPE NCC hold General Meetings?

As a Dutch membership organisation governed by Dutch law, the RIPE NCC is required to hold General Meetings (GMs) in accordance with its Articles of Association.

Articles 14-20 of the RIPE NCC Articles of Association outline the rules and procedures for holding General Meetings.

What happens at a RIPE NCC General Meeting?

The GM is a regular gathering of RIPE NCC members, held twice a year in Spring and Autumn:

Spring GM

Executive Board elections are held and members generally vote on:

  • RIPE NCC Financial Report
  • The RIPE NCC Charging Scheme
  • Discharge of the RIPE NCC Executive Board

Autumn GM

  • There is a discussion on the draft Activity Plan and Budget.

An opportunity for member input

The General Meetings are an opportunity for members to:

  • Discuss and Vote: Engage in discussions on important issues and vote on key resolutions that affect the operation and direction of the RIPE NCC.
  • Elect Board Members: Elect members to the RIPE NCC Executive Board, who are responsible for overseeing the organisation.
  • Review Financials: Vote on the Charging Scheme and the surplus/deficit, review the annual Financial Report, Annual Report and the Activity Plan and Budget.

Agenda and resolutions

  • The RIPE NCC Executive Board sets out the agenda and resolutions for the General Meeting. The Board must include the subjects and resolutions found in the RIPE NCC Articles of Association.
  • A group of RIPE NCC members, who together hold at least 2% of the total voting power, may also submit a written request to add additional topics to the agenda of the General Meeting. The process for this can be found in article 15.6 of the RIPE NCC Articles of Association.