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Executive Board Election Code of Conduct Team Transparency Report

We received two reports which we investigated and concluded that neither violated the current RIPE NCC Executive Board Election Code of Conduct. These reports and the conclusions are described below.

  1. The team received a report regarding unsolicited communication from an EB candidate.

    Based on the EB Election CoC, we concluded that there was no violation in this case.

  2. A concern was raised by an individual regarding the length of EB candidate videos played during the GM and if they were all under the 2 minute limit.

    The team concluded that this was not something that was in scope of the EB Election CoC.

    However, as several videos were above the 2 minute limit and one was over 3 minutes, the team decided to contact the RIPE NCC Meeting team to notify them about this so that they could address it as appropriate.