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RIPE NCC Roundtable Meeting September 2013 Attendee List

Last nameFirst nameOrganisationCountryStatus
Aben Emile RIPE NCC Checked in
Beccalli Andrea ICANN BE Checked in
Bendtsen Lars Danish Business Authority DK Checked in
BIDRON Alain Orange FR Checked in
Bíro Peter Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic SK Checked in
Buckridge Chris RIPE NCC Checked in
BÜHLER Kurt Office for Communications LI Checked in
Claise Benoit Cisco Systems / IETF Area Director BE Checked in
De Haan Thomas Ministry Economic Affairs NL Checked in
de la Haye Andrew RIPE NCC Checked in
de Ruig Jochem RIPE NCC Checked in
Fältström Patrik Netnod SE Checked in
FERRALI Laurent Minsitry of Economy FR Checked in
Forest Maxime ARCEP FR Checked in
Fragkouli Athina RIPE NCC Checked in
Goslings Bastiaan AMS-IX NL Checked in
Hogewoning Marco RIPE NCC Checked in
Jonsson Anders PTS SE Checked in
Karrenberg Daniel RIPE NCC Checked in
Kemos Achilleas European Commission BE Checked in
Kolkman Olaf NLnet Labs NL Checked in
Kühne Mirjam RIPE NCC NL Checked in
Leaning Richard Europol - EC3 NL Checked in
Lear Eliot Cisco Systems CH Checked in
Moragon Marco DIGITALEUROPE BE Checked in
Novakova Marketa Ministry of Industry and Trade CZ Checked in
Ranjbar Kaveh RIPE NCC Checked in
Rendek Paul RIPE NCC Checked in
Schut Hessel NHTCU NL Checked in
Sullivan Andrew IAB US Checked in
Tropina Tatiana Max Planck Institute for Foreign and International Criminal Law DE Checked in
Van Gaever Alain OFCOM GB Checked in
van Rhijn Arnold Ministry of Economic Affairs NL Checked in