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Attendee List
Last Name | First Name | Organisation | Country |
Akkerhuis | Jaap | ICANN SSAC | NL |
Bühler | Kurt | Office for Communications | LI |
Boyle | Martin | DTI | GB |
Dervishi | Dule | Regulatory Telecommunication Entity | AL |
Eschweiler | Wilhelm | Federal Ministry of Economics & Labour | DE |
Gschweitl | Sven | RTR-GmbH | AT |
Haberler | Michael | Internet Foundation Austria | AT |
Juselius | Juhani | Finnish Comm. Regulatory Authority | FI |
Kuehne | Mirjam | ISOC | CH |
Langmantel | Ernst | RTR-GmbH | AT |
Leibrandt | Michael | BMWA | DE |
Liman | Lars-Johan | Autonomica AB | SE |
Lindqvist | Kurt Erik | Netnod / Autonomica | SE |
Lovink | Geert | Institute of Network Cultures | NL |
March | Frank | Working Group on Internet Governance | CH |
Mawdsley | Allan | ICANN/GAC Secretariat | BE |
Mickus | Darijus | Communication Regulatory Authority | LT |
Molloy | Eamonn | Dept. of Comm., Marine & Nat. Resources | IE |
O'Dea | Majella | Representative of Ireland to the EU | BE |
Pinto Scholtbach | Rodrigo | Ministry of Economic Affairs | NL |
Pulaj | Ylli | Regulatory Telecommunication Entity | AL |
Rafting | Anders | National Post and Telecom Agency | SE |
Riehl | Frédéric | OFCOM | CH |
Sabitzer | Ina | Ministry for Transport, Innovation & Tech. | AT |
Sand | Fredrik | Ministry of Industry, Employment & Comms | SE |
Seppia | Giovanni | CENTR | BE |
Singer | Christian | BMVIT | AT |
Skrabanova | Tereza | Ministry of Informatics | CZ |
Storm | Ørnulf | Norwegian Post and Telecom. Authority | NO |
Sysoev | Dmitry | Ulyanovsk Cellular Communications JSC | RU |
van der Laan | Manuela | International Chamber of Commerce | FR |
Vilkkonen | Laura | Ministry of Transport and Communications | FI |
Yassoubi | Seyed Farshid | Communication Regulatory Authority | IR |