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Attendee List

Last Name First Name Organisation Country
Akkerhuis Jaap ICANN SSAC NL
Bühler Kurt Office for Communications LI
Boyle Martin DTI GB
Dervishi Dule Regulatory Telecommunication Entity AL
Eschweiler Wilhelm Federal Ministry of Economics & Labour DE
Gschweitl Sven RTR-GmbH AT
Haberler Michael Internet Foundation Austria AT
Juselius Juhani Finnish Comm. Regulatory Authority FI
Kuehne Mirjam ISOC CH
Langmantel Ernst RTR-GmbH AT
Leibrandt Michael BMWA DE
Liman Lars-Johan Autonomica AB SE
Lindqvist Kurt Erik Netnod / Autonomica SE
Lovink Geert Institute of Network Cultures NL
March Frank Working Group on Internet Governance CH
Mawdsley Allan ICANN/GAC Secretariat BE
Mickus Darijus Communication Regulatory Authority LT
Molloy Eamonn Dept. of Comm., Marine & Nat. Resources IE
O'Dea Majella Representative of Ireland to the EU BE
Pinto Scholtbach Rodrigo Ministry of Economic Affairs NL
Pulaj Ylli Regulatory Telecommunication Entity AL
Rafting Anders National Post and Telecom Agency SE
Riehl Frédéric OFCOM CH
Sabitzer Ina Ministry for Transport, Innovation & Tech. AT
Sand Fredrik Ministry of Industry, Employment & Comms SE
Seppia Giovanni CENTR BE
Singer Christian BMVIT AT
Skrabanova Tereza Ministry of Informatics CZ
Storm Ørnulf Norwegian Post and Telecom. Authority NO
Sysoev Dmitry Ulyanovsk Cellular Communications JSC RU
van der Laan Manuela International Chamber of Commerce FR
Vilkkonen Laura Ministry of Transport and Communications FI
Yassoubi Seyed Farshid Communication Regulatory Authority IR