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RIPE NCC Roundtable Meeting February 2014 Attendee List

Last nameFirst nameOrganisationCountryStatus
Arkko Jari IETF FI Checked in
BIDRON Alain Orange FR Checked in
Blokzijl Rob RIPE Chair NL Checked in
Boyle Martin Nominet GB Checked in
Buckridge Chris RIPE NCC Checked in
Burkov Dmitry RIPE NCC Executive Board RU Checked in
Burtikov Maxim RIPE NCC Checked in
Campillos Gema Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism, Spain ES Checked in
CHARLES Pierre-Yves Ministry of Economic Affairs Belgium BE Checked in
De Haan Thomas Ministry of Economic Affairs NL Checked in
Donck Frederic Internet Society BE Checked in
FERRALI Laurent French Minsitry of Economy FR Checked in
Flutur Cristiana ANCOM RO Checked in
Fragkouli Athina RIPE NCC Checked in
Gijzen Sandra RIPE NCC Checked in
Glorioso Andrea European Commission BE Checked in
Goslings Bastiaan AMS-IX NL Checked in
Hektor Anders SE Ministry of Enterprise SE Checked in
Hogewoning Marco RIPE NCC Checked in
JAFFRE Malo ARCEP FR Checked in
Janssen Nina Min. of Security and Justice NL NL Checked in
Jukic Zdravko HAKOM HR Checked in
Kędzierski Emil Ministry of Administration adn Digitization PL Checked in
Kemos Achilleas European Commission BE Checked in
Kolkman Olaf Stichting NLnet Labs NL Checked in
Lennox Gordon None FR Checked in
Liman Lars-Johan Netnod SE Checked in
Mattioli Rossella ENISA - European Union Agency for Network and Information Security GR Checked in
McBride Freddie European Communications Office DK Checked in
Mickus Darijus The Communications Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Lithuania LT Checked in
Milashevskiy Igor The Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation RU Checked in
Moisander Juuso Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland FI Checked in
Montereale Barbara Swiss Mission to the EU CH Checked in
Niebel Michael European Commission BE Checked in
Novakova Marketa Ministry of Industry and Trade CZ Checked in
Palovirta Maarit Internet Society BE Checked in
Papaspiliopoulos Panagiotis Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks | General Secretariat of Telecommunications and Post GR Checked in
Pawlik Axel RIPE NCC Checked in
Popp Helen Ministry of Foreign Affairs EE Checked in
Radovcic Serge RIPE NCC Checked in
Ranjbar Kaveh RIPE NCC Checked in
Redwin Paul Department for Culture. Media and Sport (DCMS) GB Checked in
Rendek Paul RIPE NCC Checked in
Riehl Frédéric OFCOM CH Checked in
Siddiqui Ilias World Youth Bank - Latin American Coordination BO
Simões Charlotte Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Ministry of Education and Science PT Checked in
Simon Maarten SIDN NL Checked in
Skierka Isabel European Commission BE Checked in
Sorensen Mette Danish Business Authority DK Checked in
Storm Ørnulf Norwegian Post and Telecommunications Authority NO Checked in
Thorne Nick Domzac FR Checked in
Titley Nigel RIPE NCC NL Checked in
Van Gaever Alain OFCOM / Co-chair Coop WG GB Checked in
Vannieuwenhuyse Jan BIPT BE Checked in