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Meeting Report

The RIPE 51 Meeting took place from 10-14 October 2005 at the Hotel Krasnapolsky, Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

There were 320 attendees at the meeting.

Attendees also included government representatives and representatives from AfriNIC, APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC and ICANN.

Highlights of RIPE 51 included:

  • The announcement of the RIPE NCC E-learning Centre, a free online resource available to both members of the RIPE NCC and non-members.

Global Crossing, the Amsterdam Internet Exchange, Force10 Networks and the RIPE NCC are thanked for the support they provided to the meeting.

Global Voice Networks are thanked for the provision of the meeting Internet connectivity.

Summary of Working Group Sessions

Address Policy Working Group

Action Points:

  • The text for the policy proposals below will be reviewed by the following people, after concerns were raised by the working group:
    • #2005-02: TLD anycast allocation policy (Andreas Baess);
    • #2005-03: Removal of the 200 customer assignments requirement and referral to /48 assignments from the IPv6 initial allocation criteria (Andy Furnell);
    • #2005-04: IPv6 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy definition for end site (Eric Schmidt);
    • #2005-08: Proposal to Amend the IPv6 Assignment and Utilisation Requirement Policy (Geoff Huston and Kurtis Lindqvist).
  • The working group chairs will set deadlines for discussion after these reviews.


  • The working group discussed the six policy proposals that are currently ongoing.
  • The working group agreed that a session should be scheduled at a future RIPE Meeting to discuss what mechanisms the community needs for a working Internet after the exhaustion of IPv4 address space.

Anti-Spam Working Group

Action Points:

  • Rodney Tillotson: Submit LINX BCP as a revised ripe-206 using the Policy Development Process (PDP).


  • The document on which ripe-206 is based has been updated, and ripe-206 will be revised.
  • Greylisting discussion showed some consider it harmful, and some use it.
  • DKIM is an up-and-coming authentication technique.

Database Working Group

Action Points:

  • RIPE NCC: Change the behaviour of the RIPE Whois Database server to return IRT objects by default.
  • RIPE NCC: Contact anti-spam tool writers to make them aware of the default behaviour change regarding IRT objects.
  • Peter Koch: Start a Policy Development Process to deprecate CRYPT-PW authorisation in the RIPE Whois Database.
  • RIPE NCC: Write a document describing the use of the IRT object in the RIPE Whois Database.
  • Wilfried Woeber: Start a Policy Development Process proposal to make the "country:" attribute in inet(6)num object optional and multiple.
  • RIPE NCC: Check Gnu Privacy Guard (GnuPG) compatibility before implementing changes to the RIPE Whois Database to prevent replay attacks.
  • RIPE NCC: Check if contacts can be properly mapped in IRIS (admin-c and tech-c).
  • RIPE NCC: Check what are other missing attributes in IRIS that are needed for the RIPE community.
  • Matt Rowley (ARIN): Check if other Routing Registries support RPSLng.
  • RIPE NCC: Implement the proposed DNSSEC changes.


  • It was noted that there is an ongoing effort for improving documentation regarding the RIPE Whois Database.
  • It was noted that IRIS prototype server is now implemented and run by the RIPE NCC.

DNS Working Group

Action Points:

  • 51.1 RIPE NCC/Andrei Robachevsky: Agree with RIRs on a date for decommissioning of IP6.INT reverse mapping services. Outline and communicate procedure to be followed based on the presentation made during the working group session.
  • 51.2 Lars-Johan Liman: Draft a proposal on the future of the RIPE NCC Secondary DNS Service. To be dealt with in co-operation with the RIPE NCC Services Working Group.
  • 51.3 Peter Koch: Draft text and initiate discussion on the mailing list towards an update of ripe-203 along the lines of the presentation brought to the working group.
  • 51.4 Carsten Schiefner: Provide text for a proposal for the RIPE NCC to implement ENUM DNS predelegation checks. Also explore the field of regular post delegation sanity checks in the tree.


  • Peter Koch announced that the Policy Proposal 2005-07, "Introducing DNSSEC Service to Reverse DNS Trees" had now completed its run through the formal Policy Proposal Process. As the DNS Working Group Chairs had received no formal objections to it, they declared consensus had been reached.

EIX Working Group

Action Points:

There were no actions from this working group.


  • The minutes of the RIPE 50 EIX Working Group were approved.
  • There were 13 short IXP update presentations from EURO-IX, AMS-IX, DE-CIX, INEX, LINX, NDIX, LONAP, Netnod, NIX, NIX.CZ, SFINX, Terremark, VIX.
  • It was agreed that the as-set object is the appropriate object for showing members of internet exchanges on the RIPE Database.
  • There was a presentation by Mike Hughes from LINX about Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) peering. The presentation questioned people's assertions about the subject, and pointed out how the term had become somewhat overloaded. The presentation showed how VoIP peering affects IXPs, and what IXPs may want or not want to do in this area.

ENUM Working Group

Action Points:

  • RIPE NCC: Publish statistics from all servers.
  • Carsten Schiefner: Let the RIPE NCC know the details of missing links related to the indexation of requests.
  • RIPE NCC: Check whether the quarterly reports to the Internet Architecture Board (IAB) on ENUM operations are still necessary.
  • Peter Koch: Continue counting the reverse delegations in the tree and report the results at RIPE 52.
  • Jim Reid: Stimulate discussion on testbed numbers/ranges.
  • Carsten Schiefner: Work with the RIPE NCC on ways to help improve the quality of DNS within the tree.
  • All: Help test Austria's ENUM reachability (see the message on the list).


  • Work on ENUM-related IETF standards continues.
  • New deployment and operations statistics are being published.
  • Test activities are expanding.

IPV6 Working Group

Action Points:

  • 51.1 David Kessens: Ask the RIPE NCC to revise the acronym list in the registration package to remove obsolete terms as TLA & NLA
    Status: Completed
  • 51.2 RIPE NCC: Create a link from the IPv6 Working Group page to the APNIC events page.
    Status: To be done
  • 51.3 RIPE NCC: Provide traffic reports on IPv6 usage during the RIPE meetings. If available, data from earlier meetings will be made available as well.
    Status: To be done

RIPE NCC Services Working Group

  • There were no actions and highlights from this working group.

Routing Working Group

Action Points:

  • Philip Smith/Geoff Huston: Produce a document describing why route flap damping is harmful, and why ripe-229 no longer applies.


  • There was discussion on route flap damping. It was agreed that ripe-229 on this subject is obsolete and should be replaced by a new document. It was agreed that this new document should describe why ISPs should not switch on flap damping in their routers, as well as explaining why and noting if there are any exceptions.
  • There was discussion on a possible Route Aggregation Policy. Joao will evaluate the feasibility of such a document together with some volunteers, including Mike Hughes and Philip Smith.
  • Arife Vural (RIPE NCC) presented an update on the status of the Routing Information Service (RIS) project.

Test Traffic Working Group

Action points:

  • RIPE NCC: Research the Multicast connectivity of the test-boxes.
  • All: Think about how to get more measurement nodes in TTM.


  • Proposal to measure Multicast using TTM.
  • Consumer Broadband Measurements draft sent to the list and shortly discussed in the working group.
  • Discussion on how to measure DNSMON from more nodes worldwide.

RIPE NCC Member Services Centre

The RIPE NCC Member Services Centre was introduced at RIPE 51 as a replacement to the Hostmaster Consultation Centre and enabled attendees to talk face-to-face with representatives from the RIPE NCC Registration Services, Finance, Training, Software Engineering and Technical Departments.

"Meet & Greet"

The RIPE NCC's "Meet & Greet" was available for first-time RIPE Meeting attendees at RIPE 51. "Meet & Greet" introduces newcomers to the meetings, to key attendees from the RIPE community and to social events throughout the week.


RIPE 52 will be held in Istanbul, Turkey from 24 - 28 April 2006.