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Hosts and Sponsors


RIPE NCC LogoFounded in 1992, the RIPE NCC is the oldest and largest of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

  • As a not-for-profit membership organisation, it administers Internet number resources to more than 15,000 members in Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia.
  • As an RIR, the RIPE NCC is governed by policies developed by the RIPE community via open, transparent and bottom-up processes.
  • As secretariat for the RIPE community, the RIPE NCC provides neutral platforms for community interaction to develop Internet number policies and to share experience and ideas.

The RIPE NCC also participates in Internet governance discussions, ensuring that the perspective and experience of the RIPE community is included in those discussions.

And the RIPE NCC maintains several technical elements vital to the Internet infrastructure on behalf of the wider Internet community, including the RIPE Database and K-root, one of 13 root name servers. With the support of thousands of community members around the world, the RIPE NCC is also building RIPE Atlas, the largest Internet measurement network ever made.

Montenegro Agency for TelecommunicationsThe Agency for Electronic Communications and Postal Services is an independent regulatory authority for the field of electronic communications and postal services and is functionally independent of all entities which use telecommunication networks, provide equipment or offer services.

The Agency started its work on 8 March 2001. The basic principles that the Agency has applied to sector regulation have been the following: provide a secure and predictable environment for business operations of the operators; create conditions for the implementation and development of new technologies in the whole territory of Montenegro, with the promotion of rational utilisation of limited resources (radio-frequencies and numbering/addresses); promote competition and prevent the distortion of market competition among operators; resolve disputes between operators; and constantly improve the protection of the interests of customers.

Supporting Sponsors

miXp Logo

University of MontenegroThe University of Montenegro (UoM) is the leading higher education and research institution in Montenegro. An integrated university organized on the model of most European universities, the UoM is a public institution, established by the state. The university is based in Podgorica, with additional units located in eight Montenegrin towns.

Since its foundation, the UoM has continuously been conducting reforms in the area of education and research, and since 2003 in line with the trends in EHEA. In view of attaining its mission, the UoM prioritises:

  • openness for all the students and staff exclusively based on their knowledge and abilities
  • dedication to the preservation of multicultural and multi-ethnic society in Montenegro
  • entrepreneurship in stimulating social and economic application of supreme achievements within the scope of its activities

Connectivity Sponsor

Crnogorski Telekom LogoCrnogorski Telekom (CT) is the largest telecommunications company in Montenegro. It provides a full range of fixed and mobiletelecommunication services (voice, messaging, internet, TV, leased-linecircuits, data networks and ICT solutions).

CT was the second entrant into the mobile market in Montenegro. From its founding in 2000, it has always offered innovative and advanced services to the Montenegrin market and has been experiencing dynamic growth. A 3G network was launched in the summer of 2007, while 4G service was launched in 2012. In 2016, CT renewed all of the existing frequency bands and acquired significant portion of the new bands that were the subject of the Spectrum auction.

Our Vision
In a fast changing world, we are your first choice to live in a fully digital lifestyle wherever you are, whatever you do; by aspiring to be the best in class.

Our Strategy
The ambition of Crnogorski Telekom remains the one to be the leading telecommunications company in Montenegro and to continue delivering to its customers the best quality of service. In 2016, Crnogorski Telekom continued with successful implementation of Corporate Strategy that was defined in 2015. This strategy framework means that we are providing best customer experience based on our modern, state-of-the-art network infrastructure, and is based on the following pillars:

  • Technology leadership
  • Best customer experience
  • New businesses