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Hosts and Sponsors


Founded in 1992, the RIPE NCC is the oldest and largest of the five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).

  • As a not-for-profit membership organisation, it administers Internet number resources to more than 20,000 members in Europe, the Middle East and parts of Central Asia.
  • As an RIR, the RIPE NCC is governed by policies developed by the RIPE community via open, transparent and bottom-up processes.
  • As secretariat for the RIPE community, the RIPE NCC provides neutral platforms for community interaction to develop Internet number policies and to share experience and ideas.

The RIPE NCC also participates in Internet governance discussions, ensuring that the perspective and experience of the RIPE community is included in those discussions.

And the RIPE NCC maintains several technical elements vital to the Internet infrastructure on behalf of the wider Internet community, including the RIPE Database and K-root, one of 13 root name servers. With the support of thousands of community members around the world, the RIPE NCC is also building RIPE Atlas, the largest active Internet measurement platform.

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At the Academic and Research Network of Slovenia - ARNES - we provide services that form the basis for internet operation in Slovenia. We maintain the internet exchange point, in addition, we manage the .si domain, operate the root DNS server and safeguard cybersecurity of Slovenia. Furthermore, we provide the educational, research and cultural institutions with extremely fast connections and advanced services.

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SiNOG (Slovenian Network Operators Group) is a Slovenian forum of network experts. It was created with the aim of actively encouraging the exchange of ideas, knowledge and good practice among network experts in Slovenia and beyond.

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Telekom Slovenije is the leading and most advanced Slovenian provider of cutting-edge ICT services and solutions. It is always focused on development and the introduction of new technologies by providing its users with a state-of-the-art network, the latest services and an excellent user experience.

Telekom Slovenije