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Wednesday 7 September 2011

Introduction and Welcome

by Paul Rendek, RIPE NCC

by Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC

Welcome Note

by Ivana Golub, CARNet

IPv4 exhaustion / IPv6 transition

Moderator: Nick Hyrka, RIPE NCC

  • Distributing last IPv4 resources - Alex le Heux, RIPE NCC
  • Internet Number Certification Plans, Elise Gerich, IANA
  • RIPE NCC IPv6 policies & procedures, Alex le Heux, RIPE NCC
  • "IPv6 Ripeness", Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC

Distributing Last IPv4 Resources

Alex le Heux, RIPE NCC

There were no questions.

Internet Number Certification Plans

Elise Gerich, IANA

There were no questions.

RIPE NCC IPv6 Policies & Procedures

Alex le Heux, RIPE NCC

There were no questions.

"IPv6 RIPEness"

Vesna Manojlovic, RIPE NCC

There were no questions.


Moderator: Joao Damas, ISC

F-root in .me
Zeljko Draskovic

IDN in Montenegro
Zeljko Draskovic

Cyrillic script in DNS
Desiree Milosevic

Multi-stakeholder activities related to Delegations of Domain Names

Elise Gerich, IANA

Question: Are there any other root DNS servers in Croatia and Serbia?

Answer: k-root in Milan, Italy, but it's not well connected to the region.


Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC, showed a map of the root servers system, referencing, and noted the locations of anycast nodes.

Daniel commented how Internet exchanges have come into play in providing access to root servers. He also noted for further information on root-servers and regional root-server reference points.

Martin Levy, Hurricane Electric, asked about latency in the root-server system and asked why there were no root instances in every country in the service region. He suggested that the cost was relatively inexpensive.

Joao said that it was a service to the community and that nothing comes without cost. He added that anything introduced in the network adds complexity to the system. He said there are pros and cons to everything; if you install something, then it will need monitoring and updating.

Elise commented on underserved areas of the world and connectivity. She noted a pilot project with L-root that she's working on that focuses on this issue.

Daniel Karrenberg commented further on the possible challenges and complexities in the deployment of other name servers.

Randy Bush noted that it was an engineering design issue and DNSSEC was a possible solution. He added that we should be able to manage things at scale and that we should investigate the problem.

Joao noted how well the present set-up has worked up till now and said that the issue goes beyond being an engineering issue.

IDN in Montenegro

Željko Drašković

Željko presented on the implementation of internationalised domain names in the .ME, languages considered and plans for 2012.

There were no questions.

Internationalised Domain Names and Multi-stakeholder Initiatives

Desiree Miloshevic

Desiree noted that she sits on one of the 2009 Cyrillic project teams. She noted the difference between country codes and gTLD and cTLD names. She also noted the fast track that some organisations are in with ICANN. She noted global compatibility in gTLDs. She noted that IDNs exist to help bridge the digital divide, adding that a new domain name standard is needed to enable this and function well. She praised ICANN for the cross-community effort in variant project.

There were no questions.

Mobile Broadband and IPv6 in Slovenia

Jan Zorz, go6


Randy Bush praised Jan's project, noting how effective it is and its positive affect on IPv6 awareness and support.

Jan was asked if other countries have asked Jan for help in building an IPv6 infrastructure. Jan noted Sweden, the Netherlands, Greece, and Macedonia among others had requested assistance.

He added that he'd be pleased to support the Croatians in implementing IPv6.

Thursday 8 September 2011

IPv6 Deployment: Experiences and Challenges

Moderator: Jan Zorz, Go6

IPv6 deployment at CARNet

Sasa Macakanja, CARNet

"The path from newbie to rock star"

Martin J. Levy, Hurricane Electric

Go6 Institute & mobile IPv6 deployment in Slovenia

Jan Zorz, Go6


HAKOM, Velimir Švedek, Mario Weber, Vesna Brkan

IPv6 deployment project at Telekom Slovenije

Simeon Lisec, Telekom Slovenije

IPv6-capable CPEs

Rok Arzensk, Iskratel

Mobile and IPv6 in Slovenia

Jan Zorz, Go6

Friday 9 September 2011

RIPE NCC Updates

Moderator: Mirjam Kuhne

RIPE NCC Membership Update

Jochem De Ruig, RIPE NCC

Jochem explained the RIPE NCC Association structure, including the General Assembly (General Meeting), Executive Board, Management and the Arbitration Panel. He noted how RIPE NCC members can participate to elect Executive Board members and vote on the NCC Charging scheme; displayed membership statistics, including the current membership totals in the South East European area; and IPv4 address distribution. He also encouraged attendees to participate in the various NCC-related meetings.

There were no questions.

RIPE Labs Update

Mirjam Kuehne, RIPE NCC

Mirjam spoke on RIPE Labs, specifically on operator tools, ideas and analysis. She noted the history of the NCC as coordination centre in idea sharing and tools development platform for the RIPE community. Labs is also a platform of reporting back to the community on what technical coordination projects the RIPE NCC is working on. Mirjam showed examples of articles and tool development displayed on the Labs website and pointed to the openness of the Labs platform and encouraged participation.

There were no questions.

Measurements Tools: RIPE Atlas, RIPEStat

Daniel Karrenberg, RIPE NCC

Daniel spoke on tools for measurements and analysis as provided by the RIPE NCC and the RIPE community. This includes the RIPEstat and RIPE Atlas projects. He explained RIPEstat and RIPE Atlas in more detail. He asked for user support and feedback.

There were no questions.

Closing Plenary

Traffic analysis with netflow

Paolo Lucente,

Designing the new Albanian NREN Infrastructure

Daniele Arena, CASPUR

IRT & Trusted Introducer

Srdjan Vukovojac, CARNet

Closing Address

Paul Rendek, RIPE NCC