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    Macroscopic analyses of the infrastructure: Measurement and visualization of Internet connectivity and performance

    Bradley Huffaker, Marina Fomenkov, David Moore, and kc claffy, CAIDA/SDSC/UCSD The robustness and reliability of the Internet is highly dependent on efficient, stable connectivity and routing among networks comprising the global infrastructure. To provide macroscopic insights into Internet topology

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    Sensitivity Analysis of Event Driven Simulation Results

    Murray Pearson and Tony McGregor The University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand One use of passive measurement is to provide traces that can be used as the input to event driven simulation. Such simulations have been used to study a wide range of network problems including strategies to achieve go

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    The architecture of the CoralReef Internet Traffic monitoring software suite

    Ken Keys, David Moore, Ryan Koga, Edouard Lagache, Michael Tesch, and K. Claffy Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis - CAIDA San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California, San Diego Passive data collection tools have traditionally been designed for specific tasks such as acc

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    An Architecture for Embedded Monitoring of QoS Parameters in IP Based Virtual Private Networks

    Thomas Lindh The Department of Teleinformatics at KTH (Royal Institute of Technology) and Telia ProSoft 1.0 Introduction There is a desire among telecom operators to provide communication services in IP networks that meet strong quality-of-service requirements. Consequently, an operator needs to dev

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    Passive Calibration of an Active Measurement System

    Stephen Donnelly*, Ian Graham*, Rene Wilhelm** * The University of Waikato ** RIPE NCC Measuring QoS in the internet today is difficult as notions of what constitutes QoS vary. Service Level Agreements between customers and network service providers are often poorly defined. The most workable SLAs c

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    Internet Flow Characterization -- Adaptive Timeout and Statistical Modeling

    Bo Ryu (contact author) HRL Laboratories David Cheney and Hans-Warner Braun National Laboratories for Advanced Networking Research (NLANR), UC San Diego There is a growing effort on understanding Internet traffic dynamics via the abstraction of flows from packets. We first present an adaptive flow

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    Methodology for Passive Analysis of a Commodity Internet Link

    Nevil Brownlee, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand KC Claffy, & Margaret Murray, CAIDA at San Diego Supercomputer Center, University of California, San Diego Evi Nemeth, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado Passive monitoring of Internet links can provide important data on a vari

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    Measurement-based Performance of Network Elements and Services

    Tijani Chahed and Pierre Vincent Telecommunication Networks and Services Dept. Software and Networking Dept. Institut National des Télécommunications Objective The aim of this work is to measure the performance of various network elements and services, notably local communications using an Ethernet

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    Estimating Bandwidth from Passive Measurement Traces

    John G. Cleary and H. Stele Martin. Department of Computer Science, University of Waikato. A methodology for analysing bandwidth from passive measurement traces is described. Previous analyses of delay times for HTTP requests showed that effects from bandwidth are significant. Using accurate passiv

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    Characteristics of fragmented IP traffic on Internet links

    Colleen Shannon, David Moore, k claffy Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis (CAIDA) San Diego Supercomputer Center University of California, San Diego In order to develop new protocols and to predict future trends of Internet traffic, it is necessary to understand the nature of current

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    High Resolution Traffic Measurement

    Glenn Mansfield(1), Sandeep Karakala(2), Takeo Saito(1), Norio Shiratori(2) (1) Cyber Solutions Ltd. Sendai, Japan. (2) Research Institute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Japan Information about the network is of paramount importance for network operation and management as well as n

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    IP Streams, Flows and Torrents: Measuring Stream Distributions in Real Time

    Nevil Brownlee, The University of Auckland / CAIDA RTFM (RFCs 2720-2724) considers network traffic as being made up of Flows, which are arbitrary groupings of packets defined only by attributes of their end-points. RTFM flows are also bi-directional, with the user specifying which end-point is the

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    Characterizing Network Performance for Enterprise Networks

    Kurt Tutschku [University of Wuerzburg] and Herbert Baier [InfoSim GmbH] In your paper we presented a new metric, denoted as "Network Comfort", which is used for evaluating the overall network performance. Network Comfort characterizes the system performance by comparing the instantaneous network pe

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    Evaluation of Building Blocks for Pure Passive One-way-delay measurements

    Georg Carle, Sebastian Zander, Tanja Zseby GMD FOKUS; Global Networking (GloNe) Traffic engineering and validation of service level agreements (SLAs) require measurement of quality of service parameters such as delay in specific sections of the network. Due to frequent asymmetries of forward and bac

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    Stochastic Model for the Number of Traversed Routers in Internet

    Piet Van Mieghem, Gerard Hooghiemstra and Remco van der Hofstad Delft University of Technology, Information Technology and Systems In a recent paper [1], we have proposed a model for the number of traversed routers on the shortest path, further called in short 'the hopcount', between two arbitrarily

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    Flow-Based Traffic Analysis at SWITCH

    Simon Leinen SWITCH For more than three years, SWITCH has been using a locally developed software package called "Fluxoscope" to perform volume-based billing and traffic analysis tasks on traffic over our external (peering/transit) connections. The system processes microflow-based accounting data g

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    Integrating IP Traffic Flow Measurement

    Juergen Quittek (1), Marcelo Pias (2), Marcus Brunner (1) NEC Europe Ltd., C&C Research Laboratories Adenauerplatz 6, 69115 Heidelberg, Germany University College London, Department of Computer Science Gower Street, London WC1E 6BT, UK Traffic flow measurements are required by several

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    Passive and Active Monitoring on a High Performance Research Network.

    Warren Matthews, Les Cottrell and Davide Salomoni Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) The bold network challenges described in "Internet End-to-end Performance Monitoring for the High Energy and Nuclear Physics Community" presented at PAM 2000 have been tackled by the intrepid administrators a

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    Providing active measurements as a regular service for ISP'S.

    Fotis Georgatos, Florian Gruber, Daniel Karrenberg, Mark Santcroos, Henk Uijterwaal and Rene Wilhelm. RIPE NCC, Amsterdam, NL. The RIPE NCC has been active in the field of active measurements for approximately the last 3.5 years with the "Test Traffic Project", later renamed to "Test Traffic Measure

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    A Precision Infrastructure for Active Probing

    Attila Pasztor and Darryl Veitch EMULab at Melbourne University Active measurement, where probe traffic is generated and injected into a network, is becoming increasingly important due its great flexibility, intrinsically end-to-end nature, and freedom from the need to access core network switching
