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Presenters and Moderators

Hisham Ibrahim

Hisham Ibrahim

Chief Community Officer

Expertise: Community development, Data storytelling, Internet Peering and Interconnection, IPv6, Capacity building, Public Policy and Internet Governance.

Hisham Ibrahim is the Chief Community Officer at the RIPE NCC.

He leads the RIPE NCC's engagement efforts to foster a dynamic, inclusive RIPE community. He is responsible for the engagement with the RIPE NCC members, the RIPE community, Internet governance and training services.

Both from a technical and policy background, Hisham has 15 years of experience in the field of Internet technology and its governance.

He has a strong vision of the market, a broad understanding of technologies used on the Internet and a deep knowledge of the European, African and Middle Eastern markets.

Hisham is active on several committees in various Network Operator Groups (NOGs), peering forums, IPv6 task forces and forums across three continents.

Email: Hisham Ibrahim

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Gergana Petrova

Gergana Petrova

Manager Community Development

Expertise: Internet governance, academic engagement, online learning, RIPE and the RIPE NCC, the Regional Internet Registry (RIR) system, RIPE NCC measurements and tools, RIPE Labs

Gergana Petrova is the Community Development Manager at the RIPE NCC. She is responsible for RIPE NCC's engagement with a broad range of stakeholders, including the RIPE NCC membership, the RIPE community, network operators, academia, government, law enforcement, and other Internet stakeholders. Her team organises regional events throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia, and sponsors and presents at technical Internet community events. Gergana helps develop national and regional Network Operator Groups (NOGs), Internet Exchange Points (IXPs), national Internet Governance Forums (IGFs), Internet Governance schools and other projects that benefit the Internet in the RIPE NCC's service region.

In her 10+ years at the RIPE NCC, Gergana has also worked in the Communications and External Relations departments. Originally from Bulgaria, Gergana studied for her Bachelors in Germany and obtained her Masters in Business Research in the Netherlands.

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Andrea Beccalli

Andrea Beccalli

Stakeholder Engagement Senior Director, Europe, ICANN

Andrea joined ICANN in 2013. As a member of the Stakeholder Engagement Team, Andrea's responsibilities include working on ICANN's engagement with the European governments, Internet communities, the EU bodies, as well as the European-based IGOs.

Prior to working at ICANN, Andrea served as Policy and Advocacy Manager for the International Federation of Libraries Association and Institutions (IFLA) in The Hague, Netherlands, where he strengthened IFLA relationship with the UN systems and libraries' contribution to the UN Millennium Development Goals. He was also an Associate Expert at UNESCO's Knowledge Societies Division, Communication and Information Sector in Paris, France, where he worked at the Organization's involvement in WSIS, Internet Governance, and negotiated the 2009 partnership agreement between UNESCO and ICANN. In Spring 2012, Andrea worked in Iraq for the NGO Internews EU on a policy study on Internet and Freedom of Expression in the country.

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Zoran Perović

Co-Founder and CEO of SOX

Zoran Perović is one of the founders and the CEO of SOX,  a regional IXP, operating in 3 countries. During his 26-year-long career, Zoran managed ISP, engineering and commercial teams, and advised the Minister of Culture. Zoran also helped build national, and regional IP networks, radio links, satellite Earth stations, fibre transmission systems, TDM, and Softswitch voice exchanges, worked as a contractor for Ericsson Spain, advised on M&A in the telco market, wrote countless business plans, and strategies. He proudly served 2 terms on the Board of directors of Serbian national ccTLD, including one term as the Chair. He also held the position of ccTLD’s CEO for some time.

Vahan Hovsepyan

Vahan Hovsepyan

Senior Community and Public Policy Officer (Central Asia and Caucasus)

Expertise: IXP, Internet Governance, Industry Development Organisations

Vahan Hovsepyan is an External Relations Officer (Caucasus and Central Asia) at the RIPE NCC. Vahan is in charge of developing cooperation and engaging stakeholders from these regions, including RIPE NCC members, governmental agencies, academic institutions and industry development organisations. Vahan graduated from the Armenian-Russian (Slavic) State University and completed courses at the Maastricht School of Management and the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Vahan has extensive experience working in and with industry development organisations, IXPs and international organisations.

Jelena Cosic

Jelena Ćosić

Community Development Officer (South East Europe)

Expertise: Internet governance, RIPE NCC measurements and tools, IXPs, RIPE and RIPE NCC, RIPE Labs

Jelena joined the RIPE NCC as a consultant for the South East Europe region. As part of her role, Jelena works on supporting local communities and engaging stakeholders from the SEE region, including RIPE NCC members, governmental agencies, academic institutions and civil society organisations.

In addition to her work in the SEE region, Jelena is interested in Internet measurements and tinkering with RIPE NCC measurement tools like RIPE Atlas and RIS.

Prior to joining the RIPE NCC, Jelena worked as an Outreach Coordinator for Packet Clearing House. At PCH, she mainly focused on providing support to IXPs and expanding PCH’s global infrastructure.

Christian Teuschel

Christian Teuschel

Senior Programme Manager

Ondřej Caletka (Jan 2025)

Ondřej Caletka

Senior System Engineer

Expertise: IPv6, DNSSEC, Network security, GNU/Linux, Open source software

Ondřej Caletka joined the RIPE NCC in 2020. He works as a technical expert in the Learning and Development team. His main responsibility includes developing and operating the lab environment for training courses and online learning.

Ondřej graduated from Czech Technical University in Prague and worked as network services administrator and developer for the Czech national research and education network CESNET before joining the RIPE NCC. He is also active in local IT communities around open source/free software, and acts as an IPv6 and DNSSEC ambassador, delivering talks and trainings at various events.

Michela Galante

Michela Galante

Senior Community Development Officer

Expertise: RIPE Atlas, RIS, K-root, AuthDNS, RIPEstat

Michela is a Senior Community Development Officer at the RIPE NCC. She focuses primarily on deploying RIPE NCC tools and services, such as RIPE Atlas, RIS, K-root and AuthDNS, building strong relationships and engaging with local communities to support their growth.

Michela oversees the efficient global distribution and deployment of RIPE Atlas probes and anchors. Additionally, she manages data collection and analysis, transforming information into actionable insights to guide strategic decision-making.
Michela frequently presents RIPE NCC tools and services at international conferences, promoting the projects and fostering global engagement.

A native of Trieste, Michela has lived in Amsterdam for more than 20 years, joining the RIPE NCC in May 2013. Prior to this, she spent a decade in software development as a project manager.

John Todd

John Todd

General Manager, Quad9

John Todd is the General Manager of Quad9. Prior to Quad9, he held positions at Packet Clearing House (PCH) which is one of the world’s largest authoritative anycast arrays, as well as at more than a dozen commercial startups focused on IP network communications. He has worked in the internet industry for 30 years, often closely aligned with DNS operations and deployment. He lives on a farm in the Pacific Northwest of North America.

Jon Flaherty

Jon Flaherty


Jon joined Shadowserver in 2016, bringing a range of skills and experience from UK Law Enforcement cybercrime investigation to the Foundation.

Engaging in consumer outreach, incident handling and the training of constituents in the use of Shadowserver public benefit services allows Jon the opportunity to deliver current threats and insights to all areas of the cyber community.

Of specific interest to Jon is the international liaison and with the support of key public/private sector partners, the upskilling of developing cyber regions and National CERTs to ensure the effective use and understanding of Shadowserver's bespoke datasets for a more secure internet.

Lai Yi Ohlsen

Lai Yi Ohlsen

Measurement Lab

Lai Yi Ohlsen is a technologist and researcher with a background in open source tools and ecosystems, Internet Freedom, Internet measurement, digital inclusion, and open data. As a former Director and current Data Scientist at Measurement Lab, a global repository of open Internet performance data, she has guided the development of tools that enable community-centered data-collection campaigns, organised a community of interdisciplinary experts to champion and improve open Internet performance measurement and facilitated the development of best practices for the measurement of local broadband performance. Previously at eQuaitie, she supported the development of Deflect, a DDoS mitigation system for human rights and media organisations and CENO a censorship circumvention application built on peer-to-peer technologies.

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Nenad Krajnović

Co-founder & CTO, SOX

Nenad Krajnović is one of the founders and the CTO at SOX. From the beginning of SOX work, he has been responsible for all technical issues and the development of SOX networks and services. Prior to his work at SOX, Nenad spent more than 20 years working at the University of Belgrade, School of Electrical Engineering and was a leading technical person in ccTLD .RS register. As the head of the project, he was responsible for the design of dozens of telecommunication and Internet networks.

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Vesna Krzman

M.Sc.E.E. Chief Advisor for QoS, Electronic Communications Department of RATEL

Vesna has worked at RATEL since 2006. She first joined the IT Department and then worked at the Electronic Communications (EC) Department, where she gained years-long experience. Currently, Vesna is responsible for the quality of electronic communication services and technical aspects of regulation for the department. Vesna is involved in Mobile networks Benchmarking projects in Serbia, the national EMF RATEL system for continuous monitoring of high-frequency electromagnetic field levels, and the RATEL NetTest application for Internet measurements. In addition, Vesna is a member of BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications) expert working groups for the Open Internet and End Users.

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Matthew Luckie

Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, Waikato

Matthew Luckie is an Associate Professor at the Computer Science Department at the University of Waikato. His research interests are in Internet routing, topology and security.

Zarko Kecic

Žarko Kecić

CTO at the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS)

Žarko Kecić is a CTO at the Serbian National Internet Domain Registry (RNIDS), responsible for the stable and secure operation of the systems that enable seamless functioning of the national domain names.

Before joining RNIDS, Zarko worked on development, deployment, consulting, and scientific projects around the globe for more than two decades. He has substantial experience in planning, implementing, provisioning, and evaluating IT systems and infrastructure, helping large enterprises and government institutions build stable and secure systems and making the best use of new technologies to meet business needs and improve efficiency.

Besides operational activities, Žarko is active in domestic and international working groups, and study and evaluation teams.