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Presenters and Moderators

Hisham Ibrahim

Hisham Ibrahim

Chief Community Officer

Expertise: Community development, Data storytelling, Internet Peering and Interconnection, IPv6, Capacity building, Public Policy and Internet Governance.

Hisham Ibrahim is the Chief Community Officer at the RIPE NCC.

He leads the RIPE NCC's engagement efforts to foster a dynamic, inclusive RIPE community. He is responsible for the engagement with the RIPE NCC members, the RIPE community, Internet governance and training services.

Both from a technical and policy background, Hisham has 15 years of experience in the field of Internet technology and its governance.

He has a strong vision of the market, a broad understanding of technologies used on the Internet and a deep knowledge of the European, African and Middle Eastern markets.

Hisham is active on several committees in various Network Operator Groups (NOGs), peering forums, IPv6 task forces and forums across three continents.

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Alex Semenyaka

Alex Semenyaka

Community Development Officer – Technical Advisor

Alex ("Oleksiy") is an External Relations Officer for the RIPE NCC (Eastern Europe and Central Asia) and is based in Moscow.

As part of the External Relations team, he helps lead the RIPE NCC's engagement with membership, the RIPE community, technical bodies, academia, law enforcement and other Internet stakeholders. As Technical Advisor, Alex also follows Internet industry and government developments related to ICT, particularly in the former Soviet countries, monitors and attends industry conferences and meetings, representing the RIPE NCC, and works with internal stakeholders to enhance the RIPE NCC's training activities.

Jibek Abdullaeva

Jibek Abdullaeva

Head of Service for the Regulation and Supervision of the Communications Sector, Ministry of Digital Development Kyrgyz Republic

Jibek Abdullaeva, Head of Service for the Regulation and Supervision of the Communications Sector, the Ministry of Digital Development, the Kyrgyz Republic

Ms. Abdullaeva is the Head of Service for the Regulation and Supervision of the Communications Sector under the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic. This structure is aimed at creating a high tech and competitive national network of data transmission, and at integrating the national network to the global information space. The service operates as a state regulator in the sphere of communications, and works towards the further development of the telecommunication market in Kyrgyzstan.

Chubak Temirov

Chubak Temirov

Director, High Tech Park of the Kyrgyz Republic

Chubak Temirov is in charge of consulting, recruiting international and local IT companies, and expanding the global markets of HTP resident companies.

He has more than 8 years of experience in the IT sector, in addition to sales and consultancy experience. From 2013 to 2017, he was working as a sales and project manager for local IT companies.

He earned his Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from AUCA, also, an MS degree in Operations and Logistics Management from the University of East Anglia, UK.

Salavat Ormoshev

Salavat Ormoshev

Executive Director, the Association of Network Operators of the Kyrgyz Republic

Salavat Ormoshev is an Executive Director of the Association of Network Operators of Kyrgyz Republic.

This structure is the largest association of Network Operators in Kyrgyzstan that unites «Mega», «O!», «Beeline», «Kyrgyztelecom», «ElKat», «Saima Telecom», «Mega-Line», «Skynet Telecom», «Asia-Info», «Aknet», «IP Net», «Transfer Group», «Inform Communications». Salavat is actively working to promote the development of the telecommunication sector and the Internet in Kyrgyzstan.

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Abdykalyk uulu Abdinasir,

Head of Radio Monitoring, the Ministry of Digital Development, the Kyrgyz Republic

Abdykalyk uulu Abdinasir is the Head of the Radio Monitoring department of the Service for the Regulation and Supervision of the Communications Sector under the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic.  The Department creates, develops, and operates the state system of radio control, which includes conducting general measurements of the channel and frequency band use, checking the technical and operational characteristics of broadcast radio signals, detecting and identifying unauthorised radio transmitters and sources of high-frequency electromagnetic waves, radio interference, and solving other issues of effective use of the radio-frequency spectrum

Ksenia Troshchenkova

Ksenia Troshchenkova

Software Engineer

Vahan Hovsepyan

Vahan Hovsepyan

Senior Community and Public Policy Officer (Central Asia and Caucasus)

Expertise: IXP, Internet Governance, Industry Development Organisations

Vahan Hovsepyan is an External Relations Officer (Caucasus and Central Asia) at the RIPE NCC. Vahan is in charge of developing cooperation and engaging stakeholders from these regions, including RIPE NCC members, governmental agencies, academic institutions and industry development organisations. Vahan graduated from the Armenian-Russian (Slavic) State University and completed courses at the Maastricht School of Management and the John F. Kennedy School of Government. Vahan has extensive experience working in and with industry development organisations, IXPs and international organisations.

Mikhail Anisimov

Mikhail Anisimov,

Global Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, ICANN

Mikhail works with ICANN as a Global Stakeholder Engagement Manager, Eastern Europe and Central Asia. For the last seven years, Mikhail worked in internet hosting and domain registration, holding various positions with Russia’s largest host providers and domain name registers. In 2013, as part of the Foundation for Assistance for Internet Technologies and Infrastructure Development, he played an active role in launching the .МОСКВА and .MOSCOW domain zones. In 2014 he joined the ccTLD team where he was working in press service and in staging industry events.

Shavkat Sabirov

Shavkat Sabirov

President, Internet Association of Kazakhstan

Shavkat is president of the non-profit association of legal entities Internet Association of Kazakhstan. Mr. Sabirov has broad knowledge of and experience in Internet governance and cybersecurity, the ICT field and Internet business. He has attended international conferences for ICANN, the RIPE NCC, OSCE and the UN’s ECOSOC representing the Kazakhstani Internet society.

Mr. Sabirov is a member of ICANN’s NCUC, a former host of the RIPE NCC's Regional Meeting, a consultant for OSCE and for the NGO branch of the UN’s ECOSOC (with Special Consultative Status). Shavkat is also a member of the Public Council of the Ministry of Information and Social Development of the Republic of Kazakhstan, a member of "Atameken," the ICT Committee of the National Chamber of Entrepreneurs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, and an expert in security studies, digital technologies and cyberspace.