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Documentation for Resource Management

  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    Documentation for Resource Management

    This section has information to help RIPE NCC Members (LIRs) manage their Internet number resources.

  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    Number Resources

    request Internet number resources (IPv4, IPv6 and AS Numbers)

    Page ipv4 ipv6
  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI)

    At the beginning of 2011, the RIPE NCC launched a community-driven system that allows Local Internet Registries (LIRs) to request a digital certificate listing the Internet number resources they hold. This Resource Certification (RPKI) system uses open standards that were developed in the Secure Inter-Domain Routing (sidr) Working Group in the IETF. All Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) are committed to operating a resource certification system, making this a global effort.

    Page service
  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    Policy Implementation

    This page provides an overview of all current implementation plans of accepted RIPE Policy Proposals.

  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    Tools for LIRs

    My Resources My Resources offers an overview of all IPv4, IPv6 and ASN resources you hold or sponsor. It displays allocation usage and provides an overview of all more specific ranges that have been created under each allocation. An inline editor allows for intuitive updates. My Resources Webup

  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    Submission of topology maps

    This document explains why any member might be asked to present a topology map of their network.

  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    Requesting Resources through the LIR Portal

    The RIPE NCC LIR Portal provides LIRs access to the RIPE NCC through a web interface.

    Page lir portal resource management
  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    Resource Quality Assistance

    Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) distribute IP address space and can make no claims whatsoever about routability. This is because routability is the domain of ISPs and other network operators. The RIPE NCC does however recognise this problem and the Internet community’s concern about the quality of allocated and assigned IP address blocks.

    Page audit
  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    Reusing Recovered Internet Number Resources

    This page describes how the RIPE NCC re-uses returned and reclaimed Internet number resources.

    Page as numbers ipv4 ipv6
  • IPs & ASNs / Documentation for Resource Management
    2007-01 Phase 3

    2007-01 - Implementing Phase 3: Contractual Requirements for Provider Independent Resource Holders in the RIPE NCC Service Region.
