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Billing, Fees and Payments

Membership Fees

Members pay an annual membership fee and a one-off sign-up fee for each Local Internet Registry (LIR) account.

  • The sign-up fee is currently €1,000
  • The membership fee is €1,550
  • Members also pay €50 for each independent assignment or legacy resource

The membership fee is based on the current charging scheme, which is decided and voted on by members at the RIPE NCC General Meeting each year.

Sign-up fee

When you sign up as a new member or open a new LIR account, we send you an invoice to pay the sign-up fee. The invoice is sent as a PDF in an email. New memberships and LIR accounts only become active after we have received this payment and a signed Standard Service Agreement.

We will send you two reminders (30 days and 60 days) if payment is overdue and will close your application after 90 days if we have not received your payment.

Annual membership fees

RIPE NCC members pay a membership fee every year for each LIR account. The fee is charged annually at the start of the year. For those beginning their membership part way through the year the fee is applied pro rata for each quarter based on the time of year the application is submitted.

Legacy Internet Resource Holders

There is no sign-up fee for Legacy Resource Holders who do not request additional number resources. Legacy Resource Holders who request additional number resources after becoming a member will need to pay the €1,000 sign-up fee.

Legacy Resource Holders also pay the same annual membership fee as other members.

Resource fees

There is a €50 fee per independent assignment or legacy resource. AS Numbers are excluded from this charge.

Resources falling under this charge include:

  • IPv4 and IPv6 PI assignments
  • Anycast assignments
  • IPv4 and IPv6 IXP assignments
  • Legacy IPv4 resource registrations through a sponsoring LIR

Multiple PI IPv4 and PI IPv6 assignments made on the same day, to the same member, will result in a single charge of €50.

Transferring resources

You must pay the full annual membership fee for all your LIR accounts before you can transfer resources.


How to pay

Annual invoices are sent to members by email. Members need to make a payment to the RIPE NCC within 30 days of the invoice date. Payment must be in full and in euros. You can pay by bank transfer, credit and debit card or online payment. Please note that we do not accept cheques.

You can pay via:

Bank transfer

Please include the LIR number and invoice number as your reference. It can take up to one week before bank transfers are processed.

Online payments

Your invoice includes a unique payment URL. This leads to a payment screen where you can complete your transaction by selecting a payment method. The RIPE NCC uses a trusted third party, Adyen, to process online payments.

Credit and debit card

It usually takes one business day before credit card payments are processed


You can also pay your invoice with a PayPal account.

Payment Status

You can view the details of your LIR accounts and the payment status of your invoices in your ‘My LIR’ account. In addition, by accessing the unique secure payment link on each invoice, you can verify whether your payment has been received.

If your account in the LIR portal shows that the invoice is outstanding after you have paid, it could be that we are unable to identify your payment due to an unclear or missing payment reference. This is why you should always provide your customer and invoice numbers as the payment reference.

To remove any doubt, you should always send a proof of payment to the RIPE NCC billing department by emailing [email protected] with all relevant payment details (bank account holder's account number, bank account holder's name, transaction reference, date of transfer and amount transferred) as well as the invoice number.

What happens if I don’t make a payment?

Members should make a payment to the RIPE NCC within 30 days of the invoice date.

In case of non-payment, here is a timetable of what happens next:

  • 30 days from invoice date - Payment due
  • 60 days from the invoice date - No approval of requests
  • 90 days from invoice date - Service suspended
  • 120 days from invoice date - Standard Service Agreement terminated and all LIR accounts held by the member are closed

When invoices are not paid within 120 days of the invoice date, we will start the process of terminating your Standard Service Agreement and closing your LIR account. This will also trigger a deregistration procedure.

A terminated Standard Service Agreement can be reactivated, subject to written authorisation by the RIPE NCC, payment of a €1,000 sign-up fee, and payment of all outstanding invoices for all LIR accounts held by a member.

Changing your payment details

If the billing address for your account has changed*, or you have a new contact for billing related information, please use the billing details page in the LIR Portal.

You can change your:

  • Billing address
  • Email address
  • Billing reference (for example, your purchase order number)

* Please note that changing your billing organisation’s name does not mean that the new organisation is responsible for the LIR account. The responsible party is always the legal organisation or natural person who signed the Standard Service Agreement.

Closing an account

If you choose to close one or more of your LIR accounts during the RIPE NCC financial year, the service fee for your LIR accounts must still be paid in full. If the service fee has already been paid in full, no pro rata refunds will apply.

Cancelling your membership

When you end your membership during the RIPE NCC financial year, the fee for that year must still be paid in full.

The annual fee is non-refundable. You will not be reimbursed if you cancel your membership.