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RIPE 79 Working Group Chair Meeting Summary

17 October 2019
Postillion Convention Centre WTC Centre

Erik Bais, Sandoche Balakrichenan, Nina Bargisen, Fergal Cunningham, João Damas, Gert Doering, Rob Evans, Ondrej Filip, Will van Gulik, Julf Helsingius, Paul Hoogsteder, Raymond Jetten, Daniel Karrenberg, Shane Kerr, Mirjam Kühne, Florence Lavroff, Kurt Lindqvist, Jen Linkova, Matina de Mas, Remco van Mook, Brian Nisbet, Marita Phelan, Jim Reid, Job Snijders, Benedikt Stockebrand, William Sylvester, Brian Trammell, Alireza Vaziri, Denis Walker, Martin Winter.

Chair: Hans Petter Holen
Scribe: Antony Gollan

1. Welcome/Intro
2. Level of Detail in the Minutes From WG Chair Minutes

It was agreed that highly detailed minutes are not needed (high-level minutes will continue to be published on

3. In/outgoing WG Chairs

New WG chairs Paul Hoogsteder and Job Snijders were welcomed (Routing WG).

4. RIPE Community Plenary

The NomCom chair asked the WG chairs to consider nominating a liaison to the 2020 NomCom. It was noted that this wouldn’t prevent WG chairs from volunteering to serve on the NomCom in an individual capacity. Selection will be discussed by email.

5. Feedback on RIPE WG Chairs Training Session at RIPE 79

Ahead of RIPE 79, there was a three-hour training course called "Skills for Chairing Difficult Meetings". This was found to be useful and further sessions will be arranged in the future.

6. Follow-up from Accountability Task Force Recommendations

Hans Petter Holen said he would start a discussion in the RIPE Community Plenary regarding how to move forward with the TF’s recommendations (published in ripe-723). It was possible that not all recommendations would need to be addressed, but this would be decided by the community.

Hans Petter said he would address recommendation 2 (disclosure of financial details related to performing RIPE Chair duties and who covers these) in the RIPE Community Plenary that afternoon. He said he would make the recommendations a regular agenda item and he wanted the group to focus on the items relating to WG chairs.

Volunteers were found to begin drafting a description of what the WG Chair Collective was responsible for (recommendation 12). It was noted that the community would need to discuss this. Hans Petter said he would like to have this on the agenda for the next community plenary. Erik Bais and João Damas volunteered to put this document together and Daniel Karrenberg offered to help with the drafting process.

7. PC/WG Chairs Interaction

An update was given from the liaison to the PC. Coordination between the two groups seemed to be working well.

8. Feedback on RIPE 79 Meeting Plan

The RIPE Community Plenary session on Thursday afternoon makes it difficult for WGs to receive an additional slot. Friday morning is an option if needed.

9. Administrative/technical Overview of RIPE 79

The new “traffic light” timing system seemed to be working well. WG Chairs should talk with speakers before they get on stage to make sure they know how the system works.

It was suggested that the NAT64 network become the default option for meeting connectivity (with the existing dual-stacked network as a back-up). The RIPE NCC will produce a proposal and work with the RIPE Chair on the next steps.

Childcare was working well, but the requirement that parents take their children for lunch might cause problems if people have lunch meetings.

Other issues discussed: mentoring programme working well, ensuring enough quiet areas and seating are available at the venue, issues with the clicker, not enough food and incorrect labelling, temperature of the meeting rooms.    

The RIPE NCC was thanked for its support with the meeting.

10. AOB

Job Snijders encouraged the chairs to support efforts to improve the Code of Conduct for RIPE Meetings.