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R I P E 4 0 P R A G U E

Chair: Henk Uiterwaal
Scribe: Rene Wilhelm


1. Administrativia
2. Discussion of charter for the group
3. DISI project, status and plans
4. TF-CSIRT update
5. Discussion of workplan for the group
5. AOB

1. Administrativia

Minutes of the BoF session at Bologna RIPE meeting are approved.

2. Discussion of Charter and workplan for the group, Henk Uijterwaal

Henk presented the results of the discussion that took place on the mailing list. As there are no further coments, the charter is accepted and will be posted on the web.


3. DISI project status and plans, Olaf Kolkman.

Olaf gave an update of the status and plans of the DISI project.



Q. Organizing a DNSSEC workshop in conjunction with the RIPE meeting was discussed in Bologna and is a good idea, but having the workshop the monday after the meeting poses difficulties: would mean longer time away from the office, thus cannot attend. Strongly suggest to next time organize the workshop during the RIPE meeting week.

A. We will consider it, was not possible this time due to room availability.

Q. How much lead time do you need to organize a workshop?

A. Since the material is there, about two days plus the time it takes to arrange a plane ticket and a place to stay. However, for the workshop to be successfull will have to prepare and plan for attending, thus realistic lead time is about four weeks.

Q. Will there be a workshop at the january 2002 RIPE meeting in Amsterdam?

A. That depends on what happens with DNSSEC in the IETF, if there's enough interest we can do this.

3. TF-CSIRT Update, Yuri Demchenko

Yuri presented an overview of Terena's TF-CSIRT activities on coordinating CSIRT activity in Europe.


4. Discussion on workplan for the group

What are appropriate topics for the techsec working group to discuss?

Henk identified as regular items update reports from the RIPE NCC's DISI project and Terena's TF_CSIRT working group.

Other items?

Yuri: TF-CSIRT chair and TechSec chair should get together to discuss areas of common intereset and activity; more coordination.

5. External Chair

Since RIPE NCC will be regularly reporting DISI progress to the techsec working group, Henk feels it is not appropriate for him to chair the group. He therefore asks for an external person to take over.

Ted Lindgreen volunteers and is accepted as new chair.

6. A.O.B.

no other business, the meeting is closed.