Technical Security (TechSec) Working Group
The Technical Security Working Group (techsec-wg) acted as a forum to discuss technical issues related to improving the security of the Internet infrastructure. The focus of the group will be on techniques, procedures and protocols that improve security for infrastructures on provider and inter-provider scales.
The group focused on issues related to the deployment of DNSSEC in the RIPE area and acted as the place where the RIPE NCC reported on the progress of the DISI project.
It was planned to expand this to:
- Coordination of efforts that improved the security of the Internet in Europe.
- Provide a discussion forum for inter-provider security issues.
- Provide a forum to spread experience and awareness of available techniques and procedures
- Liaison with European CIRTs
This group limited itself to technical aspects of Internet security. The group did not discuss "user level" security, these topics were referred to the "Anti-Spam Working Group".

Ted Lindgreen
Technical Security (TechSec) Working Group Chair