RIPE Working Groups

RIPE Working Groups are composed of community members working together to discuss specific topics that are within the scope of the RIPE community.
Each working group has a charter and a number of goals. A working group typically exists as long as there is sufficient interest in discussing the topic for which it was set up. The outcome of a working group can be sharing knowledge, technical solutions, best practices or policy proposals.
Working Groups
Here is an overview of the active Working Groups. To start participating in a Working Group, simply subscribe to its mailing list and follow the discussions!
Address Policy
Develops policies relating to the management and registration of Internet addresses and routing identifiers (currently IPv4, IPv6 and ASNs) by the RIPE NCC and the LIRs within the RIPE NCC service region.
Address PolicyConnect
Discusses and raises awareness about IP interconnection and its role on the global Internet.
Discusses outreach from the traditional RIPE community to everyone else, especially governments, regulators and NGOs.
Discusses challenges and opportunities arising from the Internet of Things as they relate to the RIPE community.
Promotes IPv6 adoption by discussing IPv6 outreach, education and operational issues and sharing deployment experiences.
Collaboration in the areas of data, tools and analysis relating to the Internet and its infrastructure, with a loose focus on monitoring, diagnosis, analysis and forecasting.
MATOpen Source
Fosters discussion among developers, Internet service providers and the rest of the RIPE community about open source projects related to the RIPE community.
Open SourceRIPE NCC Services
Discusses new and existing RIPE NCC services and evaluates the RIPE NCC’s yearly Activity Plan and Budget.
RIPE NCC ServicesEach working group is chaired by two or three members of the community. The responsibility of the chairs is to moderate discussions and declare whether consensus is reached on a policy proposal.
Each working group has a dedicated mailing list which is open to anybody. Most of the working group’s activity is done via the mailing list, but working group sessions also take place at each RIPE Meeting. Working groups may also choose to hold online sessions between RIPE Meetings, in keeping with the guidelines for interim sessions.