RIPE Task Force on Enhanced Cooperation
This Task Force is currently inactive. The work of this task force is now handled by the RIPE Cooperation Working Group.
The RIPE Task Force on Enhanced Cooperation was formed at RIPE 54 in May 2007 to advise on issues of enhanced cooperation between the RIPE community and relevant stakeholders, particularly governments and regulators.
The RIPE community would like to achieve enhanced cooperation between all relevant stakeholders in the "Information Society", to ensure that all voices are heard and all interests served. This aspiration was recognised in the Tunis Agenda, a declaration published by the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) in 2005.
While the RIPE NCC has taken a variety of initiatives in this area, the role of this task force is to seek further input from the RIPE community on its priorities and aims with regard to enhanced cooperation.
The Enhanced Cooperation Task Force met for the last time in Dubai at RIPE 57 and was disbanded.
The task force aimed to:
- Raise awareness of enhanced cooperation activities among RIPE community members
- Inform the RIPE community of issues and discussions in the area of enhanced cooperation
- Solicit and collect opinions from RIPE community members on the approach taken by the RIPE NCC to enhanced cooperation activities
- Advise the RIPE Community as to how the RIPE NCC will engage in enhanced cooperation activities on behalf of the RIPE community
- Produce a report on its work and recommendations for ongoing community involvement
This report sought to (but was not limited to):
- Discuss what "enhanced cooperation" means for the RIPE community
- Identify and discuss the desired outcomes of the technical community from "enhanced cooperation"
- Identify and discuss both current and future activities designed to achieve "enhanced cooperation"
- Consider possible forums for “enhanced cooperation” to take place
- May 2007 – RIPE 54: Proposal to establish task force
- October 2007 – RIPE 55: Call for volunteers
- November 2007 – Produce plan of action and schedule meetings
- May 2008 – Publish a progress report of work done so far
- October 2008 – Publish final report, potentially disband task force

Paul Rendek
RIPE Task Force on Enhanced Cooperation Chair