DNSSEC Key Repository Task Force
Following discussions at RIPE 54 in Tallinn, the DNS Working Group agreed to form a Task Force to discuss issues around finding a global DNSSEC trust anchor.
The Task Force produced a report listing a set of requirements that was accepted at by the WG at RIPE 55 in Amsterdam. This report was later sent to Barbara Roseman at ICANN in 2008, as a statement from the WG. The Task Force was kept alive (but dormant) in light of the IANA's efforts at the time to establish a Trust Anchor Repository (TAR). When it became clear that the IANA-established TAR was satisfactory, the Task Force was closed by the WG at RIPE 63 in Vienna.
The letter sent to ICANN containing the Task Force's recommendations is a RIPE Document.
The DNSSEC Key Repository Task Force was set up on request of the RIPE DNS Working Group to explore the field of running a "TLD only" DNSSEC trust anchor repository at the RIPE NCC.
This includes requirements and options for both acquiring the keys from the TLD registries as well as means of publication. The Task Force shall provide for a road map including a timeline for deploying such a repository.
Whether or not it would be better to sign the DNS root zone first is out of scope for the Task Force. This is for the community to decide after the Task Force has delivered its output. A draft version of this is due at RIPE 55.
- RIPE 54
- Establishment of Task Force
- Agree wording of initial approach to ICANN to make good on earlier earlier commitments towards signing the root zones
- RIPE 55
- Draft report accepted by WG
- Report sent to ICANN as a statement from the DNS Working Group in 2008
- RIPE 63
- Task Force closed
Jim Reid was the chair/contact person for this Task Force.
The volunteers serving on the Task Force were:
- Sam Weiler
- Roy Arends
- Joao Damas
- Daniel Karrenberg
- Peter Koch
- Jim Reid
- Marcos Sanz
- Mats Dufberg