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Policy Proposals

  • Community / Policy Development
    Use of final /8

    2008-06: This proposal describes how RIPE NCC should make allocations from its last /8 worth of address space at the time of total depletion of the IANA free pool.

    PolicyProposal ipv4 ipv4 depletion
  • Community / Policy Development
    IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) Assignments for LIRs

    2009-08: This proposal is to allow LIRs to receive IPv6 PI assignments in addition to an IPv6 allocation.

    PolicyProposal ipv6
  • Community / Policy Development
    Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) Policy for Allocation of ASN Blocks (ASNs) to Regional Internet Registries

    2009-07: According to the current global policy (ripe-416), IANA will cease to make any distinction between 16 bit and 32-bit only ASN blocks by 31 December 2009, when making allocations to RIRs. This proposal is to extend this date by one year, to 31 December 2010

    PolicyProposal as numbers
  • Community / Policy Development
    Multiple IPv6 /32 Allocations for LIRs

    2009-05: This is a proposal to allow an LIR operating separate networks in unconnected geographical areas to receive multiple /32 IPv6 allocations.

  • Community / Policy Development
    Provider Independent (PI) IPv6 Assignments for End User Organisations

    2006-01: This proposal introduced a solution for organisations that needed IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) address space.

  • Community / Policy Development
    ASPLAIN Format for the Registration of 4-byte ASNs

    2008-09: This proposal seeks to modify the current policy document 'Autonomous System (AS) Number Assignment Policies and Procedures' to adopt the use of ASPLAIN for recording and representation of 4-byte AS Numbers.

    PolicyProposal as numbers
  • Community / Policy Development
    IPv6 ULA-Central

    2007-05: This policy is intended to allow the assignment of IPv6 blocks within the so-called 'Centrally Assigned Unique Local IPv6 Unicast Addresses' to organisations or individuals requiring it. These addresses are globally unique and intended for local communications, usually within a site or set of them and are not expected to be routable on the global Internet. Prefix FC00::/7 is already reserved by IANA for ULA (bit 8 determines if locally or centrally assigned, so ULA or ULA-Central).

    PolicyProposal ipv6
  • Community / Policy Development
    Direct Internet Resource Assignments to End Users from the RIPE NCC

    2007-01: This proposal states that a contractual relationship between an End User and a sponsoring LIR or the RIPE NCC must be established before the End User receives Internet number resources (Autonomous System (AS) Number, Provider Independent (PI) IPv4 and IPv6, Internet Exchange Point (IXP) and anycasting assignments) directly from the RIPE NCC. The proposal also reaffirms and clarifies the existing RIPE policy that IPv4 provider independent address assignments of any type cannot be sub-assigned.

    PolicyProposal direct assignments
  • Community / Policy Development
    Global Policy for the Allocation of the Remaining IPv4 Address Space

    2008-03:This policy describes the process for the allocation of the remaining IPv4 space from IANA to the RIRs. When a minimum amount of available space is reached, one /8 will be allocated from IANA to each RIR, replacing the current IPv4 allocation policy

  • Community / Policy Development
    Cooperative Distribution of the End of the IPv4 Free Pool

    2007-09: This policy will establish a process for RIR-to-RIR redistribution of the tail-end of the IPv4 pool, taking effect after the IANA Reserve is exhausted. Each redistribution Allocation will be triggered by the recipient RIR depleting its reserve to a 30 day supply, and will result in up to a 3 month supply being transferred from the RIR with the longest remaining time before it exhausts its own pool.
