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Policy for Inter-RIR Transfers of Internet Resources

This policy proposal has been accepted

The new RIPE Document is: ripe-644

You're looking at an older version: 1

The current (published) version is 3
Publication date
Draft document
Proposal Version
3.0 - 27 Nov 2014
All Versions
09 Apr 2015
Working Group
Address Policy Working Group
Proposal type
  • New
  • Modify
Policy term
New RIPE Document

Summary of Proposal

This policy proposal describes how the transfer of Internet number resources will occur between resource holders in the RIPE NCC service region and those in other Regional Internet Registry (RIR) service regions.

The policy should be the same for transfers both outside and within the RIPE NCC service region. If another RIR has a different policy, the RIPE NCC should create an operational procedure, in cooperation with that RIR, to allow transfers to and from its service region. In all cases, the registries of the different RIRs must be consistent.

Amendments to the existing policy “IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region” are also proposed, to bring it into line with the new policy.

Policy Text

a. New Policy


This policy describes the transfer of Internet number resources between an LIR of another Regional Internet Registry (RIR) and an entity or LIR within the RIPE NCC service region.

1.0 Introduction

This policy outlines the rules for Internet number resource transfers between the RIPE NCC and other RIR service regions.

1.1 Scope

The policy for transferring Internet number resources to or from the RIPE NCC service region will be general for any resource. A transfer policy must exist for each type of Internet number resource within the RIPE NCC service region.

2.0 Transferring Internet Resources to the RIPE NCC Service Region

The RIPE NCC shall accept all transfers of Internet number resources to its service region, provided they comply with the policies relating to transfers within its service region.

When Internet number resources are transferred from another RIR, the RIPE NCC will work with its member LIR to fulfil any requirements of the sending RIR.

3.0 Transferring Internet Resources from the RIPE NCC Service Region

When transferring Internet number resources to another RIR, the RIPE NCC will follow the transfer policies that apply within its own service region. The RIPE NCC will also comply with the commitments imposed by the receiving RIR, in order to facilitate the transfer.

b. Modification to existing policy document RIPE-606

[The following text will update section 5.5 in the RIPE Policy Document “IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region”, if the proposal reaches consensus.]

b.a. Current policy text

5.5 Transfers of Allocations

Any LIR is allowed to re-allocate complete or partial blocks of IPv4 address space that were previously allocated to them by the RIPE NCC or otherwise through the Regional Internet Registry System.

Address space may only be re-allocated to another LIR that is also a member of the RIPE NCC. The block that is to be re-allocated must not be smaller than the minimum allocation block size at the time of re-allocation.

Re-allocation must be reflected in the RIPE Database. This re-allocation may be on either a permanent or non-permanent basis.

LIRs that receive a re-allocation from another LIR cannot re-allocate complete or partial blocks of the same address space to another LIR within 24 months of receiving the re-allocation.


b.b. New policy text

5.5 Transfers of Allocations

Any LIR is allowed to re-allocate complete or partial blocks of IPv4 address space that were previously allocated to them by the RIPE NCC or otherwise through the Regional Internet Registry System.

Address space may only be re-allocated to another LIR that is a member of an RIR that allows transfers. The block that is to be re-allocated must not be smaller than the minimum allocation block size at the time of re-allocation.

Re-allocation must be reflected in the RIPE Database. This re-allocation may be on either a permanent or non-permanent basis.

When Internet number resources are transferred to another RIR, the RIPE NCC will work with the destination RIR to allow the transfer to the receiving LIR.

When Internet number resources are transferred from another RIR, the RIPE NCC will work with its member LIR to fulfil any requirements of the sending RIR.

If resources are transferred as legacy resources, the RIPE NCC will apply the legacy policy when accepting these resources.

LIRs that receive a re-allocation from another LIR cannot re-allocate complete or partial blocks of the same address space to another LIR within 24 months of receiving the re-allocation.



a. Arguments supporting the proposal

  • Provides a minimal framework for inter-RIR Internet number resource transfers that doesn’t set any new rules on either party or the resources involved
  • Can be applied to multiple resources
  • Increases the supply of IPv4 addresses available to RIPE NCC LIRs
  • Maintains the integrity of the RIPE Database and ensures the RIPE NCC is part of the approval and transfer process
  • Allows RIPE NCC entities to participate in a market already available to ARIN and APNIC LIRs
  • Allows RIPE NCC members with excess resources to transfer to these to networks in other RIR regions

b. Arguments opposing the proposal

  • LIR’s with excess IPv4 addresses in the RIPE NCC service region may not wish to expand IPv4 inventories in the region.
  • The proposal will re-introduce operational needs justification, if any RIR insists on this, in order to effect certain transfers.