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PA/PI Unification IPv6 Address Space

This policy proposal has been withdrawn
Publication date
Draft document
Proposal Version
1.0 - 26 Sep 2013
All Versions
03 Dec 2013
Working Group
Address Policy Working Group
Proposal type
  • Modify
Policy term

Summary of proposal

This policy proposal aims to unify the three RIPE documents ripe-589, ripe-451 and ripe-233 and to provide one document for all the IPv6 address space. It also removes the difference between PI and PA; Sub-allocation and Assignment.

Policy Text

In order to improve the clarity of the changes in this proposal, please note that the changes are presented in a different format than usual, due to the extensive number of changes involved.

a. Comparison of original and new policy text (with modifications highlighted)

b. New policy text (if the proposal reaches consensus)


a. Arguments supporting the proposal

IP addresses are just numbers. Creating different types of addresses causes problems because reality never completely aligns with the (artificial) types created by policy. Even if it does align today, developments in technology or business structure will likely cause mis-alignment in future.

Currently, non-LIRs can only use IPv6 PI address space for the purposes of numbering their internal networks or to offer shared services. To offer services beyond this, they must become an LIR to receive PA address space. By removing the distinction between IPv6 PA and PI address space, this policy would allow End Users to offer all of their services to customers over IPv6 as well.

b. Arguments opposing the proposal

If this policy is accepted, organisations that can receive /32 (or larger) allocations via a Sponsoring LIR will no longer have an incentive to become LIRs.