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PI Assignments from the last /8

This policy proposal has been withdrawn

You're looking at an older version: 1

The current (published) version is 2
Publication date
Draft document
Proposal Version
2.0 - 20 Jun 2012
All Versions
07 May 2013
Working Group
Address Policy Working Group
Proposal type
  • Modify
Policy term

The final /8 of address space to be administered by the RIPE NCC is subject to a restrictive delegation policy.  In its current form, it can only be used to provide allocations of IPv4 address space to LIRs.  This is inherently biased against the large number of organisations which require Provider Independent (PI) assignments of IPv4 address space.

Summary of Proposal

The final /8 of address space to be administered by the RIPE NCC is subject to a restrictive delegation policy.  In its current form, it can only be used to provide allocations of IPv4 address space to LIRs.  This is inherently biased against the large number of organisations which require Provider Independent (PI) assignments of IPv4 address space.

This policy seeks to redress this bias by allowing End Users to receive PI assignments from the last /8.

Policy Text


[Following text is to be modified in the RIPE Policy Document “IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy for the RIPE NCC Service Region”, if the proposal reaches consensus. This would result in a new policy section.]

5.6 Use of last /8 for PA Allocations

The following policies come into effect as soon as RIPE NCC is required to make allocations from the final /8 it receives from the IANA. From then on the distribution of IPv4 address space will only be done as follows:

    1. Allocations for LIRs from the last /8
      On application for IPv4 resources LIRs will receive IPv4 addresses according to the following:
      1. LIRs may only receive one allocation from this /8.  The size of the allocation made under this policy will be exactly one /22.
      2. LIRs receive only one /22, even if their needs justify a larger allocation.
      3. LIRs may apply for and receive this allocation once they meet the criteria to receive IPv4 address space according to the allocation policy in effect in the RIPE NCC service region at the time of application.
      4. Allocations will only be made to LIRs if they have already received an IPv6 allocation from an upstream LIR or the RIPE NCC.
    2. Unforeseen circumstances
      A /16 will be held in reserve for some future uses, as yet unforeseen. The Internet is a disruptive technology and we cannot predict what might happen.  Therefore it is prudent to keep a /16 in reserve, just in case some future requirement makes a demand of it. In the event that this /16 remains unused at the time the remaining /8 covered by this policy has been distributed, it returns to the pool to be distributed as per clause 1.
    1. Post-depletion Address Recycling
      This section only applies to address space that is returned to the RIPE NCC and that will not be returned to the IANA but re-issued by the RIPE NCC itself.
      1. Any address space that is returned to the RIPE NCC will be covered by the same rules as the address space intended in clause 1.
      2. Minimum allocation sizes for the relevant /8 blocks will be updated if necessary
  1. Insufficient address space In case an allocation of a single /22 as per clause 1 can no longer be made, multiple allocations up to an equivalent of a /22 in address space will be made to fulfill a request.


[Following text will replace section 5.6 in the RIPE Policy Document “IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policy for the RIPE NCC Service Region” , if the proposal reaches consensus. This would result in a new policy section. NOTE: added new paragraph 5.6.2 and renumbered subsequent paragraphs.]

5.6 Use of last /8

The following policies come into effect as soon as RIPE NCC is required to make allocations from the final /8 it receives from the IANA. From then on the distribution of IPv4 address space will only be done as follows:

    1. Allocations for LIRs from the last /8
      On application for IPv4 resources LIRs will receive IPv4 addresses according to the following:
      1. LIRs may only receive one allocation from this /8.  The size of the allocation made under this policy will be exactly one /22.
      2. LIRs receive only one /22, even if their needs justify a larger allocation.
      3. LIRs may apply for and receive this allocation once they meet the criteria to receive IPv4 address space according to the allocation policy in effect in the RIPE NCC service region at the time of application.
      4. Allocations will only be made to LIRs if they have already received an IPv6 allocation from an upstream LIR or the RIPE NCC.
    1. Assignments to End Users
      On application for IPv4 resources, End Users will receive IPv4 addresses according to the following:
      1. End Users may receive no more than /24 from the final /8, even if their needs justify a larger assignment.
      2. End Users may apply for and receive this assignment once they meet the criteria to receive IPv4 address space according to the assignment policy in effect in the RIPE NCC service region at the time of application.
      3. An assignment will only be made to an End User if they have already received an IPv6 assignment from an upstream LIR or the RIPE NCC.
    1. Unforeseen circumstances
      A /16 will be held in reserve for some future uses, as yet unforeseen. The Internet is a disruptive technology and we cannot predict what might happen.  Therefore it is prudent to keep a /16 in reserve, just in case some future requirement makes a demand of it. In the event that this /16 remains unused at the time the remaining /8 covered by this policy has been distributed, it returns to the pool to be distributed as per clause 1.
    1. Post-depletion Address Recycling
      This section only applies to address space that is returned to the RIPE NCC and that will not be returned to the IANA but re-issued by the RIPE NCC itself.
      1. Any address space that is returned to the RIPE NCC will be covered by the same rules as the address space intended in clause 1.
      2. Minimum allocation sizes for the relevant /8 blocks will be updated if necessary
  1. Insufficient address space
    In case an allocation of a single /22 as per clause 1 can no longer be made, multiple allocations up to an equivalent of a /22 in address space will be made to fulfill a request.


a. Arguments supporting the proposal

Provider independent assignments provide a critical networking resource to a large number of End Users in the RIPE NCC service region. It is difficult to justify excluding them from the last /8 on what is essentially an arbitrary basis.
A policy of excluding End Users from being able to receive provider independent assignments from the last /8 may attract unwelcome regulatory and/or legal attention for the RIPE NCC.

b. Arguments opposing the proposal

It is likely that PI assignments from the last /8 will cause the last /8 to be consumed faster than if PI assignments were prohibited.