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Allocating/Assigning Resources to the RIPE NCC

This policy proposal has been accepted

The new RIPE Document is: ripe-476

Publication date
Draft document
Allocating/Assigning Resources to the RIPE NCC
  • Remko van Mook
Proposal Version
1.0 - 23 Apr 2009
All Versions
14 Jul 2009
Working Group
Address Policy Working Group
Proposal type
  • New
Policy term
New RIPE Document

This proposal sets out how the RIPE NCC can allocate/assign resources to itself.

Summary of Proposal:

This proposal sets out how the RIPE NCC can allocate/assign resources to itself.

Policy Text:



This document describes how the RIPE NCC can allocate/assign resources to itself.

1.0 Introduction

The RIPE NCC is an independent association and serves as one of five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs). Its service region incorporates Europe, the Middle East, and Central Asia. The RIPE NCC is responsible for the allocation and assignment of Internet Protocol (IP) address space, Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) and the management of reverse domain names within this region.

1.1 Scope

This document describes the policy for allocating or assigning resources to the RIPE NCC. This policy applies to all resources, current and future, allocated to the RIPE NCC, its subsidiaries or affiliates. This document does not describe any specific resource or a policy restricted to a specific resource; it does however impact how the resource-specific policies should be interpreted when applied to the RIPE NCC as the entity requesting resources. This document does not describe or impact any policy where it is applied to regular LIRs.

2.0 RIPE NCC as a Resource Holder

Any resources allocated/assigned to the RIPE NCC will be registered in the RIPE Database. All policies set for allocating or assigning resources to LIRs apply equally to the RIPE NCC. The RIPE NCC as a resource holder should fulfil the same basic requirements also expected of normal LIRs, such as returning unused resources. As an exception from normal LIRs, RIPE NCC as a resource holder is exempted from signing any of the normal contracts required for number resource allocation/assignment.

While the RIPE NCC will still handle the most tasks involved with allocating/assigning resources itself, it will not approve the validity of its own requests.

3.0 Pool of Arbiters

Defined in the RIPE Document, RIPE NCC Conflict Arbitration Procedure, the pool of arbiters has been appointed by the RIPE NCC Executive Committee (and approved by the General Meeting). The arbiters' function is to mediate in any conflict between the RIPE NCC and one of its members. In addition to executing the RIPE NCC Conflict Arbitration Procedure, the pool of arbiters will also evaluate the validity of all requests for resources made by the RIPE NCC.

4.0 Evaluating a Request

When an assignment/allocation request is received, it is processed by the RIPE NCC IP Resource Analysts (IPRAs) who will give a formal written opinion on whether the request is consistent with current assignment/allocation guidelines. This opinion is evaluated by a majority of the pool of arbiters (of which there is an odd number), who are entitled to approve the request only if the IPRA team find that the request is consistent with current rules.

Both the IPRA recommendation and the reasoning of the pool of arbiters will be announced publicly. For the purpose of evaluating, the request will be treated as if it were filed by a regular LIR.

If the request is approved, the resources will then be allocated/assigned by the RIPE NCC to the RIPE NCC and registered in the RIPE Database.

5.0 Conflict Resolution

Should either or both the RIPE NCC IPRAs and the pool of arbiters reject a request, or if the request cannot be granted by applying the standard LIR policies, the RIPE NCC can file a request to the RIPE Plenary Meeting to have its case heard. It is then up to the RIPE Plenary to decide whether the request should be granted or not. At no point can the RIPE NCC allocate/assign resources to itself without prior consent of either the pool of arbiters or the RIPE Plenary.


All resource holders in the RIPE NCC service area are currently required to have a contractual relationship with the RIPE NCC, directly or indirectly. There is however one entity that cannot sign a contract with the RIPE NCC - the RIPE NCC itself. This policy cleans up the current variety in which the RIPE NCC has allocated/assigned resources to itself and sets a standard way for the RIPE NCC to get further resources allocated/assigned.

For all means and purposes, the RIPE NCC itself will be treated as an LIR and will follow the same policies as an LIR; however the role the RIPE NCC has in analysing and evaluating any request by an LIR is instead done by the pool of arbiters.

a. Arguments Supporting the Proposal

Currently, there is no standard way for the RIPE NCC to get resources allocated/assigned. This has so far led to an inconsistent picture between the various resource types; a lot of adhoc policies and exemptions. This needs to be cleaned up. One way to look at it is that every single resource allocated to the RIPE NCC is a conflict of interest between the RIPE NCC and ALL of its members.

Therefore, it makes sense that the same people who arbitrate conflicts between RIPE NCC and its members evaluate the requests for resources as filed by the RIPE NCC.

Another alternative for the evaluation body was the group of RIPE Working Group Chairs who form a highly policy-aware independent group. Following input from the community, the proposal now states the pool of arbiters will evaluate requests from the RIPE NCC.

b. Arguments Opposing the Proposal


Impact Analysis

Note: In order to provide additional information related to the proposal, details of an impact analysis carried out by the RIPE NCC are documented below. The projections presented in this analysis are based on existing data and should be viewed only as an indication of the possible impact that the policy may have if the proposal is accepted and implemented.

A. Impact of Policy on Registry and Addressing System

Address/Internet Number Resource Consumption:

After analyzing the data that is currently available, the RIPE NCC does not anticipate that any significant impact will be caused if this proposal is implemented.


After analyzing the data that is currently available, the RIPE NCC does not anticipate that any significant impact will be caused if this proposal is implemented.

B. Impact of Policy on RIPE NCC Operations/Services

After analyzing the data that is currently available, the RIPE NCC does not anticipate that any significant impact will be caused if this proposal is implemented.