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Archived Policy Proposals

The policy proposals on this page have been archived. You can see at a glance if they were accepted and adopted by the RIPE community or withdrawn at any stage.

Archived Date:
March 2015
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: This proposal clarified the language in the RIPE Document “IPv6 Addresses for Internet Root Servers In The RIPE Region”.

Archived Date:
March 2015
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: In order to receive an allocation from the final /8, LIRs were required to have received an IPv6 allocation. This proposal removed this requirement.

Archived Date:
November 2014
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: This proposal aims to clarify the language in the RIPE Document “IPv6 Address Space Policy For Internet Exchange Points”.

Reason for withdrawal: During the discussion phase there has been feedback according to which IPv6 assignments for IXPs should be able to be used also for other purposes than the peering LAN. For this reason the proposer believes the current term "should" reflects the RIPE community understanding of this policy, and decided withdraw this proposal.

Archived Date:
September 2014
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: This proposal allowed to transfer IPv4 Provider Independent (PI) assignments.

Archived Date:
July 2014
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: Abandonment of the Minimum (Sub-) Allocation Size concept in the "IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region" document, currently ripe-606.

Archived Date:
June 2014
Working Group:
Address Policy Working Group

Summary: This proposal aims to describe how transfers of IPv4 address space between LIRs within different RIR service regions will occur. It  also adapts local transfer policy to allow compatibility with inter-RIR transfers.

Reason for withdrawal: The proposer of 2012-02 proposed 2014-05, a new inter-RIR transfer policy. 2014-05 focuses on being aligned with internal resource transfers as well as being more cohesive with the policies of other RIRs. As a consequence, the proposer decided to withdraw 2012-02.

Archived Date:
February 2014
Working Group:
RIPE NCC Services Working Group

Summary: This proposal created a framework for the rigorous maintenance of registration data and the delivery of services to holders of legacy Internet resource in the RIPE NCC service region. The proposal also amended the policies described in the RIPE Document, "IPv4 Address Allocation and Assignment Policies for the RIPE NCC Service Region" where this was not consistent with the framework established by the proposal.

Archived Date:
January 2014
Working Group:
RIPE NCC Services Working Group

Summary: This proposal intends to allow the RIPE NCC to identify and make public the sponsoring organisation of each independent number resource.