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About the NRO NC

The Number Resource Organization (NRO) is a coordinating body for the five Regional Internet Registries to formalise their cooperative efforts. While the NRO is composed of staff members of the different RIRs, the NRO NC is made up of three community representatives from each RIR region. Of the three people from each region, two are selected by the RIR community and a third is appointed by the RIR's Executive Board.


Under the terms of the MoU signed between the ICANN and the RIRs in October 2004, the NRO Number Council (NRO NC) also performs the role of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC).

The ASO is one of ICANN’s three Supporting Organizations (SOs). It reviews and develops recommendations on Internet Protocol (IP) address policy and advises the ICANN Board on policy issues relating to the operation, assignment, and management of IP addresses.


The ASO AC’s responsibilities include:

  • Undertaking a role in the Global Policy Development Process (GPDP) and ensuring that policy has been followed.
  • Defining procedures for the selection of individuals to serve on other ICANN bodies, in particular on the ICANN Board.
  • Selecting individuals to serve on ICANN’s Board in Seats 9 and 10.
  • Providing advice to the ICANN Board on Internet number resource allocation policy in conjunction with the ASO/NRO.
  • Developing procedures for conducting business in support of their responsibilities, in particular for the appointment of an ASO AC Chair and definition of the Chair’s responsibilities.

ASO AC Teleconferences

The ASO AC meets on the first Wednesday of each month by teleconference. These meetings are open to observers.

- ASO AC Meeting Schedule

Remote participation information is published two weeks prior to each meeting. Please note that while observers are invited to listen, they are not able to directly participate in these meetings.

Current NRO NC Members

Each RIR community selects two people to serve on the NRO NC. Each RIR’s Executive Board also appoints one person from its respective region to serve. RIPE's representatives are listed below.

Name Term Start Term End Seat

Hervé Clément

January 2024

31 December 2026

Board Appointment

Sander Steffann

January 2022

May 2024*

(31 December 2024)


Constanze Bürger

January 2024**

31 December 2025


*Sander stepped down from the NRO NC in May 2024

**Continuing the three-year term started by James Kennedy in January 2023

View the full list of ASO AC / NRO NC Members

Functions and Expectations of NRO NC / ASO AC Members

General Expectations

Members serving on the NRO NC are expected to (among other things):

  • Actively participate in all ASO AC teleconferences (monthly) and in-person meetings (usually once per year, at one of the ICANN meetings)
  • Actively participate in all IANA RC teleconferences
  • Attend at least one ICANN meeting per year 
  • Attend (in-person or remotely) all RIPE meetings
  • Stay abreast with policy developments in the RIPE region 
  • Keep the RIPE community informed of any relevant NRO NC/ ASO / ICANN developments 

ICANN Board Seat 9 and 10 Selection

NRO NC members are expected to actively drive the selection process for Seat 9 and 10 of the ICANN Board. This includes:

  • Participating in the initial selection process
  • Participating in the interview process
  • Gathering information about candidates and presenting evaluations

Time Required

The ASO AC teleconference takes place monthly and lasts for one hour. Additionally, NRO NC members are expected to actively follow relevant policy developments in their region and globally. 

Further time commitments are connected to attendance of events and preparation for events and meetings, and as required for the ICANN Board Seat 9 and 10 selection process.

Remuneration and Reimbursement

No member of the NRO NC shall receive any compensation for their services as an NRO NC member. NRO NC members shall, however, at their request, be reimbursed for actual, necessary and reasonable travel and subsistence expenses incurred by them in the performance of their duties.

Further Information

If you have any questions about NRO NC elections, please contact nominations [at] ripe [dot] net