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The NRO exists to:

  • Protect the unallocated Number Resource pool,
  • Promote and protect the bottom up policy development process, and
  • Act as a focal point for Internet community input into the RIR system.

History of the NRO

On 24 October 2003, the four existing RIRs – APNIC, ARIN, LACNIC and the RIPE NCC – entered into a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with ICANN to form the NRO. Once AfriNIC was incorporated in April 2005 it signed the MoU and joined the NRO.

The NRO Number Council (NC)

Under the terms of the MoU signed between the ICANN and the RIRs in October 2004, the NRO Number Council (NRO NC) now performs the role of the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC). The NRO NC is made up of three community representatives from each RIR region.

NRO News

  • Community / Internet Governance / Internet Technical Community
    Expressions of Support

    NRO NC Nominations November 2022: Expressions of Support

    Page nro
  • Community / Internet Governance / Internet Technical Community
    Electronic Voting at the NRO NC Election 2016

    The election to the NRO NC seat will take place during the RIPE 73 Meeting to be held in Madrid, Spain from 24-28 October 2016. All members of the RIPE community who are checked in to attend the RIPE 73 Meeting may vote in the election. The election will be conducted electronically and each attendee will have one vote. The nominee with the most votes will be elected.

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  • Community / Internet Governance / Internet Technical Community
    Electronic Voting at the NRO NC Election 2018

    The election to fill one NRO NC seat will take place at the RIPE 77 Meeting in Amsterdam from 15-19 October 2018. All members of the RIPE community who are checked in to attend the RIPE 77 Meeting may vote in the election. The election will be conducted electronically and each attendee will have one vote. The nominee with the most votes will be elected.

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  • Community / Internet Governance / Internet Technical Community
    Electronic Voting at the NRO NC Election 2019

    The election to fill one NRO NC seat will take place at the RIPE 79 Meeting in Rotterdam from 14-18 October 2019. All members of the RIPE community who are checked in to attend the RIPE 79 Meeting may vote in the election. The election will be conducted electronically and each attendee will have one vote. The nominee with the most votes will be elected.

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  • Community / Internet Governance / Internet Technical Community
    NRO NC Nominations 2016

    There was a call for nominations from the RIPE NCC service region to fill one vacant seat on the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC). The three-year term of Filiz Yilmaz was to end on 31 December 2016. The election to fill this seat took place at the RIPE 73 Meeting in Madrid, Spain

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