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ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) was formed in 1998. It is a not-for-profit public-benefit corporation with participants from all over the world dedicated to keeping the Internet secure, stable and interoperable. It promotes competition and develops policy on the Internet's unique identifiers.

The RIPE NCC and the RIPE community work closely with ICANN in a number of areas:

  • ICANN is contracted by the U.S. government to carry out the IANA function, which includes allocating Internet number resources (IP addresses and AS Numbers) to the Regional Internet Registries from the pools of unallocated resources.
  • The NRO Number Council serves as the Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC), which has responsibility for nominating two ICANN Board members.

More information on the Regional Internet Registries (RIRs).


  • Publications / News
    RIPE NCC Re-affirms Commitment to Operate K-root Name Server

    The RIPE NCC has been providing DNS root name service at since 1997. As the global Internet community considers changes to the NTIA oversight of key DNS functions, the RIPE NCC wishes to assure the Internet community that our commitment to providing this service and to coordinating appropriately with ICANN and the other root server operators will not be affected by the outcome of these discussions.

    NewsItem dns k-root icann iana stewardship transition news
  • Publications / News
    ICANN 50: Talking IANA and Accountability

    More than 3,000 people gathered in London last week to participate in the largest ever ICANN meeting. Some of the key issues discussed included the evolution of IANA stewardship arrangements and ICANN's accountability to its many stakeholders.

    NewsItem iana icann internet governance iana stewardship transition news
  • Publications / News
    The RIPE Community and the Evolution of the IANA Functions

    On Friday 14 March, the United States Government announced that it intends to transition stewardship of key Internet functions (including the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, or IANA) to the global multi-stakeholder community. It has asked ICANN to facilitate, in consultation with the global multi-stakeholder community, the development of a proposal for the transition.

    NewsItem iana icann internet governance iana stewardship transition news
  • Publications / News
    Internet Governance and the RIPE NCC: the Year Ahead

    Internet governance is an important area of resource investment for the RIPE NCC. This article looks at some of the major Internet discussions taking place in 2013. Under an over-arching goal of ensuring the informed development of public policy relating to the Internet, the RIPE NCC has a number of areas of priority over the coming 12 months.

    NewsItem oecd igf itu icann news internet coordination internet governance
  • Publications / News
    IN-ADDR.ARPA Zone Transfer Complete

    The RIPE NCC, together with the other four RIRs and ICANN, completed the transition of the technical management function for the zone from ARIN to ICANN.

    NewsItem dnssec icann arin news announcement