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Internet Governance News

  • Publications / News
    WSIS Reinforces the Regional Internet Registries

    18 November 2005 - In a press conference today at the WSIS in Tunis, the Number Resource Organization(NRO) released a statement regarding the Tunis Commitment found at:|0 The Number Resource Organization (NRO) is satisfied with the resu

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  • Publications / News
    Latest RIS Remote Route Collectors Online at PAIX, Palo Alto, California and MSK-IX, Moscow, Russia

    27 June 2005 - We are pleased to announce that we have relocated the Routing Information Service (RIS) Project's second North American Remote Route Collector at PAIX, Palo Alto in California. We are now ready to peer with PAIX members. We would like to thank Paul Vixie and

    NewsItem news ris internet governance announcement
  • Publications / News
    Possible Responses to the ITU-T Proposal Regarding IPv6 Address Distribution

    April 2005, Geoff Huston - APNIC Introduction The purpose of this document is to examine the ITU-T's proposal for introducing competition into the allocation of IP addresses through the proposed establishment of national IPv6 address registries. This document will examine some of the assumptions abo

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  • Publications / News
    Comments to WGIG on Draft Working Paper on IP Numbers

    Number Resource Organization Comments We appreciate the efforts that have been put into the production of this draft document. It is reassuring to see the draft documents are improving in quality and in accuracy, and we commend the authors for their continued efforts. Whil

    NewsItem ipv4 united nations ipv6 wsis internet governance news
  • Publications / News
    ETNO Publishes Common Position on Future of IPv6 Management

    The European Telecommunications Network Operators' Association (ETNO) has published its common position on the future of IPv6 management.

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  • Publications / News
    Inter-Domain Routing Workshop RIPE NCC, Amsterdam (1 - 2 May 2004)

    4 May 2004 - The Inter-Domain Routing Workshop took place at the RIPE NCC in Amsterdam 1 - 2 May 2004, the weekend before RIPE 48, also held in Amsterdam. The goal of the workshop was to bring together a focused group of operators, vendors, and researchers to discuss impor

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  • Publications / News
    Real Progress for DNS Security

    Internet Systems Consortium, NLnet Labs and RIPE NCC begin interoperability work

    NewsItem ietf dnssec internet governance news announcement
  • Publications / News
    ISC Announces Start of OARC Operations

    RIPE NCC working with ISC to protect the Internet's global Domain Name System (DNS)

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