Gain a deeper understanding of the Internet from multiple data sources, all in one place.
What is RIPEstat?
RIPEstat is an information service for Internet-related data and analytics. It provides insights and visualisations on IP address space and Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) from over 35 datasets.
RIPEstat is available through a User Interface (UI), widgets that could be used for visualisations, and a API.

Using RIPEstat
RIPEstat has numerous possible applications and use cases. Below are a few examples:
Registration Check
Use RIPEstat to verify information related to resource registries, including lookups for WHOIS, IANA, resource transfers, and more.
Explore RIPEstatCountry Routing
Investigate the number of registered and routed resources in a country at any given time and track changes in Internet connectivity. You can use this to monitor changes and disruptions as reported in the past.
Explore RIPEstatWe are making improvements to RIPEstat, starting with a new user interface (UI) and reworking our foundation to provide better stability and a path forward for new functionality.