Public Policy and Internet Governance

Hisham Ibrahim
Chief Community Officer
Hisham is responsible for managing and leading the External Engagement and Community budget and activities.
External Engagement and Community consists of:
- Community building and membership engagement
- Learning and development
- External coordination and collaboration

Romain Bosc
Senior Public Policy and Governance Advisor
Romain Bosc is a Senior Officer in the RIPE NCC's Public Policy & Internet Governance team.

Maxim Burtikov
External Relations Officer (Eastern Europe and Central Asia)
Maxim Burtikov is External Relations Officer (Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia) at the RIPE NCC.

Alena Muravska
Programme Manager
Alena is responsible for:
- C&E project management and reporting system
- C&E metrics and OKRs
- Staff engagements on C&E related topics
- Support of the PPIG and Research teams