Press Releases
About / NewsAS Number Change Could Affect Internet Routing from 1 January 2009
Manufacturers urged to upgrade routers and network management software to support the use of four-byte Autonomous System numbers by 1 January 2009.
NewsItem • as numbers press release news -
About / NewsRegional Internet Registries to Appeal for IPv6 Investment at OECD Conference on “The Future of the Internet Economy”
The longer investment is deferred, the greater the risk of Internet growth slowing down and additional costs being incurred Danger of arrested development: The cost of migrating the Internet infrastructure to IPv6 will be significant, but the cost of not making this investment will end up being far higher.
NewsItem • oecd ipv6 itac press release internet governance nro news -
About / NewsThe IPV6 Challenge: RIPE NCC Warns of Arrested Development of the Internet
With almost 85% of IPV4 addresses already allocated or reserved, RIPE NCC, the network co-ordination centre for Europe, Middle East and parts of Central Asia, warns that IPv6 uptake is a must if we are to avoid 'arrested development' of Internet growth and innovation.
NewsItem • ipv4 depletion ipv6 news press release -
About / NewsBahrain Meeting Will Bring Together Internet Experts to Discuss Regional Issues
Experts from industry, government and regulators will discuss effective management of IP address space, networking and building cooperation across the Middle East
NewsItem • regional meeting news press release internet governance -
Events / RIPE MeetingsRIPE 23
Minutes from RIPE 23.
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