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RIPE Atlas Anchor Upgrade

ripe atlas news analyse

We’re currently working on upgrading the RIPE Atlas anchors to a newer operating system based on Oracle Linux 9, built for the x86_64-v2 microarchitecture. As of 31 August, all anchors that are online and meet the criteria for an upgrade, have been upgraded i.e. 478 anchors.

However, we have been unable to upgrade v2 anchors using Soekris hardware as it does not support the new microarchitecture. Further, we will only be able to upgrade virtual machine anchors using the same CPU once their hosts update their configuration to match the current anchor requirements. Finally, anchors that have been offline for at least the duration of the upgrade window cannot be upgraded. These anchors will eventually be decommissioned if the hosts remain unresponsive.

We ask all anchor hosts using outdated hardware or virtual machines to upgrade their configurations and to contact us for any further assistance.