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RIPE 89: Second Call for Presentations

ripe meeting news ripe community update

The RIPE Programme Committee (PC) is now opening the second call for presentations seeking for content proposals from the RIPE community for the plenary sessions, lightning talks and BoFs.

RIPE 89 is going to be a hybrid meeting so both in-person and virtual presentations would be accepted and encouraged.

The deadline to submit a presentation proposal is 17 September 2024.

Proposals submitted after this date will only be considered if there are still time slots available.

Lightning talk proposals can be submitted until 18 October 2024.

Proposals submitted after this date will only be considered if there are still time slots available. Already submitted presentations which have not received an acceptance or rejection notification yet are still under consideration.

Read more about the CfP and submit your presentation proposal at:

More about RIPE 89 meeting: