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Minutes of the 177th Executive Board Meeting Published

ripe ncc news executive board minutes

The RIPE NCC Executive Board held its 177th meeting from 18 - 20 September 2024. The minutes are now available.

Minutes of the 177th Meeting

The Executive Board publishes the minutes of its meetings so that the workings of the Board and the decisions it makes are transparent to the membership it represents.

Main Items

The following is a summary of the main items from the meeting.

  • Managing Director, Hans Petter Holen, presented the Draft Activity Plan and Budget for 2025, outlining costs, key strategic areas and a request for additional budget in Information Security and Technology as an investment in the organisation's future stability.
  • Each main section of the Draft Activity Plan and Budget (Registry, Information Services, Community and Engagement, and Organisational Sustainability) was presented by the relevant owner who shared the current status, risks and plans for 2025. Chief Information Security Officer Eleonora Petridou also presented the Information Security, Risk & Compliance section.
  • Chief Community Officer, Hisham Ibrahim, provided a Q3 2024 update on Community and Engagement, including a successful summer school campaign, community engagement efforts, translated YouTube training materials, along with a joint RIPE-RIPE NCC presentation to encourage participation.
  • Chief Technology Officer, Felipe Victolla Silveira, provided a status update where he covered the modernisation of RIPE Atlas infrastructure and the reduction of data centre costs and issues that have been experienced related to that.
  • Chief Financial Officer, Simon-Jan Haytink, provided a financial status update and presented budget proposals for 2025.
  • Chief Legal Officer, Athina Fragkouli, gave a presentation on the work to update “Criteria for Establishment of New Regional Internet Registries” (ICP-2). She outlined the plan and said that the ASO AC (NRO NC) is carrying out work to review the ICP-2 document.
  • Athina also presented the amendments made to the closure procedure and the legacy services legal framework, as well as amendments to the transfer procedure and revised transfer requirements for Ukraine.
  • RIPE Chair Mirjam Kühne provided an update on RIPE community developments, including planning for RIPE 89. She gave an update on RIPE Working Groups, strengthening relationships with LEAs and Europol, and RIPE outreach activities.
  • Jan Žorž was appointed by the Executive Board Chair to lead the RIPE Nominations Committee as it worked to appoint the next RIPE Chair. The Board fully supported this appointment and expressed its good wishes to Jan.

Further details are available in the minutes.