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Member Update: September 2024

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1. Registry

LIR Stats

Number of LIRs: 21,325 (+19)

Number of members: 20,131 (+28)

LIRs with IPv6: 15,783 (-1)

IPv4 addresses transferred in August: 1,658,624 (+434,944)

LIRs on IPv4 Waiting List: 1,006

Days that first LIR in queue has been waiting: 532

% of IPv4 address space covered by ROAs: 69%

% of IPv6 address space covered by ROAs: 39%

ARCs completed in August: 202

Review Independent Resources and ASNs in Your LIR Account

The RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2025 introduces changes to fees for independent resources held or sponsored by members. In addition to the service fee covering all IPv4 and IPv6 allocations, there will be a EUR 25 increase to EUR 75 for Internet number resource assignments, such as IPv4 and IPv6 Provider Independent (PI) assignments, and a new annual fee of EUR 50 for each Autonomous System (AS) number.

To ensure you will not be charged for resources that you or your end users no longer need, or for resources where the contractual relationship with your customers has changed or ceased, we invite you to review all independent resources currently registered to or sponsored through your LIR account. If you identify any resources that need updating, please submit an update request through the LIR Portal as soon as possible. Members’ independent resources and ASNs will be determined based on data gathered on 31 December 2024.

Billing and Invoicing

Invoices will be sent in the first quarter of 2025. Ahead of the invoicing process, please check your contact information for billing in the LIR Portal and update it if needed.

New LIR Fundamentals Course

We have launched a new LIR Fundamentals course in the RIPE NCC Academy. This course covers practical advice on managing resources and operating an LIR, what a Regional Internet Registry (RIR) such as the RIPE NCC does, how to participate in shaping the Internet through policy development, and much more.

2. Information Services

Reduced Historical RIPEstat Data Availability

We have been working to reduce our data centre footprint by managing the data for RIS and RIPEstat more efficiently. We have experienced some problems in this process, which mean that parts of the historical RIPEstat data will not be available for an extended period following the data migration to a new environment. We will be looking at the most efficient way to rebuild access to this historical data in the coming months. In the meantime, we have postponed the migration of our largest datasets by one month to prevent serious disruptions to RIPEstat. We will soon publish a RIPE Labs article with more information.

Recent RIPE Atlas Connection Problems

We have been experiencing some technical issues with RIPE Atlas over the past few weeks. This is due to unforeseen bugs in the process of migrating our infrastructure from our on-premises and co-located data centres to a cloud-based solution. The RIPE Atlas team has been working to fix these issues and are nearly done with the migration, so we expect to resolve the situation soon.

RIPE Atlas Anchor Upgrade

We’re currently working on upgrading RIPE Atlas anchors to a newer operating system. However, we have been unable to upgrade certain anchors. We ask all anchor hosts using outdated hardware or virtual machines to upgrade their configurations and to contact us for any further assistance.

How We Distribute RIPE Atlas Probes

On RIPE Labs, the RIPE NCC’s Ulka Athale and colleagues explain our hardware probe distribution strategy to improve RIPE Atlas’s global coverage.

Developing the DNS Under Pressure

The latest episode of the RIPE Labs Podcast features Mikhail Anisimov from ICANN talking about the coordinated effort involved in meeting new challenges for DNS and the state of DNS in Central Asia.

New RPKI Dashboard Coming Soon

The new RPKI Dashboard is now in its beta testing phase and will be available soon. We are aiming to make it available to all users two weeks before the RIPE Meeting on Monday, 14 October, depending on whether we find unexpected blocking issues during our testing.

3. Community and Engagement


RIPE 89 takes place from 28 October to 1 November in Prague, Czechia. Registration is open. You may also submit proposals for lightning talks at RIPE 89 until 18 October.

Internet Measurement Day Bucharest

The RIPE NCC and ICANN invite you to attend the Internet Measurement Day (IMD), which will be held in Bucharest, Romania on 1 October 2024. Registration is open.

Securing Internet Infrastructure in Central Asia

The third Central Asia Peering and Interconnection Forum (CAPIF 3) took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan from 24-25 September. Alongside the meeting, the RIPE NCC’s Anastasiya Pak and colleagues examined the adoption of Internet technologies in the region on RIPE Labs.

CAPIF 3 saw 208 attendees from 18 countries. Video recordings of the presentations from the meeting in English, Russian and Farsi will be made available on the RIPE NCC YouTube channel in the coming weeks.

The RIPE Chair Team Reports: September 2024

The RIPE Chair Team’s latest report is out, featuring updates on renewed community engagement with law enforcement agencies, conversations about the foundations of the RIR system, and industry events such as the ICP-2 panel session at APNIC 58.

Policy Proposal 2024-01 "Revised IPv6 PI Assignment Policy"

The discussion period for RIPE Policy Proposal 2024-01, "Revised IPv6 PI Assignment Policy," has been extended. This proposal aims to define End Sites and requirements for “IPv6 PI Assignments” and “Assignments from IPv6 Allocations”, clarifies permitted use cases and introduces IPv6 PI issuance at the Nibble boundary and new principles for aggregation and registration. You can review this proposal and send your comments to [email protected] by 22 November 2024.

NRO NC: Call for Nominations 2024

The call for nominations to fill one seat on the Number Resource Organization Number Council (NRO NC) is open until 30 September 2024. An election will be held during RIPE 89 to fill this seat for a three-year term starting in January 2025 and ending in December 2027.

ASO AC: Call for Nominations for ICANN Board of Directors

The Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC) has issued a call for nominations to fill Seat 10 on the ICANN Board of Directors. Nominations can be submitted until 16 December 2024 at 23:59 UTC.

Appointment of Chair of RIPE Nominating Committee 2025

Jan Žorž has been appointed as the Chair of the RIPE Nominating Committee 2025 by the RIPE NCC Executive Board. The RIPE Nominating Committee 2025 will be responsible for the process of selecting the RIPE Chair and Vice Chair, as the five-year terms held by Mirjam Kühne and Niall O'Reilly will come to an end by RIPE 91, taking place in Autumn 2025.

RIPE NCC Training

In October, we have planned:

Tues 1 Oct 2024 RIPE Policy Development Process Webinar

Thurs 3 Oct 2024 IPv6 Fundamentals Training Course (Bucharest)

Fri 4 Oct 2024 RIPE Database Training Course (Bucharest)

Tues 8 Oct 2024 Webinar for New LIRs

9-10 Oct 2024 Advanced IPv6 Training Course (Riga)

Fri 11 Oct 2024 IPv6 Security Training Course (Riga)

Wed 16 Oct 2024 Internet Routing Registry Webinar

Thurs 17 Oct 2024 IPv6 in the RIPE Database Webinar

Tues 22 Oct 2024 Introduction to RPKI Webinar

23-24 Oct 2024 Advanced IPv6 Training Course (Brussels)

Wed 23 Oct 2024 Internet Governance Webinar

RIPE NCC Open Houses

In October, we will host two Open Houses:

Wed 2 Oct 2024 Green Tech and Sustainability in Internet Technologies

Wed 9 Oct 2024 Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2025

4. Organisational Update

RIPE NCC Charging Scheme 2025 Published

At the May 2024 General Meeting, the membership voted in favour of a new Charging Scheme for 2025. This document is now available.

This new Charging Scheme includes a 16.13% price increase for the annual contribution per LIR account (EUR 1,800), a 50% price increase for Independent Internet number resource assignments (EUR 75) and a new AS Numbers fee of EUR 50 per assignment. These increases are in response to continued economic uncertainty, inflation and the reduction in the number of LIR accounts.

RIPE NCC Charging Scheme Task Force 2024

In August 2024, the Executive Board formed a task force to define the principles of a future Charging Scheme and to propose an improved process for the annual Charging Scheme discussions and adoption. Minutes from the task force meetings are sent to the Members Discuss mailing list, and all information about the task force and its work is available on our consultation pages.

Autumn General Meeting 2024 Registration Open

Members can now register to attend and vote at the RIPE NCC General Meeting taking place over 30 October - 1 November 2024 in Prague, Czechia and online. Please make sure you register by Wednesday, 30 October 2024 at 14:00 (UTC+1), otherwise you will not be able to attend and vote at the meeting. Find information about eligibility, how to register, attend and vote on the General Meeting pages.

Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2025 Open House

In October, we will publish the Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2025 ahead of the Autumn General Meeting. This important document outlines our proposed activities for the coming year and explains how we plan to fund them.

We are hosting an Open House for RIPE NCC members and the RIPE community to discuss the Draft Activity Plan and Budget 2025. In the session, you can ask questions and discuss the draft with the RIPE NCC Executive Board, Managing Director Hans Petter Holen and RIPE NCC management. Registration is open for the Open House, which will be on 9 October from 11:00-12:30 (UTC+2).